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Everything posted by Melissa88

  1. IMPORTANT UPDATE!!! I decided to remove the story from AFF due to low popularity of the Fandom. For those who do like the story, it will still be available and worked on on either Fanfiction (under the username Melissa1988) Or on my Wattpad! See you around! o/ If you were a fan let me know!
  2. hello, o/ I didn’t know where else to ask this. But is it possible to remove my Fanfic: Lead Me From The Unreal To Real. Or have it hidden? I decided to stop writing the fanfic here because, to my surprise, The Walking Dead category doesn’t seem very popular here. Compared to other websites I barely get any views here. I plan on continuing the story on the other websites since the category is more popular over there and my story gets more exposure.
  3. Chapter 5 is up! Spread the word if you like the story so far! Feedback is always welcome! See ya’ll next week! <3
  4. Teaser for Saturday… “The Dixon brothers stared at the woman, it seems they had it worse than they did. Bloodstains covered her clothes and skin, a particular soaked spot on her thigh. The tear in her pants showing the dirty bandaging underneath. Her signature glasses perched atop her blonde, sweaty head with a fierce and impatient look as she barked at them, “What the fuck took ya’ll so long?!”
  5. Hi C_Wade! No, it’s not the Atlanta camp. This was a different camp set up by the local law enforcement. I figured that if people set up refugee camps that it won’t just be Atlanta because it would be too much for an entire state to house refugees. So I decided to make it appear that besides major cities like Atlanta, there were also camps outside big cities like on fields, etc… to accommodate the smaller communities like the little towns that live in the middle of nowhere. But I made it so that this camp had less military support because in the TV-series they were too busy dealing with Atlanta and protecting the CDC, etc… I don’t think they would waste time helping ‘smaller’ camps if the local enforcement can handle it on their own. But they would drop off supplies like food/water, medicine, etc… Maybe spare some extra ammo. :3
  6. Chapter 4 is up! Enjoy! Spread the word if you like the story so far! I hope I portrayed the Dixon brother right. >.>
  7. A teaser for this Saturday’s new chapter; “We ain’t leavin’ Merle!” Jesse frowned and snapped back at him, “He’ll be fine on ‘is own!” The men argued for a while like this until Jesse finally gave in, “Alright, alright! Fine! We’ll get the ‘sumbitch...”
  8. Thank you! The full review is on the story but I figured I’d use a small piece to convince people that my story is worth a read. Got to be creative when you sell it xD
  9. Comment by C_Wade; “ I always get a little skeptical when people advertise their stories with 'good quality writing' and 'very detailed', but your's certainly didn't disappoint, in both cases. You managed to provide enough detail to give the reader (me) a solid impression of what was going on without going over the top and expanding on every little meaningless detail. ”
  10. Chapter 3 is up! Enjoy the read and spread the word if you like it! <3
  11. A teaser for tomorrow’s new chapter; “Twelve hours,” Lucille added. James glanced at her, knowing she had more to say. “Twelve hours for the fever to hit him, him to die, and trying to eat Roxy...” she frowned and swallowed, “And for me to kill him to save her,” she added quietly.
  12. I’m not sure if AFF has the ability to sent PM’s to members? x-x I just received my first review! It really boosted my confidence in writing. ^^ And since I don’t know how to sent PM’s on AFF, I’ll write a reply here. :3 To C_Wade, Firstly, thank you so much for the review! ^^ <3 I’ve only watched the first 2 seasons of the Television series, I’m very behind on the show and trying to avoid spoilers is a curse. x-x I’ve never played or watched the Telltale games BUT I did watch the Walking Dead: Survival Instinct game. So I have no clue if there are similarities with Telltale or not. And I am pleased to hear that I didn’t disappoint you with the way I promoted my story. As for the switching back and forth between POV’s, I’m afraid it’s an old habit that’s hard to break after writing for 10+ years. x-x But I will do my best to make it more clear who’s POV it is in the future. :3
  13. Author: Melissa88 Title: Lead Me From The Unreal To Real Summary: The stoic Lucille Wilder struggles to cling to her sanity as the world around her collapses. All the while she has to protect her sister Roxanne, and try to raise a baby that isn’t even hers to begin with. Can she play peacekeeper for the Dixon brothers while trying to fit in herself? Follow the extinction event through her eyes... Feedback: is very welcome. Fandom: The Walking Dead Pairing: Daryl x OC, any other pairings(including those original to the franchise) will depend on how the story progresses. Warnings: Violence,M/F pairing,sex,OC,Hurt/comfort,Horror, …(will be updated as story progresses) Solo or chaptered: Chaptered, it’s going to be a lot of them x-x IMPORTANT!!!!! Hello guys! I’ve decided to remove the story from AFF due to low popularity of the fandom. BUT, for those who do like the story you can find it on my Wattpad If you do not like Wattpad then try Fanfiction, under the username Melissa1988. The story gets better views and feedback on either of those websites.
  14. helloes, o/ I’m a newbie here on AFF but it was recommended that I create a review thread for any future reviews or questions I might have about my fanfics. The current story I’m working on is from the ‘Walking Dead’ franchise. Story Title: Lead Me From The Unreal To Real Summary: Lucille Wilder struggles to cling to her sanity when the world around her collapses. Not only does she have to protect her sister but she also has to raise a baby in this chaos. And will she be able to fit in with the others? And manage to play ‘peacekeeper’ for the Dixon brothers? The story starts pre- season 1, when global evacuation has begun. It’s a Daryl x OC pairing. See you guys soon!
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