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  1. I think a break is order.  I’m trying to force this story and it is just not working :mellow:

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    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Trying to feed aphrodisiacs to the plot bunnies?

    3. SesshomaruFreak


      Good advice here. It’s been my experience that trying to force a story can result in crap lol

      Definitely take the muse(s)/plot bunnies to another story, new or another WIP of yours, or take a break from writing to read fics. Sometimes, reading good fics from the fandom I’m working on can get my creative juices flowing. Going through reviews you’ve gotten for your story can help, too.

      As someone who’s run into So. Many. Walls. I wholeheartedly wish you the best of luck, and hope you’re able to progress soon :)

    4. Avaloyuru


      @SesshomaruFreak  I agree!  I have quite a few ‘side stories’ building up for later work.  My muse sounds like an angry beehive between my ears!

      I do so much love reading through the published stories!! But I find myself going back to the Tolkien  Gateway Society to make sure that I’m staying within the correct parameters for canon characters as well as the ones I create and not unintentionally pulling from another story that I’ve read on here.

      Granted, there are only so many ways to describe an erotic scene but I’m trying to be cautious there too!  I’ve been in a number of the situations I am describing and going on personal experience there (wow big secret out there, oh well) (Laughs)

      Honestly, I think the biggest problem at the moment is figuring out how to create and develop the suspense without dragging the story out too much.

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