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Everything posted by Aserenity
here's my top three stories that I have been into this week. (all follow under catagory of orginal stories) Infliction of Pain -genre- Drama The Support Group -genre- Drama Almost Alive -genre- Dark Fiction maybe check them out?what are your's?
Here's my top three stories that I have been into this week. (all follow under catagory of orginal stories) Infliction of Pain -genre- Drama The Support Group -genre- Drama Almost Alive -genre- Dark Fiction maybe check them out? What are your's?
ooo thats a very lovely idea!
Don't believe everything that's posted on a website... yes I'm older than 18 but I refuse to put any personal information (such as my real birthday, where I live, etc.) on the web. Its a very dangerous place.
yeah those are pretty old...from like three years ago. All the stories are just saved up on my computer, completed and collecting dust...so I decided to post them on here, curious of what other's may think. Also you talk about making a living of it? Um I have yet to start life and career...Its pretty obvious that I'm very young. And starting young is like the "bread and butter" to a developed writer because I have room to make those improvements and with NEW life experiences, I can have FRESH ideas. Like they say: "Never teach an old dog new tricks."..hopefully by the time I'm your age I'll be developing and publishing stories not posting them on a website. ETA: and I've never revealed how old I was.
thank you all...i have descided to continue researching but start making outlines and characterization charts...here's a great site that gives advice and also offers good questions to ask yourself...and it inspires you to kind of ponder more into your story..the meaning, the theme, the twist and turns etc. A good story consist of real, detailed characters, that you grow to know and love..here's the site if anyone else is feeling my pain... http://users.wirefire.com/tritt/tip8.html thank you so much for the advice I will do everything you guys said...I can't tell you how much this has help organize all my thoughts! ( i will try outlines, the "legal pad", and more research...also i just found some really great pictures to get me in the mood!!!!) Thanks Again! And keep writing!
men have it so easy its not fair
so at the moment i am working at making a novel....i'm at the research stage and i have so much left to read up on (since the story takes place in another century) but i want to write NOW! i have dreams about the story and have days where the juices are just pumping and i just feel so alive and just want to write! But i kind of think i'm not ready but I want sooooo badly to be...should I start and keep doing the research inbetween or take a long period of time to research? Also how do I get started? I want the first paragraph to be amazing (as the rest of the book) but how do i get inspired? How do I organize my ideas? should I make different drafts of the first paragragh? Please give a desperate writer your advice!
this is why i hate politics.
"That's what I'd like for my first time, but I won't know what it's like until I'm actually there. After that, I wouldn't mind casual sex. I'd only draw the line at having sex with a complete stranger. I wouldn't mind having kinky sex either. I like to exercise and express my imagination. " Amen sister....let's just say whoever i marry, may it be my boyfriend now or someone else (i'm young...i pretty much have all the time in the world) they won't go un saftisfied jk lol! Seriously though, i do agree with some of the stuff you say and i think i will start allowing my characters to be themselves...maybe if it even calls for it they'll have sex My point was we kind of live in a world today where everyone does what they want, live in the moment, we're all going to die anyway....and though i love impulses (i pierced my own navel two days ago...i wish i thought that one though) people need to think of the real consequences (sorry for reposting)
yeah that makes a lot of sense! thanks!
oops read it wrong. but do you have any advice for me? All my characters seem to be the same?
omg i know exactly what you mean...i can't seem to get any of my characters to have sex! i don't know if its because i vaule it so much but for some reason i just can't.
