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Keith Inc.

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Everything posted by Keith Inc.

  1. I tried to write one. Definitely suggest using a graph, and at least outlining all the story lines you want before actually writing one.
  2. I sometimes just go down the list here: http://www.angelfire.com/nc/tcrpress/plotbank.html Something usually jumps out at me and i'm off.
  3. Cool, thanx. I've posted the interview.
  4. Okay, yeah. --added
  5. Catagory name: 2000 year old man Section catagory to be in: Cartoon? I don't really know. It was originally released on records. In 1975 there was a cartoon that used a lot of the recordings. And 'History of the World, Part 1' used a lot of the caveman jokes. Do you have any stories for it?: In progress. It came to me this afternoon, to ask the 2050 year old man if there were gays in the caveman days...
  6. Even in third person, you have point of view issues. If you're writing a mystery or a caper, you're going to want to hide things from the reader. So even in 3rd, you need to stick mostly to what one or two people see or hear. I like to center my narrative on one character most of the time. Other characters leave the room and we don't find out what they did until they come back or someone else reports. I think Gene Wolfe gives excellent advice for this. Know who's telling the story. It doesn't have to be a 1st person narrator, and you don't have to make it explicit in the story. But if you have a firm idea, if this is an eyewitness account, or 'as my grandfather told me,' or if several accounts are collected and combined. This will help you craft what the narrator knows, how and when he knows it. But as mentioned above, it's important to let the reader know who the POV is. A clean break between chappies can be used for the passage of time or the handing of the torch.
  7. I used to be on often enough that i tracked guild-kills and inflictified vengeance. Now i have a pretty established list of attacks that i can make with a single click. Okay, three clicks. It's a bit of a pain to rebuild it, so you're probably safe until i'm really really bored and reconstruct the attack plan.
  8. Hyper-Energized Ultra Omega Heavenly Magnum Impact Drive 4 EX Bomb!
  9. HAHAHAHA! I am WEAPONIZED! Keith sits in the Missile Control Center of the USS Benjamin Franklin. Now all i need to do is double my strength and it becomes a Verb i can Use! You will be KEITHED! Thanks so much!
  10. Um...what does the relationship have to do with men watching them get it on?Men enjoy seeing/reading about hot women having sex with hot women. Whether they're even really lesbians after the cameras stop or the narrator shuts up is immaterial, really, much less the nature of their relationship. But in heterosexual porn made for males, the relationship, the reality, is immaterial. Porn men solve problems by sex, porn women offer sex, porn sex always works, every position is satisfying and no one slips in the tub and cracks their skull during sex. Well, i try not to judge real people by the actions or motivations of those in smut. I also don't judge people by sitcom characters or literary characters or cartoons. But i'm not going to lose interest in, or stop writing, F/F scenes that are divorced from reality but still excite. If the idiots have the power to destroy your soul, you're the one that needs to move on. I mean, if someone confuses real life and anything they see through a monitor or on their TV, they have the problems. Well, any time i read a story, fanfic or mainstream, set on a submarine, i find things wrong with it. Glaring points in the dialogue or the physical details or just freaking impossibilities in the story. But that's because i've been there, for real. They haven't. It doesn't destroy me or offend. I just figure they need to know more about what they're writing about.Stories of sex written by obvious virgins don't offend. The guy who has his character dig deep down, mining the woman-hole, to find his partner's clit... Well, that offends me as a writer, as someone hasn't done the sligthest bit of research, but not as a heterosexual. If you're writing your scenes in ways, with details, that make you hot, then i wouldn't worry if they're accurate to reality. Most porn isn't.
  11. Oh, i was really hoping for smaller point breaks. At that level, with everyone else being only worth a single experience point, it'll take forEVER to climb...Ah, well. Say La Vee, they say. La Vee. I think i know what pic to use, but it's currently on the hard drive of a computer that's in Intensive Care...
  12. Keith Inc.


