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Posts posted by Lennox

  1. Quote

    From GeorgeGlass on July 28, 2022
    This was fun. I especially enjoyed the image of the rod stuck up inside Lisa under her dress, with her panties holding it in place. There were a few minor language issues ("the bludge in his pajama pants"), but nothing that really took me out of the story. And the last line made me laugh.

    I must have missed that during my edits and proof-reading. I’ve fixed it up here and on the other sites I upload. Thanks very much for pointing that out! Glad you liked it. :)

  2. Quote

    From Snow Rabbit on March 03, 2021
    I only read the first page but would like to say that it was very good, my only problme with it is Bart being Maggy's father, he was ten when she was born, maybe nine when she was conseaved. for the most part the Simpsons fallow the real word and bialogy say's male human's don't start busting nuts till their 12.

    but the ideal is Fing hot thought. hehe :p

    I know it’s not realistic, but the idea is all that counts in fiction. Glad you enjoyed it!




    From The all seeing eye on February 16, 2017

    this was a great story! plz continue to write more like this, also i would love to read a prequle where lilo and stitch got together. how there relationship started and all that

    Glad you enjoyed it! And I hope it’s a better read now it’s been updated. Not sure if I will do a prequel of Lilo and Stitch officially hooking up and getting together. 

  4. From Lunarsilver on January 24, 2017


    This is a story that deserves another chapter especially with buttercup wanting a rough gangbang by the rowdy"rough" boys. Maybe bubbles sooner or later enjoys what's happening so much she doesn't care anymore but decided to accept it.

    Buttercup seems to be the type who would definitely be up for such a rough gangbang. Could be a good future story.

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