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    Thundercloud reacted to JayDee for a status update, Still hoping to get back and read! There’s a new Thundercloud chapter fer wossnames s   
    Still hoping to get back and read! There’s a new Thundercloud chapter fer wossnames sakes! If I end up reading the christmas stories same time as halloween so be it, but I’ve either been busy, away walking, or had no internet. Bit of a shitter. Away again after today for a while.
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    Thundercloud reacted to InBrightestDay for a status update, I’m about to start writing the final battle between Luzurial and Eparlegna, which com   
    I’m about to start writing the final battle between Luzurial and Eparlegna, which comes in roughly two phases.  Let me remind you, that hasn’t been written yet.
    Combined word count of chapter and epilogue as of now: 13,115
    I will in no way be surprised if I hit 20,000 by the time I’m done.  I would just like to apologize to everyone in advance.
    For the curious, the previous longest chapter of the story was Chapter 7, at 13,043 words.
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