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Everything posted by Leonhart29

  1. I'm here with my scratching post. Trae?
  2. Gil Gerard
  3. I have played VII - X2 and XII. I have never played Devil May Cry 2
  4. Sam Shepherd
  5. I have - and I could go for one right now I have never played FF IX all the way through
  6. Meow - erm... yeah - Trae?
  7. For a little bit longer and then I turn into a horny little pussy cat. Trae?
  8. ^ Is looking for something interesting to look at < Is thinking that < is enough of an oddity for anyone V Is wondering what is so odd about <
  9. ^ is thinking < isn't up to the task
  10. News
  11. ^ only has to open ^'s eyes to find said oddities < is wraking <'s brain to find more oddities to make ^ happy V Is already happy
  12. Fun
  13. 7015
  14. In the pink so to speak Trae?
  15. ^ Is asking for it big time.
  16. ^ Can't get enough of the oddities of life < Thinks that ^ could do with a bit more oddities V Has enough oddities thank you very much
  17. ^ Likes to shame those who would tease ^
  18. 7013
  19. Squash
  20. ^ Is odd but good all the same. < Is very odd and enjoys it. V Listens to the odd more than the normal
  21. ^ Is mistaken - < only implied that ^ likes to be teased
  22. 7011
  23. Splat
  24. ^ Has good insight < Can handle the mole hills better than the mountains V Has some wisdom to give
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