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Everything posted by TerraBreaker

  1. Bah, I'll stick with my FFXII regular version thanks, when a decent FF game finally emerges from the corpse I might deign to buy a collectors edition. Anyways, I completed the game last week, (waiting for my copy of Ar Tonelico to arrive in the UK) definitely a step forward from more recent iterations, but I really don't want to be forced to sit there levelling up in order to pass the next area/mark. Too much like an MMORPG imo, but I am pleased that SE tried something new(ish) and has partially redeemed the series in my eyes - as such I will be getting the next game in the series. Ultimately it just felt like you were a cog in a larger world, and it wasn't executed as well as it could have been, compared to other RPG's I've played of late the character development was sorely lacking, and some scenes in the game just did not flow properly at all. It makes me think it was deliberate so that things could (potentially) be better developed in FFXII-Revenant Wings. The lack of any kind of romance, or even potential connection between characters was I have to say, disappointing - Vaan & Penelo had absolutely no appeal to me and were quite literally two kids along for the ride. Hell there weren't even any in-party traitors! People have complained about who the last boss actually turned out to be, but I was pleasantly surprised with it, rather than an unrelated and irrelevant entity being the last boss, ala Necron (I am here to return everything to nothingness, or some other crap) from FF9.
  2. I won't be lining SE's pockets by purchasing this... again. I played the rom version ages ago, it was great, and is one of my favourite FF's. I bought the PS1 version, the added bonuses of non-integrated FMV's and the ever handy load sequences did not amuse. No! I must not be tempted by potential hidden tentacle rape scenes! As the saying goes if its not broke, don't fix it, SE would do better to concentrate on some new titles rather the rereleasing old ones, I mean all the FF's will undoubtedly make an appearance on the Wii virtual console at some point in the future. It's just like with FFT:The Lion War being "remade"/ported to the PSP with additonal scenes (looks like they will replace the original sprite based scenes ala Valkyrie Profile:Lenneth) - It's pleasing in one way, but I'd still rather scene a new and original Tactics game, its almost like they're scared to try anything new.
  3. Ack, I can't abide mainstream music, without exception I never listen to the stuff, which makes me unique amongst my friends. I don't know, its almost as if the the lyrics ruin the music, I mean the track on the radio would start up and I'm thinking, "this is alright, i guess" and then some moron has to start singing and ruins it for me, oh well! Video game soundtracks all the way for me, its the only type of music I can connect with and appreciate on any level - and yes, I get lots of funny looks and comments of "how can you not like music?" on a daily basis.
  4. I'd rate it highly; it certainly brightened my mood after a very bad day at work, lol. Since you gave me the title, it would be "by you," i.e: Title(d) By: Keith A ruse, by me? Surely not! No, seriously I just thought it'd be interesting and may possibly add another aspect to forum life. Sounds good to me!
  5. As the topic states, considering the apparent popularity of the custom title items, as well as the new deluxe magic marker why not allow people to see who came up with some of the brilliant one liners?
  6. Transformers porn, eh? Interesting... in a strange sort of way. Anything goes I guess.
  7. Agreed, for me the scene is far more believable and exciting if the characters remain as in character as possible and also interact with each of verbally - depending on the source material there is scope for endless possibilities, though I mainly using talking for the humour value. My fave part overall though is still the buildup, setting the scene and tone, and getting the characters ready to come together in whatever union I have in mind at that time. The foreplay & teasing is great too, particularly if its linked with particular fetishes. Alas, when it gets to the actually penetration scene my interest begins to wane. EDIT: Well done to whoever spotted my *cough*deliberate mistake*cough* in the above post and "titled" it! Just keeping you on your toes!
  8. Whatever the situation calls for, long or short. I personally prefer long (I just hate the number of "single page" one shot lemons on AFF that are over before I'm even vaguely excited ) As a writer I think you naturally develop a feel for how long you feel a given scene should be.
  9. Bah, still not got round to finishing this, Tales of the Abyss (amazing game, btw) ate most of my holiday, and I'm too busy with Growlanser Gens to bother with this at the moment. As others have stated, the license board is far from expansive, and the game has done little to grab my attention. Maybe I'll go back to it early Feb.
  10. TerraBreaker

    My Brain Hurts!