adressing this to everyone: 1. i know people's opinions are very different then mine....if you knew me personally one characteristic ofmine would hit you square in the face: i am very outgoing and open minded...i'm a bit of a hippie ..and if i didn't understand that everyone else had different ideas why would i post this forum? i would have no reason to. i like hearing people's ideas and debating with them. its a favorite hobby and i hate when i start a debate, people automatically think i'm attacking them personally...i do not think you're a slut if you have sex...like i've said before: your body do what you want. 2. ignorance can be looked at in two different ways: One is the way a lot of you see it: unexperience, sheltered, trying to mask or being unaware of the danger or situation around you. I view it as number 2: believeing...being a kid again...i know it sounds stupid but i kind of miss all the purity all the simple mindedness that came with being a child...i kind of think in a way people are trying to grow up way to fast and don't spend time thinking in that way...beileveing, no questions asked. (i know it sounds stupid) 3. my final thought is this....many people have sex, many of my friends, many of my peers...but i stay the same why? because i don't want to be like them..i've never followed the crowd and i never will....have i ever considered having sex? of course...have i been close? many many times...but through my life i've changed reilgons, altered my whole way of thinking...can't I keep one thing, one vaule I've dreamed about since i knew what sex was, the same? I keep changing and changing everyday and i contradict every thing i say but there's one thing i'm sure of...i vaule my virginity and will remain a virgin till marriage....do what you want...but i choose this. as one of my teachers said: "if you don't have an opinion in the world, get the hell out!" (4. and again sorry i keep reposting....forums are new to me) I love you all and thanks for the response!
i love to dance and i love techno.
i love the first person view...it gives fantastic, intimate inside to what the character is thinking and feeling. I just wish there was like a quadroople-view so all my characters could narrate. i love poetry, short story, romance, fan fiction, and novel (actually i'm writing a very interesting one at the moment) fun fun
lol now that i read this over its in a new tone....i thought it was a little "bitchy" at first but its actually pretty funny...you seem to have a fabulous sense of humor thank you all for your opinions
and as for you not being pregant or getting STDs let's hope your luck doesn't fade. this might sound bitchy but i just came home from work and i am so friggin tired!
please stop critizing the way i post things....if i want to post a few different points i will and one person telling me their opinion won't change that. just like my beilefs...i do what i want and i really couldn't care less about what you or anyone else thinks of my opinions or me. you also said that you can't take me seriously because i haven't had a sexual relationship....honey, you do not know what you're talking about . and fine don't take me seriously i really do not care...i just told you what i think..take it or leave it another point you brought up was i said red-whoever said love was faulse...to me sex is love... hence "making love"! so ummm.....yeah that's where i was getting at..... ingornance can be a bliss in a way. "the trials of my youth are gone but the chemicals remain"....keep your mind pure...it doen't mean your not knowledgable...it can mean that the knowledge is good/pure knowledge.....
what i'm trying to get at is this: so i believe in something that you define as "faulse bonding"...so what.....i beileve in intimacy and share your body with one person...think of how great of a gift that would be if someone gave you the very thing they vauled of themselves....its pretty special... and though for me and my boyfriend its hard because i pretty much love him but i'm not "in love" i'll be "in love" with whoever i marry and though you think its "ignorance" my response is: tough....I beileve in love because i know for a fact it exsist and yes masterbation is amazing
what's wrong with being childish..since the topic of reilgion came up in the bible it says you should be more like a child....innocent of mind and body.... and they do say: Ignorance is bliss that's my kind of bliss
if i was looking at this subject as black and white then I wouldn't except yours or anyone else's around me (basically I'm out numbered) opinion...your body do what you want. secondly I don't assume....you know it makes an ASS- our of U and ME (assume) I just wanted to put a yes answer and a no...i realize there's an inbetween.
okay now i washed it really good and disinfected it, so now its just a scab...whew...that was a close one... Also to everyone...lol...beileve me I am aware of my stupidity...lol
sorry mispelling "Christanity"..... lol masterbation is the key to those of you who say "act on desire"...i prefer that then sleeping with someone I barely know for the time being.
i'm actually not christen or any reilgion for that matter...i view sex that way because i don't allow the media to influence my ideas...i have self respect and why risk everything (getting pregant, regretting it, STDs, not being ready etc) for a short organism I can easily give myself