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Everything posted by Leonhart29

  1. Well - I got an acceptable... Way better than a Troll and I'm pretty proud of that.
  2. Leonhart29

    Title Share

    Song of Life (song - Leftfield - Tomb Raider soundtrack)
  3. (crap! I messed up another game.... 10,000 lashes with a wet noodle coming right up) Timid
  4. Little ol' mixed up me! Trae?
  5. Charles Xavier
  6. Guilty - you see there was this beam up in the hay loft and I dared her to go out on it... G/NG has caused bodily harm to a sibling
  7. Hello - Evanescence
  8. I have been a short order cook but that doesn't count. I have never written a recipe book
  9. Only if you're not hungry. When's a good time to stop eating?
  10. ancient
  11. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am happy that Trae is eating something "healthy".
  12. I'm a proponent of do as you will but harm none. If marrying several people doesn't hurt anyone then why not let them do it? The problem is that human nature doesn't exactly work that way. Someone will always try to get something out of it for themselves. They will eventually think "Right - now I have this harem of wives (or husbands) to do what I want them to do - so... I have slaves." Or you have the flip side. "I was the first wife (husband) so I'm Queen Bee - do my bidding." Human nature rears it's ugly head once more. It's rare to find a marriage between a man and a woman (or two men or two women) that doesn't have the dominant one. The boss if you will. Very rarely is it ever a partnership, which is what marriage should be, all things equal. Equal say in what happens, equal rights and equal time. How can a polygamous relationship do that? But then again - if you get people together that do genuinely care about one another, love one another and accept each other for who they are - numbers are unimportant.
  13. Leonhart29

    Title Share

    My So Called Life - TV show
  14. Gravy
  15. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am about to go write in my journal. I am stating that I haven't felt the need to do that in over 3 months. I am wondering if I should just write the original story I've been batting around. I am saying that the only reason I haven't written it is because it could prove painful to not only me but a few that read it. I am thinking it will be more therapy than anything.
  16. Leonhart29

    Answers First

    What do you think of my new sparkle finish bass boat, fishing lures and beer can? Perverted - truly perverted.
  17. Wowsers
  18. I don't think so... as a matter of fact - I don't think I want to know either. Daz?
  19. I am no longer allowed to let threads in the forum dredge up old painful memories requiring a good long talk with someone and then not having anyone to talk to.
  20. Guilty - I refuse to clean out my kids closet - you never know what's going to bite you in there. G/NG believed in the closet monster when you were little
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