she would meet you at the door in her house coat and curlers, bitch at you for being 5 minutes late and tell you if you wanted to eat you could bloody well make it yourself.
Although the women on the forum would more likely_________
Not Guilty - I originally thought I was until I made a list and realized I could name them all with little effort.
G/NG - has had sex with more people than you can count on two hands
I am currently in the grading stage of the whole thing... and I'm on pins and needles. I've read (and listened) to these books so many times it should be a sin. BTW - has anyone taken the time to listen to the unabridged versions that are out there? They're wonderful and the way they're read brings every character to life.
As I handle deadlines every day of my professional carrier it's not that big of a stretch for me to put a deadline on my stories. If I had done that with a few of the ones I'm currently embroiled in they might just be finished by now. Which gives me an idea about how I can get a few one shots and the last chappie of my long running story out.
Thanks for the idea Madlodger!
I am welcoming JaysMcNasty back into the fold.
I am feeling like a weight is now off of my shoulder as I have now spoken or heard from all of my MIA's.
I am amazed at how quickly my mood changed from worry to elation just with a peek into my inbox.
I am thinking I won't get much sleep (again).
I am wondering if there are membership cards to the Sleep Deprivation Society?
I am hot as it's still over 90 degrees F outside.
I am back from my half way trip to the ranch.
I am saying I was sent out there because my brother didn't answer the phone.
I am also saying that the jerk was out fishing and had his phone on vibrate in the car.