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Everything posted by Leonhart29

  1. Pegging
  2. Broomstick (I'm glad you approved )
  3. ^ Is in the same sticky situation as < < Will share any solutions that come up with ^ V Will try to plug along anyway.
  4. Then won't you have one hell of a funeral?
  5. Bob Barker
  6. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am thinking I need to get off the forum so I can get some writing done. I am searching for my gunblade and a few Flare spells to force my muses to work for me and not against me. I am thinking it won't help...
  7. When they were little I wasn't able to either. I have never liked blowing up an inflatable pool
  8. Definitely Daz?
  9. Pang
  10. Mile-high-club (perfect! )
  11. ^ is having problems < is acquainted with < Can't get Squall and Vincent to do what she wants when she wants it. V Might have a solution.
  12. Couldn't you leave it to your kids?
  13. Serious Black
  14. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am thinking holding his potion ingredients for hostage might work.
  15. I have - but they were grown and deserved it... oh wait did you mean a little one? Then I haven't either. I have never liked a whiny kid (like my oldest daughter just now when I told her she couldn't have any cake until after dinner)
  16. I'm in good company then. Daz?
  17. Pissing
  18. Sex!!!!! (what else would I say?)
  19. ^ Has a messy chore ahead of them. < Is very thankful that filled pants are no longer on my chore list. V Is trying to get a few muses to play nice
  20. To sell it on the black market?
  21. Severus Snape
  22. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am lending Daz my bull whip to keep Snape in line. I am thinking he might like that too much though. I am saying thanks for the - it helps.
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