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Everything posted by Emperor-of-Evil

  1. I love slutty kushina stories quite a lot and while I don't think there's enough of them to begin with, I believe there's definitely not enough kushina fuccking younger men and boys fics. So here's my challenge/story idea: Kushina Uzumaki still has naruto so she's still a mother. Whether minato dies or not is irrelevant to the story. She survived the nine tails. Attack on konoha. However as naruto grew older kushinas sexual inhibitions waned and soon enough she starts fucking younger men and eventually younger boys around her sons age. I.e she's fucked by konohamaru on occasion, she teaches at the academy and ends up getting fucked by her class of boys, etc What I want to see: Kushina is depraved and doesn't care she's fucking younger men and boys but still loves her family Big breasts Blowjobs Titjobs Gangbangs Dirty talk What I don't mind seeing: Alive or dead minato (either works) What I do not want to see: Naruto x kushina (there is honestly far too much as it is) Scat Guro Incest I look forward to seeing if anyone is interested in this idea.
  2. Gotcha. If you need help though I will gladly assist
  3. I see. Hmm. I'm honestly not sure if you can make it 10+ chapters. 5 chaptes definitely though
  4. Hmm. I honestly don't know what else really needs to be said. What are you having trouble with?
  5. How does baki fit in? He's from the hidden sand. Unless you meant ibiki instead
  6. Originally it wasnt healing her of drugs. It was a simple cut from a bandit. However I would say ulterior motive would be best
  7. Nah I think we have all the bases covered
  8. I dig it
  9. Ok so the town guard idea. Kushina has just recently started training again to take a mission after naruto enters the academy. Minato has bot touched her since naruto was born. So after gaining some skills back sbe goes on this simple mission. However during the misssion she is flirted with and even hit on by teens in he town. At first she ignores it but as it continues she feels special from it. At one point a bandit injures her. Nothing fatal or even severe just a small cut. One teen helps heal it and at that point the dam opens up and kushina bangs him. Afterwords however she cant find an off switch for her sex drive so she goes arund town getting banged by teens.
  10. I was referring to a pm
  11. Bitterntr good to see you on here huge fan of your work. Might send you a message for a story idea if you are interested
  12. Ok so for both ideas it's pretty straightforward. Bodyguard: escort and guard a youngteen and his family or a group consisting of young teens with one elder. That way they can make frequent stops so she can get fucked a lot. Town guard: simple guard a town from bandits. She'd have to stay an extended time for the mission probably 2 weeks to a month. Enough time for her to be banged senseless by teens.
  13. Ikarusu-dono sent you a message with ideas for story 2
  14. My apologies I misread the original ideas vote as coming up with new ideas. I humbly apologize
  15. I understand. Tthak you for letting me know. When you are ready for the ideas I will send them to you no problem.
  16. No problem happy to be on and this being the first topic I take part in since joining yesterday. While you're on now though could I please get an answer on if the academy would be too young for the topic. Cause honestly I can think of ideas you could possibly use on that subject easier. If not though it is fine. I just want to help as much as I can. Tha k you
  17. http://naruto.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600106143 Does this one count as bodyguard?
  18. Admittedly you are not wrong. And for that I apologize but he did say he wanted to hear ideas. In my case though I honestly just had no interest in the other three choices. The genin team has been done before. Same as the bodyguard mission and undercover mission just seems too generic. However that doesnt mean they can be good if done. Before anyone says anything I do not want to start an argument at all. I just wished to state my opinion. Also cause I never got an answer to my original question I just wanted to see if ikarusu could answer my question if he was interested at all. I retract my statement on the bodyguard story
  19. For the teen stuff out of curiosity would the academy be too young for her? Cause I can think of a few ideas for it. however if the students wouod be too young I can probably think of other ideas. Do let me know.
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