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Everything posted by Squallfan

  1. Elaborate
  2. Me either. I have never climbed a tree.
  3. Attraction
  4. John Ritter
  5. Caper
  6. Me either. I have never liked the movie 'When Harry Met Sally' I'm probably in a small percentage here. The only good scene was the fake orgasm.
  7. Impaired
  8. I have the book pre ordered. And yes, I do like the movies, even though they cut a lot of good stuff out. I seprerate the books from the movies though. I had a lot of bitches about the last movie too, but I still enjoyed watching it. I will be seeing the new movie too with my daughter.
  9. I agree with you Redsilver. I have never written a fic from a book thus far. My fandom is Final Fantasy and Resident Evil, but I think the same thing applies with games. I've inspired some of my readers to seek out and play the games I write fics for, because they liked my stories. So, in a way, I'm making more money for the makers of said games. I would say the same about other fic writer friends, inspiring their readers to buy the book from the authors, thus gaining that published author a bigger fan base, and gaining more money. My reasoning, why would they complain if fan fiction gains them more fans for their original works? If I was a published author, I think I would appreciate that. Not to mention the fact that no one gets paid for writing fan fiction. Of course, adult fan fiction will always be frowned upon more than others.
  10. So many emotions, and that pic is wrong on so many levels.
  11. Frances McDormand
  12. Yes
  13. Me either. I have never liked going through PMS.
  14. Cord
  15. Rupert Everett
  16. Betrayed
  17. I love VII almost as much as VIII, which means, I love them both a lot. I have never played a first person shooter online game.
  18. I'm about half way through the game I guess. I'm loving it a lot more than when I started, but there's something I have noticed. The bosses in this game are more a pain in the ass than the other FF games I've played. I don't know how many times I've died trying to get past a boss. I end up going back to build up my characters before I try again. I'm all for making my characters stronger, but dammit! Does anyone else think that the bosses are tougher in this games? I don't know, maybe it's just the new fighting engine that makes it seem that way to me. That new fighting engine has actually grown on me too. I honestly didn't think it would.
  19. I have a fangirl attraction to Balthier since I started playing Final Fanatsy XII. He's the best character in the game, hands down. I already wrote a Balthier/Vaan PWP fic, not surprisingly, with a sequel in the works.
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