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Everything posted by Squallfan

  1. 3853
  2. I think its a womans choice, but I could never abort a child myself. I have two children, but have had my tubes tied since then. Though, I did know this girl who had three abortions. It was almost like she thought that was a form of birth control, instead of getting on the pill, or having the guy wear a damn rubber. Now that bitch pissed me off.
  3. I don't know why she would leave. There are only 2 movies left after Order, so it's not like she couldn't make a lot more money before she decides to do something else. She's young, she has plenty of time to reach other goals later. I'll really be disappointed if she leaves the cast, especially since everyone else has decided to stay on.
  4. Favorite shows are LOST and SUPERNATURAL. Don't write fics for them though.
  5. me neither I have never been horseback riding.
  6. tiger
  7. The longer the books are, the harder it would be to get everything in, I would imagine. I like the movies, but prefer the books.
  8. Well, that sucks! It's not going to be on the PS2, or PS3?
  9. elated
  10. me neither i have never been skydiving
  11. 3850
  12. apple (your word should have started with a y, sorry, but i had to change my last word cause you posted before me. OOPs! Guess that will happen when so many of us are posting at once.
  13. 3848
  14. x-ray
  15. me neither(i hate boats) I have never eaten sushi.
  16. 3846
  17. rose
  18. I do I have never been outside the United States.
  19. yell
  20. 3844
  21. 3842
  22. cunt
  23. As of yet, I've never written an OC in any of my stories, simply for that reason. You could probably write the character as a complete bitch, and still get that mary sue review from someone, just because this is fan fiction. I've read stories with mary sue like characters, but if the story is good, I could really care less.
  24. rope
  25. 3838
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