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Posts posted by NightScribe

  1. (reads previous post)

    Hm. Well, that was a waste of time...darn it all anyway.

    One of these days, I'll not make an idiot of myself.

    You didn't make an idiot of yourself, I appreciate the candid thought. A part of me sometimes considers sticking with the original plan, because I've got that all figured out and it would be nice to post something again. I'm so terrified of being forgotten if I don't post something on a regular basis! *snicker*. Not. I'm also curious to see if I can start another trend in a different sub-category! (I'm serious, I checked. I compared old stories to newer in the archive under my usual sub-category and have found an interesting trend in fics since posting my ridiculous multi-part magnum opus. It tickles the crap out of me! biggrin.gif And I'll never post in it again; the sub-cat is way too glutted now.)

    But, seriously, StoryJunkie, you're right about "saving yourself the agony." I was really starting to get into a groove with actually writing, but now it's kind of derailed as I untangle some plot knots. The first and third part are clear, but the second part, in my mind, is cloudy. I can't just go from point A to point C. But point B is being devilish. I know it's all in there, but it's going to take a lot of scribbling to put things in the right order. Damn my overactive imagination!

  2. I don't have myspace either. I did create a Live Journal thing, to kind of write about writing, leave little bits about status of WIPs and post fics. I thought it might be a kind of nice/cool thing to do for any readers who like my fics here, so they could kind of 'be in the know,' if they wanted, on future stories or learn interesting tidbits. Huge miscalculation. There was no interest, and I'm not the kind of person to join every freaking group and try to friend everybody. I think I have one story there (which is on AFF anyway) and an entry that says "on hiatus". It's extremely time consuming to keep up with anyway. Just thinking through and writing fics takes up a good chunk of time already.

  3. I'm always amazed at where my stories take me. I've come to believe that, subconsciously, everything is already there, but things pop up time and again (why I'm not used to this by now is beyond me). When I started writing, way back when, I wrote chapters out of order. And I'd find all kinds of surprises. Like stuff in chapter 16 was foreshadowed in chapter 3. And chapter 16 was only a vague idea, at best, when I wrote the third, and a key character involved didn't even exist at the beginning (consciously, at least). Or some random thing, like the color of someone's eyes, ending up being a reflection of their personality.

    Speaking of Muses, do you think your muse and mine ran off to the same place? Maybe Cabo?

    So that's where it went! Son-of-a-bitch! tongue.gif Yeah, they're probably sitting poolside, sucking up Margaritas, taking in the hot bodies, and laughing their asses off!

  4. Here's my dilemma (this is gonna be lengthy, but bear with me).

    I'm working on a new fic and planned it on being 6 chapters. Nice, neat, short and tidy. Well, last night, I'm typing away, and you know how the flow hits you, you just write. Well, my prankster, pain in the ass muse (who's been MIA for a while) shows up. (I think it has something to do with the moon phases). Anyway, when I read over what I did, I saw that I had added a little something that I initially hadn't intended. And I liked it; the angle adds more meat to the story.

    After thinking it over for a while, I decided to keep it. But then, I thought, if I do that, the ending isn't right. So I went to bed, with thoughts swirling in my head for previously unplanned stuff. Today, I tackled the problem again. I definitely want to keep that unexpected angle in and I had a flurry of inspiration. For lack of better words, it's turned into a three act story. First part, solid. Last part, looks good (with a pretty damn good ending, but I thought I already had a killer when it was just 6 chapters). The middle part would need some serious pondering.

    I considered doing a multi-part fic, but frankly, been there, done that. I don't know how readers feel about those anyway, and I don't want to get tagged as a sequel queen or something. (Oh, Christ, her again? Another saga?) I also finished a really long fic a couple months ago, and I actually enjoy writing lengthier stuff. Sooooo...

    Do I...just write the story as I originally intended and let the chips fall where they may? Do I write a sequel (which honestly doesn't feel right for this) or, do I go for broke with one long fic? I should probably also add that it's intended to be an homage of sorts, and going for long will serve that well. Of course, if I go with the latter, I can see another 6 to 8 months chained to the old computer.

