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Everything posted by Leonhart29

  1. Yes they do - along with small animals and evil night crawling creatures. Is it unfair to group them together?
  2. Puns
  3. Sharing my feeling of drowning with someone who understands how good it is (thanks Daz )
  4. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am telling Daz you have a good 10 or 11 years - hopefully.
  5. Yodel
  6. I would rather be cold (I can always get warm enough but never cool enough) I have never been to Australia
  7. No freakin' way! Take My Breath Away - Berlin (you got me going ... good for you)
  8. Um no... just an un-capitalized post Daz?
  9. Matt LeBlanc
  10. I believe you're right. Would they allow us to lead them into the light?
  11. Psalms
  12. Being in love so deeply I can't see the surface anymore.
  13. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am missing the ability to cuddle my girls (at almost 11 & 12 they won't stand for it)
  14. Oralie
  15. I haven't either - thank goodness I have never liked the heat
  16. I'm here and a bit at how to take a few posts I've seen. Daz?
  17. Paul McCartney
  18. Leonhart29

    Answers First

    Who would like this last lobster tail, and could I get a snuggle out of the deal? That's a mighty high price to pay.
  19. We could try - but would they listen?
  20. Just browsing around for a while. Daz?
  21. Leonhart29

    Original Worlds

    The world in my original fic came fully formed from a dream. As a matter of fact the whole story came from a dream. It's the only story I've ever written that I know what everything looks like, what my characters look and sound like, and where everyone is going. I usually start out small (a room or place or just the inside of a character's head) and go from there, building on it little by little until I can see the entire world in a universe full of new and interesting stars.
  22. I can understand (a little) why LJ did what they did. Can you imagine the hours it would take to visit each journal to see if they were supporting pedophilia? I personally think they should have taken the time. The damage they did to the journals that help and the people who used it as a sort of therapy is horrible. I also see a few law suits in the future - it is the American Dream after all - become wealthy through a law suit. I'm being a bit sarcastic - but I still see it happening.
  23. Leonhart29

    Answers First

    What do you think about the size of my inflated ego? 3 inches if it's anything.
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