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Posts posted by ShiniLuv

  1. After checking out the site mentioned in the first post... I found it kinda hard to find any fanfics. The fics aren't even sorted by fandom... but by content (ei - BDSM or Non-con) it's really hard to navigate the site.

    In conclusion... I will be sticking right here biggrin.gif

  2. I am desperately looking for GOOD GW/HP crossover fics. I've found a couple on AFF, but am hungaring for more.

    If anyone can direct me to a fic that has a good solid storyline and well developed charactizations (ie - Duo not being just a complete annoying idiot / Quatre not being just a very nice push-over) I would be very grateful biggrin.gif Thanks

  3. Hmm... well, I've only posted one fic so far. Severely bad case of writer's block that has lasted a good couple of years now and nothing that I wrote before that was really good enough to be seen in the light of day biggrin.gif

    The fic is called 'Changes' and is in the X-Men Comics category. It's a very basic gen fic with the only warning being the fact that it revolves around an OC. I'm hoping that she turned out OK.

    Please, please, please can someone let me have some honest constructive criticism? I posted it on ff.net and got a few reviews mainly containing the phrase 'I like it'. huh.gif I kinda would like something a little more solid to work from.

  4. Hey all,

    I'm an obsessive compulsive lurker... I am obsessed with compulsively lurking. biggrin.gif

    I go by the pen-name of Shini_Luv formerly Lupine Draconis on other sites. I can be found in many fandoms, but mainly GUndam Wing/AC, X-Men Comics, Buffy, Harry Potter and a few random movies.

    I sometimes write, but have sufffered from writer's block for the past couple of years, although I am trying to kick my ass into gear and start again. I, like many others, am a yaoi whore although I am quite picky about my pairings.

    I have one story posted so far, but am hoping that once I can get rid of the writer's block I can post some more. cool.gif

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