    Anybody experienced this kind of thing? What did you decide? Share the trauma with me! unsure.gif

  5. Real parents (quite a lot like you guys) teach their children the difference between reality and fantasy.

    That is an excellent point. I can remember when I was about 13 and there was an R rated movie I really, really wanted to see. My mom went and saw it first and said "well, there's one or two kind of creepy/scary parts, just to warn you, but you can go." My reading choices were never really limited. My parents are divorced and one time my dad loaned me some books; my mom got bent out of shape over one of them, but I think she was pissed off at him for something else. She just expressed her disapproval, but the book didn't warp me or anything. My older brothers had piles of old Mad and Famous Monsters magazines and my younger bro and I read them all the time. We're all employed, tax-paying, functional adults. (As a side note, I've turned my mom into a rabid South Park fan, and that show got raked over the coals when it first started).

    I think the example lightgoddess gave was perfect. Read the books yourself and have a conversation with your kids. Explain that it is fiction, coming from someone's imagination. Enter into a dialogue with them, ask them questions, explain your point of view. It will help the child later in life, by teaching them to employ critical thinking and learn how to form and express their opinions and respect the opinions and view points of others, even if they're different.

  6. I had one of those strange, random thoughts earlier. I wondered if this woman had a copy of The Malleus Maleficarum sitting next to her Bible. (If you don't know what MM is, it's a 15th century book, written by a couple of priests and approved by the Pope(!) of the time. Kind of an early "Witch Hunting for Dummies"). Then I thought, I wonder if she's got The Crucible too? Cause that's about tracking down and prosecuting witches. Of course, Miller used Salem as an allegory for the McCarthy bullshit in the '50s. But I think that might get lost on certain people.

    I agree with nikolatesla; the more you protest against a film, book, or whatever, people get interested who otherwise might not have cared. The possibility of seeing/reading something scandalous titillates people.

    I'm somewhat proud that I've read my share of" banned" books. One of my favorites is "Lolita" and I've been revisiting Sade, and finding him to be one of my favorite authors. (Duh, just look at my sig). In fact, I'd like to offer a quote he used to end a volume of his works (which were not explicit, but dealt with heavy subject matter).

    If the brush-strokes I have used to portray crime disturb and distress you, then your redemption is nigh and I shall have accomplished what I set out to achieve. But if you find the truth they depict offensive, if they provoke you to curse the author...then, wretched reader, you have recognized your own self and you will never change your ways.

    Crafty little bugger, wasn't he?

  7. I'm no guru, but you have to save whatever you've written a second time as an html file and upload that, but it must have the html suffix for the site to recognize it. Or, once you save as html, you can just copy and paste everything into the text box. I've done it both ways. Hope that helps.

  8. Her little crusade reminded me of something that happened last year, when HBP came out. Some extremely conservative church in Michigan, I think, had a book burning. And it made me laugh my butt off. Cause, ya know, they had to buy copies of HP books to burn. So what, do you suppose, J.K. Rowling hears? "KA-CHING!!!" Mo money!!! These people are so stupid. Yeah, let's buy these books we hate, but never read, so we can have a bonfire and make the author richer! Is that some bizarre twist on divine justice? tongue.gif

  9. Out of boredom, I hit a couple of HP fansites, which are mostly geared towards kids. Anyway, I guess news has come out about some things being cut from OotP. And these fans are not happy. Seems like the Quidditch stuff and Dobby the house elf are not in the fifth film. To which I say, thank Merlin. Focus on the darker, more important stuff (Dementor attack on Dudley, Snape's worst memory, etc.). It's kind of funny though, reading their comments. Some are really riled up about all the cuts made from the last couple of films. I don't belong to any of those sites, so I couldn't leave a comment but consider this:

    Gone With the Wind was a monstrously long book. My old paperback copy is somewhere around 1,025 pgs long, and that's the tiny print used back in the day for paperbacks. The film adaptation clocks in at what, 3 to 3-1/2 hours? And it's considered a classic. But talk about deleted scenes!

    I know cuts from GoF have already been discussed, the biggest bummer being "Hi, I'm Severus, and I'm a Death Eater" (that was totally unjustified, let's face it). So my question is, as an adult, are you all broken up that Quidditch and Dobby will be missing from the fifth film?

  10. I think she should inspect the shelves of every school district library with a fine tooth comb. We can't have anything satanic or magical polluting the shelves. Good heavens, what if a copy of Goethe's "Faust" was lingering in a high school library? A 200 yr old play where Mephistopheles appears as a rather witty, affable gent (who refers to God as the "Old Man"); convinces a guy to sell him his soul so he can shag (and knock up) a sweet young thing, then dump her and go party with the witches and demons on Walpurgis Night?

