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    Wilde_Guess reacted to BronxWench in And it looks like the new hard drive is doing the trick, for which I am profoundly gr   
    Oh, gods, I had a Royal manual typewriter with a two-color ribbon. The Selectric was a step up!
  2. Like
    Wilde_Guess got a reaction from BronxWench in And it looks like the new hard drive is doing the trick, for which I am profoundly gr   
    At least we wordsmiths are living in relative luxury today.  Remember when the IBM Selectric was the best thing out there?
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  4. Like
    Wilde_Guess reacted to Desiderius Price in And it looks like the new hard drive is doing the trick, for which I am profoundly gr   
    Congrats, new drives have that implicit advantage in that you'll now have a backup to the old data.
  5. Haha
    Wilde_Guess reacted to JayDee in I meant “ice skating”, not “ice scatting” in my notes of ideas …. should I dare to th   
    When the Ice Queen regrets having that King Prawn Bhuna and eight pints of spesh.
  6. Haha
    Wilde_Guess reacted to GeorgeGlass in I meant “ice skating”, not “ice scatting” in my notes of ideas …. should I dare to th   
    Scootely dooteley doo waaaAAAAAAH! *slides into tree*
  7. Like
    Wilde_Guess reacted to Desiderius Price in I meant “ice skating”, not “ice scatting” in my notes of ideas …. should I dare to th   
    @Wilde_Guess  Yep, it happens  … it was funny enough to post 
  8. Like
    Wilde_Guess got a reaction from Desiderius Price in I meant “ice skating”, not “ice scatting” in my notes of ideas …. should I dare to th   
    It happens to all of us sometimes.  In the “Naruto” fan-fiction community, one of the “leading” typos for quite a while was mis-spelling Kusagakure No Sato (Village hidden in the grass) as KusOgakure No Sato (capitalization for emphasis, “Village hidden in the shit.”)  I might still sit down and write a short story about this tragically misunderstood ninja village.
  9. Like
    Wilde_Guess reacted to BronxWench in Okay, the new hard drive is being treated to a clean install of Windows 10, and then   
    @Wilde_Guess I’m an old DOS user, so I’m very much at home with working in the command prompt arena. The daft one and I were tidying, and ran across our ancient notes on tweaking HIMEM on our--really—IBM PS1. We’re hopelessly geeky, and the daft one has at least one laptop that runs Linux (don’t ask me what flavor) and one that still runs DOS.
    @Desiderius Price Very good! You get to move to the front of the spanking line.
  10. Like
    Wilde_Guess got a reaction from BronxWench in Okay, the new hard drive is being treated to a clean install of Windows 10, and then   
    A fast and durable hard drive is never a bad thing.  As for *nix, you will want to be VERY COMFORTABLE with the “normally hidden wires” of an operating system before using it.  I have experience with SCO Unix, Intel Solaris, Linux, and post-Intel Apple OSX.  If you have to try *nix, get an iMac.  All the unix stuff is in there, but stays “hidden” unless you go looking for it.
  11. Haha
    Wilde_Guess reacted to Desiderius Price in Okay, the new hard drive is being treated to a clean install of Windows 10, and then   
    @Wilde_Guess I read the "fast and durable hard drive" way too fast, started to think latex and naughty thoughts (this is AFF after all) 
  12. Like
    Wilde_Guess got a reaction from Desiderius Price in Okay, the new hard drive is being treated to a clean install of Windows 10, and then   
    A fast and durable hard drive is never a bad thing.  As for *nix, you will want to be VERY COMFORTABLE with the “normally hidden wires” of an operating system before using it.  I have experience with SCO Unix, Intel Solaris, Linux, and post-Intel Apple OSX.  If you have to try *nix, get an iMac.  All the unix stuff is in there, but stays “hidden” unless you go looking for it.
  13. Like
    Wilde_Guess reacted to Melrick in Okay, the new hard drive is being treated to a clean install of Windows 10, and then   
    What a treat for the hard drive!  You spoil it.
  14. Like
    Wilde_Guess reacted to Desiderius Price in Okay, the new hard drive is being treated to a clean install of Windows 10, and then   
    I’m not sure putting on Windows is a treat for a hard drive.  Now, if you were talking Linux, that’d definitely be a treat! 
  15. Like
    Wilde_Guess reacted to BronxWench in Okay, the new hard drive is being treated to a clean install of Windows 10, and then   
    As long as I end up with a working desktop again, I’m happy!
    The new HD will be a treat for me, though. It’s a gaming HD, so on those rare moments when I get to game, it will go more smoothly, or so the Elderspawn tells me. (Elderspawn’s OEM HD croaked last year and was replaced with the same model HD, and Elderspawn is a heavy gamer.)
    It’s just always a pain in the ass to reinstall everything, but the old HD is now set up as an Igor, so once I have the programs reinstalled, I can pick its brain for the data files I want.
    @Desiderius Price I have yet to play enough with Linux to be ready to make the move from Windows. Some day!
  16. Like
    Wilde_Guess reacted to Desiderius Price in Hamburger has met the grill….   
    @BronxWench  Yeah, need to get a passport…. (my old one’s way past expired)
  17. Like
    Wilde_Guess reacted to BronxWench in Hamburger has met the grill….   
    @Desiderius Price This one was right on the beach in Negril, Jamaica. Going out at night in Jamaica is sort of a walk on the wild side, and we mostly stayed at the resort, but we had to go for a sunset burger just to say we’d done it.
  18. Like
    Wilde_Guess reacted to Desiderius Price in Hamburger has met the grill….   
    @BronxWench  Sounds like a better location than the one I’ve gone to.  I mean, yes, the county is next to water, but the restaurant I’m referring to is at a shopping mall, not particularly scenic.
  19. Like
    Wilde_Guess got a reaction from BronxWench in Hamburger has met the grill….   
    I’ve done the same thing more than a time or two.  Just not today, and maybe not tomorrow.
  20. Like
    Wilde_Guess got a reaction from BronxWench in Hamburger has met the grill….   
    There are days where I ignore a high of 33 degrees and fire up the grill.  Today wasn’t one of them, and tomorrow doesn’t look so hot, either.
  21. Like
    Wilde_Guess got a reaction from Desiderius Price in Hamburger has met the grill….   
    There are days where I ignore a high of 33 degrees and fire up the grill.  Today wasn’t one of them, and tomorrow doesn’t look so hot, either.
  22. Thanks
    Wilde_Guess got a reaction from Desiderius Price in For those following Jefferey , I’ve yanked episode five, Contempt , and will repost o   
    Ouch!  Continuity errors happen, and only the author knows.  It’s happened to almost everyone who writes a story with more than one book.  It looked good for the reader.  I’m sure the “corrected” version will be even better.
  23. Like
    Wilde_Guess reacted to Desiderius Price in Grrr… that sinking feeling you get when you realize you may have muddled and messed u   
    I don’t like yanking on those that have already read the posted episode, however, the material is sufficiently muddled that it’s the better idea.  (Yank, sort it out, and repost with the new material).  I will always toss in an authors note when the change is substantial (simply so they are aware of it).
  24. Like
    Wilde_Guess reacted to CloverReef in Grrr… that sinking feeling you get when you realize you may have muddled and messed u   
    Ugh I hate that feeling! Even after I fix it I usually feel embarrassed about the people who already read it with the mistake! Was it something obvious or something you can kinda pretend you meant to do?
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