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Everything posted by quamp

  1. quamp

    I Have Never....

    Oh, sure, hundreds of times. Sorry, I don't drink here. I have never... understood why people apply the concept "bigger is definitely better" to certain things, such as a person's waistline.
  2. ^ Thinks that quality takes time. < Doesn't really understand why everyone has to have everything done yesterday. It took < 5 years of trying before < got published. < Diligence did pay off, however. V Wants it all two weeks ago.
  3. 8575
  4. I don't see how anyone could be innocent of that one. When I lived in a dorm, my roommate LOVED to play rap. He would set the volume low and leave Fear of a Black Planet by Public Enemy going all night. G/NG: had your sleep ruined by noisy neighbors.
  5. Wrong gender, but right state. Leon?
  6. I just finished Chibi Vampire Vol. 4. Were you expecting someone else to say the new HP book?
  7. The pledge
  8. Mary, Queen of Scotts
  9. quamp

    If I Were...

    I'd send J. K. Rowling a very angry letter. If I were a Bratty! Angsty! Marty Stu...
  10. quamp

    Answers First

    Have you heard that one out of every five miles of US interstate is perfectly straight? I really can't use that to my advantage.
  11. 8572
  12. Why wood you think I wood do that? G/NG: has twins in your family.
  13. Well, I can't say I am... Trae?
  14. ^ Likes being challenged. < Has answered a challenge only once, and < is considering removing the story because < is starting to be unhappy with it. < Usually in <'s fandoms, < is issuing challenges that don't go answerd. V Won't be answering <'s challenge.
  15. quamp

    I Have Never....

    I haven't either. I walked to school. I have never... rode the bus to and from school. (Only rode it on field trips.)
  16. quamp

    If I Were...

    ... I'm sure nobody would believe me if I told them about it. If I were the site of a historical battle...
  17. Some would think it would. How about sharing a link you like with us?
  18. The Mesopotamians - They Might Be Giants (Awesome new CD!)
  19. on camera and posted to youtube. I think we should stop for a moment and carefully consider...
  20. Pee-wee Herman
  21. quamp

    Answers First

    Could we have some decent music here for once? This is like watching two trains rushing towards each other. You know there's going to be a very nasty accident, but you're powerless to stop it.
  22. For a friend like you, of course. Leon?
  23. 8566
  24. Nah, but I know one guy who did. In the comic Nodwick the author tried to coin the word "krutz" as a curse word. Are you thinking that the link leads something utterly horrid and disgusting, like a vorefic? (it doesn't btw.)
  25. ^ The orgy would be a bigger train wreck than it is now if < was an instant gratifier. < Touching on something earlier, not all anime is as someone else here described. If one checks out the fandoms < likes, that would be evident to one. < Back on the subject, < has patience and takes <'s time crafting the story perfectly. Quality cannot be rushed. V Thinks that the last < was a load of bullshit.
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