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Everything posted by AmyMcClair

  1. under the bed, between the dust bunnies and last week's chili. I know that might be disgusting, but ____________
  2. AmyMcClair

    I Am...

    I am glad that Red is back. I am sorry I missed him.
  3. I haven't either. I have never been to the circus.
  4. Don't worry too much. I found that my muse was hiding from me because I was ignoring her in favor of my husband. I have since found an amenable balance, so hopefully she won't abandon me again. If she does, I might have to write a really mean scene about her in my fics.
  5. Not guilty. I was the victim of that once, but not the perpetrator. G/NG: Has been accused of getting smarter when drunk.
  6. munchkins in your kitchen, because they might be radioactive. If you find __________________
  7. I don't know. Philosophy can be really fun conversational piece. Is there anything else that makes a good conversational piece.
  8. the y chromosome. If I had anything against freaks, I'd hate myself.
  9. Me either, they are too unrealistic. I have never had magic work for me.
  10. I might hear it, but I wouldn't listen. I have heard it too many times before. Has there been much rotting of your brain lately?
  11. Well as I was going to St. Ives, I met a man with seven wives; Seven wives had seven hats;Seven hats had seven cats; Seven cats had seven kits; Kits, cats, hats, and wives, How many were going to St. Ives?
  12. not by blood, but there is definitely a resemblance shared with the mail man. Is there going to be a test on this?
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