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Everything posted by KratosAurion97

  1. The winner of the last poll has just been posted: https://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600091814&chapter=10 And as I side note, I accidentally posted this chapter under the Basilio x Robin fic I'm doing, I tried to delete that chapter and ending up nuking the whole story. I'll repost that soon, which I'm also getting close to being done with the chapter of that.
  2. Looks like Byleth one the poll, thanks for voting!
  3. New chapter is out: With Chrom gone, Sumia finds another way to fulfill her urges. https://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600091814&chapter=8 Also, the next chapter will be Ivy's as she was second place in the last poll, I just wanted to do Sumia's first. But I'm holding another poll to decide the chapter after Ivy's https://strawpoll.com/1MnwO9EwKn7
  4. Lyn's chapter is out: https://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600091814&chapter=7
  5. Finally making good progress on the Lyn chapter, I think I'll do the Queen Sumia cheating chapter next, though I should have the Lyn chapter out tomorrow later on.
  6. Severa's chapter is up https://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600091814&chapter=6 And it looks like Lyn won the poll, I was expecting Sumia or Byleth to win this one, or maybe Ivy with the recent summer alt, but I do have the general idea thought up for Lyn. Instead of doing the runner up like I did with Severa after Lyn's chapter, I might do an idea I've been wanting to for awhile now. Thanks for voting!
  7. There's still a couple days to vote on the newest poll, feel free to do so. Still working on the Severa chapter however, should be done in a couple days.
  8. The Rhea chapter that won the poll should be out later today. After that, I'll work on the Severa chapter that came in second place in the poll, but I also made another poll with a few girls swapped out. The new poll lets people vote up to three choices and has a small description of what each girl is in for. Thanks for participating last time! https://strawpoll.com/e2nardvzegB
  9. Looks like Rhea won the poll, thankfully I already have an idea of what I want to do for her.
  10. Author: KratosAurion97 Title: A Common Indulgence Summary: Random and related chapters of FE girls getting involved in interracial romps. Feedback: Any is appreciated. Fandom: Fire Emblem (All) Pairing: Multiple Warnings: Anal, Dom, Dp, Rim, Oral, Interracial Solo story or chaptered story: chaptered URL: tps://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600091814 Review Reply thread: https://games.adult-fanfiction.org/review.php?set=read&no=600091814 I want to link a straw poll for people choose which girl will be added next, but I'm not entirely sure if this is the proper place or of requests and challenges is the place, but I'll leave it here until I get told otherwise. If you're enjoying the series so far, I hope you'll vote https://strawpoll.com/YVyPm63k4nN
  11. Ah, I figured it out a little while ago. Just did a normal password reset instead of the link and it worked fine for me. Thanks for your time, and apologies for the hassle.
  12. The first one I tried was actually one character short, but the second one was a valid password, but now I can't even get back to the page to re-enter my password since the link password reset page says it's invalid now. I'm not sure what happened.
  13. The new link worked but when I entered my new password the page reloaded and said the password reset was invalid.
  14. It was actually working, but after I entered my password in it said it was no longer valid.
  15. I attempted to activate and reset my account and password when the emails first started rolling out, I managed to activate my account but resetting my password didn't work. I got another link and the same thing happened back then, and after some stuff came up I decided to wait. May I get another link? My account is: https://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1296981370
  16. I was able to validate my account but I keep getting the invalid message for my password reset. My profile: https://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1296981370
  17. It can be, but in the end it’s your choice.
  18. Would you mind doing some Anna later down the road for the new spin off?
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