    Hell it'd be nice if we got to play as a female main character for a change, but I'm sure SE will cock it up somehow. The pretty FMV's mean nothing if you can't relate to the characters. Ideally i'd like to play a dark, gritty game that actually dealt with non-standard RPG issues, and keep it small scale rather than this save the world nonsense. That is what I remeber hearing, I'm looking forward to the day when I get to play as the main character in an rpg who is over 20 and has a mental age above 12.
  11. Ack, there was a time when I could recite the entire script opf FF7 in its entirety (yes, they were sad sad days ) Unfortunately that time has long since passed Don't remember him ever saying it though.
  12. I can agree with this, I'm the kind of person that likes to do every possible sidequest asap, but at this moment in my life the amount of leveling up needed to take down certain marks has passed the point of tedium. Kudos to Squenix for trying something new with the battle system but I don't want to feel like I'm playing an MMORPG. I've got up to the part where you're supposed to get a sword from some temple and I've stopped playing for the moment - seriously I can only play this game in short bursts. I don't know what it is but "sleepy towns floating in the clouds" along with sleepy music coincidentally put me to sleep - not the best way to keep my attention, so many npc's to talk to... ZZZZzzzzzzzzzz... I'm just sick of playing as Vaan for the past few FF games - annoying skinny little orphan who would be shattered to splinters the second any blunt instrument so much as touched him, and the "personality" - been there, done that. lol, you got that right *thinks back to Squall's infinate renzokuken's on FF8 - lifesaver!*
  13. PSP of course Aye, Disgaea 2 is a great game, the characters weren't as memorable as D1's but you were never going to beat that trio. I'll be finishing up my Adell & Rozy fanfic this weekend though back to FFXII and back on topic - I wish Vaan would get some meat on his bones, I'm sick of seeing his damn ribs everytime I turn the camera, lol.
  14. I'd be amazed if anyone who worked on the original FFT was involved in the travesty that was FFTA. Translation aside, no tactical game has come close to rivalling either FFT or Tactics Ogre:LUCT. Truly a sad state of affairs. I'm really surprised that FFt hasn't been ported the the PSP, home of PS1 ports though - I would have thought square would have already have milked that what with Disgaea going portable soon.
  15. lol, the reason I never judge a game till I've finished it. @Hiei - well after that mini-essay I 'm almost inspired - almost. I've started the game a little bit this week (wanted to clear it before my 3 week holiday, aka attack on the backlog) and have fallen asleep playing it more than once
  16. I was ready to disregard this along with all the other FF things that are coming out, but upon learning this was an actually remake rather than another port I have been convinced into buying it. Currently waiting for my import copy to arrive, and I'm looking forward to playing another difficult FF game at last.
  17. Sounds like this game may actually have some shred of difficulty unlike the last few outings, which can only be a good thing. Just so long as he isn't a judge again - FFTA *shudder*
  18. Gonna have to be a "no" for me. I admit Advent Children had its moments- certainly very nice to watch ad the though of playing games in those kind of graphics in a few years time is more than just exciting but I wouldn't want to see a remake of FF7 at this time - the way Square's games have been going lately doesn't fill me with confidence. I'm pretty sure it will happen soon enough due to the current trend though, but I don't want another disappointment ala Wild ARMS:ACF. In a remake I'd want improved graphics, a FLAWLESS translation (its like a second chance) and the original story/concepts to be "built upon" - not completely redone, and this still has to be done without completely screwing everything up - which is difficult to do. I'd also only be happy to see it at the end of a next gen consoles lifespan - when the developers have got to grips with the new technology.
  19. It's one of the few FF's I've started and not completed - got up to the fight with Exdeath with the bearded guy on my translated rom - forgot his name and couldn't be bothered lvling up any more to defeat him. I've also got the PSX version (couldn't deal with the "added bonus" of loading times - I'll go back and finish it one day though. I like challenging bosses and all (the Sol Cannon) but at the time I had much more important things to concentrate on - exams and such. Don't remind me about FF4 - Evil Wall - the horror!
  20. The game was shipped out to me yesterday and is currently winging its way past SCEE's stance on importing and (hopefully) arriving in my UK based hands later this week - this import gamer is in no rush to play it - but I'd still rather have it now than wait until "early 2007" for the UK release. I'd decided a long time ago that FFXII will be my last purchase of the series if Squarenix has continued down the wrong path so to speak. I'm really hoping for a return to the good days of Final Fantasy, before FMV's started popping up every five seconds. I'll leave my judgement until I've finished the game though - got to finish the Seraphic Gate in Valkyrie Profile 2 this weekend - which is much higher priority
  21. I managed to acquire it for next to nothing, its still sealed and will remain that way until I play it, I won't prejudge the game based on other peoples opinions of it (I couldn't care less if 99% of people hate a game if I enjoy it thats all that matters) but I will simply reiterate my concerns over the current remake/cash-in trend of Final Fantasy.
  22. *notes that the consoles of yesteryear were actually built to last - scowls at large pile of broken ps2's* Pairings - Celes x Terra - pwp only Cloud x Tifa if its done well - it rarely is Squall x Rinoa if its done well - it rarely is Cecil x Rosa ffx2 - anything yuri based hell, looking at it this way there really aren't that many couples i like in comparison to some of the other less mainstream titles.
  23. Tactics without a doubt (sloppy translation aside) VI is a close second though.
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