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Keltiel last won the day on May 20 2017

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  1. I don’t usually like talking about myself and my issues, but I had to tell somebody. I just recently found out that I might have cancer. The doctors found a mass in/on my spleen about 6 months ago during an ultrasound relating to my recent surgery. Thinking that it may have been just a simple cyst, they ordered a second ultrasound for 6 months later (now). They’ve found that the lesion has gotten larger during that time.

    I still have a lot more tests to go through before they’re certain: MRI/CT, biopsy, etc… but the waiting and the not knowing has made me a complete wreck. I have no motivation to write, and honestly, every day that I don’t know what’s going on is just making me feel worse. Nobody in my life knows except for my live-in fiance, and he’s not doing very well with the news either.

    I’m sorry, I know I’m kind of rambling at this point… I’m just having trouble handling the situation.

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    2. Keltiel


      Thanks for the well-wishes guys. When I get tests back I’ll be sure to update, but it will, unfortunately, be a few weeks at least. I'm just trying my best to keep calm for now.

    3. BronxWench


      Vent to us, and lean on us all you need to. We might be an odd group, but we’re largely caring.

    4. CloverReef


      Oh man that’s gotta be scary and frustrating as all hell. I hope you have some means of escapism you love to keep your mind occupied. I dunno if this kinda thing would help you, since your stress is of such a different nature than mine, and I can’ t begin to understand what you’ re going through, but for me, those little breathing gifs help distract me and clear my mind when things get overwhelming. 


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