    Good for you!
  13. A respectable member of the forum? I take it you haven't read my stuff, then. Zoophilia is not the acme of respectability. Nor is graphic Smurf smoochies... Okay. Based on a few years of informal observation, the skin reacts like skin anywhere. Splash something cold on them, then let warmth touch them, the warmth is amplified by comparison, same as the elbow or knee. It's just a lot more noticeable. They shrink up when excited. I believe this aids in projecting the payload. They also shrink up defensively when chilled. I'm not sure if they're trying to minimize surface area or they're crowding to the body to gain body heat. I think they fall when relaxed both to increase the surface area, and shed heat, and to attempt to distance themselves from the heat of the body, to decrease the heat. I think the reactions are based on some sort of ideal temperature range, not a desire to be as cool as possible. Too hot, the spermies die, too cold, the testes become disfunctional. And the owner distracted from accomplishing anything but whining...
  14. Captain Pike appears to have deleted all his stories, except this protest against AFF policy. http://tv.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600092091
  15. You're just trying to see how many guys you can get to go put ice on their secret private boy parts, and then admit to it, aren't you?
  16. Cool. When he's worth more than 1 EXP to kill, i'll have to make sure to do that...
  17. Title: Corsicanthrax Author: me. Rating: Adult++ Summary: WHile cleaning Castle Anthrax, Zoot finds a pair of magic mirrors. Just then a cursed knight shows up. He's charged by Arthur to remove the peril of Anthrax. He's a virgin, cursed by fae royalty that women he has sex with shrink to fairy size. Zoot, of course, finds the situation fraught with opportunities. Lots of sex. M/F, M/f, F/f. And shrinking. Fandom: Monty Python and the Holy Grail URL or Site link: http://tv.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600095284 I'm really pleased with how this one turned out. I hope you give it a look-see. Thanx for reading the promotion.
  18. Why would you need a crossover? They're the same story! An orphan living with his Aunt/Uncle meets a bearded weirdo and finds out that the universe is not as he expected. He learns that he has powers, that he has natural piloting skills, that there's a whole history and relatives he's never heard of. He's trained in the use of powers, doesn't always behave responsibly, will sacrifice a lot for his friends, has adventures with those friends, and has a little white sidekick whose head turns completely around.
  19. what? ::Sputter sputter:: Real world concerns? How DARE they tempt you away from concentrating on this place!!! Philistine! Okay, cool.
  20. whoa. Cool. How'd i miss this? Thanx a lot! Personally, i don't do M/M. I am more than a little homophobic, in that the very thought scrottles my nurd. I just don't think my feelings should be legislated against others. But you don't HAVE to do M/M for hits. One of my stories has reached Hits [35797] as of time now. I'm not sure what draws the initial readers, the bestiality, the zoophilia, the xenophilia, or what, but they seem to stay and come back regularly. I do agree, you could probably post a shopping list, then put PWP, INCEST, ANAL on the description, and get 4000 hits by the weekend. (and probably four reviews lauding the use of three kinds of soap..."KInky, i liek it!")
  21. Dogears,shouldn't this be in 'promote a story?' Not plot bunny farm?
  22. Bunny for adoption: A plague runs through humanity. Through some odd medicobabble reason, it kills 75% of all human males. Of the remainder, 75% are infertile. Of the remainder of that, 75% are underage. The story centers around a fertile boy who's been raised in a facility that keeps him healthy and occupied. From puberty on, he's required to masturbate into a special container that collects his sperm for the repopulation of the planet. It's a celebrated act, and his donations are praised by the women at the facility. (Doctor, nurse, physical trainer, tutors, etc.). They all grow to love him and he loves them. On his 18th birthday, someone helps him make the official donation. Then she has her way with him. The official policy is that as long as he's making daily contributions, the women can use him as a perk of their employment. Once one gets pregnant, she's rotated out of that facility and someone else replaces her.
  23. She becomes enthusiastic for the sex. Says she's broken all barriers and, among other things, wants to lick edible cock rings off of her tormentors. The kick is, the rings are made of candy but formed around tightly stretched super elastic rubber bands. Between her saliva and their body heat, the things go Kershnappo! constrict around the base of their cocks, and require medical attention to remove.
  24. I'd almost bet you haven't heardthis one before: A destroyer pulled into Borneo for liberty. Cut down to a skeleton watch, most of the ship was empty for the night. A few piers down, a ship was loading local cargo for export. Among the crates was an orangutan, who broke out of his cage. The ape traveled the waterfront in the dark, and finally reached the destroyer. He climbed the mooring lines, boarded, and climbed up the smokestack. Inside the stack, the confused animal made it down to the engine room, and started wandering around. He came to an electrical panel, opened for maintenance, ignored the safety ropes, and managed to make contact with an extremely high voltage contact. Bright blue spark and the ship is suddenly dark throughout. A few minutes later, two hull techs are searching with their flashlights for the problem. They come on the dark burnt hairy body. They shine the flashlight on his long, long arms. They look at each other. They look at his short stubby legs. They look at each other. They look at his face for a long time. Finally, the third class tells the seaman: 'Okay, his legs are too short for a machinist mate, his arms are too long for a boiler tech, and he's too hairy for an electrician. Call the wardroom, see if any of the junior officers are missing.'
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