    And she should look through any CDs too, if they're there. We can't have the kiddies listening to something like Mozart's "Magic Flute" because...well, there's magic in it! They're little minds would be warped forever!

  11. I read that last week, too. It wouldn't be the same if the role was recast, but I can kind of understand, if she's not keen on persuing an acting career and wants to become a vet or business major or something. Still, I'd like to see all the cast finish out the series. And I agree with others, Richard Harris will forever, in my mind, be Dumbledore. He was perfect in that role.

  12. I was going to post this in the Harry Potter books forum, but the issue is broader. In April, this woman in Georgia wanted the HP books removed from the school district libraries, because they're "satanic" and "promote witchcraft." A link to one of the news stories is here. Book Banning Article

    I bring this up because the school board decided to keep the books, but now she's appealing and trying again. She suggests "Chronicles of Narnia" or the "Left Behind" series to replace HP. I think it's important to add that this is a public school; ever hear of separation of church and state? Oh, and she's never read the HP books; they're too long. And she says something along the lines of "not having to read pornography to know it's obscene." This woman, in my opinion, is out of her mind. If she doesn't want her kids reading HP, fine, that's her decision as a parent and I don't have a problem with that. But who is she to dictate what others read? Fascist.

    What I find ironic is that a book I'm sure she allows, hell, even insists her children read is full of incest, slavery, death, war, suffering, adultery, etc. Something called...the Bible. This book banning case is, in turns, amusing, sad and scary. I can't believe people still want to rid the world of classic books, like "1984" and "Farenheit 451." Books that address the idea of thought police and book banning. How wild is that?

  13. Oh, she's at it again! Lightgoddess and Enchanted Faery, she's responded to your critiques! And they're hilarious! I, unfortunately, got nothing. sad.gif

    She's declared, in response to someone else's review, that's she's going to get those who hurt her feelings and think that they're better writers than her. And she emphatically states that she is NOT ripping off Harry Potter. Yeah, right.

  14. The first part of my signature is a couple of lines from my last story, with a link to my fics, (naturally). The second part is from a response by the Marquis de Sade to a reviewer who skewered one of his (tame) books in a review. When I read it, I couldn't help but think of all the authors here who have complained about lack of reviews or seeing the "OMG! Looooove this soooo much, pleaz rite more!" comments.

  15. Yeah, but you just know that there are people out there who wouldn't know that it was a parody, NightScribe. And some will probably actullay LIKE it.

    Ain't it the truth? Even if you say in the summary & author note it's a crack!fic/parody.

    And EveKnight, as for the mysterious Dr. Tickledick...that just sort of popped into my head as a joke, but now...hmm... Once I actually finish the fic I'm half-assedly working on at the moment, I may write an original about the good (bad?) doctor. I'm getting crazy ideas about it already. laugh.gif Which is exactly how I came to write my first crack!fic; through a forum thread. That was a blast. biggrin.gif

  16. Gosh darn you Altari! *shaking fist in mock anger* Now you've planted the evil, wicked seed to write an intentionally bad fic, where after every second or third paragraph, a series of unnecessary squiggles is used to change settings, etc.

    ~~~~DREAM SEQUENCE~~~~

    blah, blah, blah...blah, blah, blah, blah

    yada, yada, blah.


    blah, blah, blah...


  17. I usually don't write requested fics unless it's from an author I admire or as some kind of an exchange, though I will write a gift fic for an author or reviewer

    I had a reviewer once ask for a sequel to a short fic of mine, and although the original was a lot of fun to do and I would have loved to oblige, there was just nothing else to write. It was never intended to be multi-part and I thought the end pretty much showed that. I think she (the reviewer) just liked the character and her exploits so much, she wanted to see her again.

  18. In regards to incest, it doesn't bother me, but then again, I've only read one that was intelligently written. In fact, it was extremely eloquent, intelligent and actually quite moving. The others I've read played out more like two best friends finally getting it on. Basically just smut with sibs; with no real thought behind it. That doesn't squick me, it just annoys me; there's something much deeper going on in that kind of situation. But then again, I've been reminded before that this is all just fanfic, it's not supposed to be Shakespeare.

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