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mastershakeme last won the day on June 21 2017

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  1. Parasitic Love I personally wouldn’t worry about Spoilers i’m sure I’m the only one reading these anyway! I thought it was cool having Connor thrash Greg a little, but I don’t think it was good enough! Peeps want more revenge! And I totally agree with the MIB. He’s crazy stupid wrecking cars and breaking windows. What an asshole!!! More info will be coming… whenever I get to that next chapter! Thank you Antiki!!!!!
  2. Breaking Bad Yay! Hey thanks I started posting this story elsewhere and it got the beat down from commenters because people didn’t like where the story was going. Lol! I think AFF is a better home for this plot. I’m not saying Torrin and Kai are healthy together, but they’re definitely interesting and I think they’re hot together too lol. Don’t hold me back people! Yeah, I don’t think I wrote Holly with the purpose of getting her ‘likes’ Her domineering personality will be something Kai will have to overcome. And thanks for mentioning the name slip up!!!! Connor’s a character of mine from another story, but I think you know that *wink* I fixed the slip-up in chapter 10. Much appreciated! Thanks for reading and commenting! I’m glad this story is getting a better reception here on AFF. I will get another update out soonish for ya!
  3. Breaking Bad Thanks, my lovely Reader!! I only mentioned Learn to Like it, old version of Breaking Bad, because I feel so guilty about it lol. I really screwed up the end, not romantic!! Hopefully, this version will leave my readers more satisfied than the old on Thanks so much for stopping by! I’ll get chapters 7 and 8 put up by Wednesday morning! I’ll see you then!
  4. Bruno Mars – That's What I Like
  5. Breaking Bad Thanks FJ! And you're not being too picky I thought there was a serious lack of good fiction on this awesome site, so I thought I’d help out! I’m mostly joking of course Torrin takes his time making a move, so be forewarned! Lots of drama will ensue… It’s a hobby of mine, causing drama rofl!! I’ll get an update up this weekend!
  6. This line rocks!!! BTW, I tried to check out what you had written and there’s nothing on Aff You sound so masterful lol. Are you published?
  7. Whooo! Those were my favorite Hp fanfics, the super huge long ones can i ask what pairing??
  8. I understand what you're saying… I guess I didn’t take the fanfic aspect of your abandoned work. I’m glad your focusing on your original stuff Yay!! I don’t have an ending planned for my story It just gets longer and longer Like its almost 200,000k at this point with no end in sight. Lol It’s getting ridiculous and I’m using the smiley faces to show how delirious I feel lol. I wish I could restrain myself and find the perfect last sentence long before I get there. That’s why my endings sound so rushed! They are! I can’t expect anyone to beta for me anymore either with a story length like that… I’m all on my own!!! fuck, fuck, fuck!!! Ships going down guys!!! lol, I'm mostly joking btw
  9. Aww, that makes me sad… I just put a story on hiatus and I’m hoping to god I won’t abandon it… I just got busy on another story. That’s why I did it!!! This made me ROFL!!! I really like your take on first and last lines… I’ve had a lot more first lines than last… And either way, I was so exhausted by my story at the end, I really flubbed it IMO. That story is no longer up because I wanted to remedy that… But if Bilbo had woken up to realize the Hobbit was a dream…? That’s hysterical!!! I didn’t do anything stupid like that...
  10. Yea ok! I sound fucking crazy No, I'm not writing a rape how-to guide. Fuck me...
  11. Honestly, I think there’s been way too much censorship in the history of man… the reason we’re so morbidly curious about topics like rape is because it’s so taboo. I’ve always been interested in taboo stuff, so I’m not really surprised I’m drawn to more darker topics in stories. I’m not saying we should glorify it , and you said that yourself tcr, but idk, i just wouldn’t say rape and i guess murder in stories isn’t simply ‘shock value’, it’s a window into another (and severly twisted) individual’s mind. Rape and murder are part of the human existance. How can it be ‘bad’ to write about it?
  12. Yeah, I come across a hell of a lot of rape in the stories I read… I guess i have no aversion to it because I have a fetish as well. Whenever I include rape in my stories though, I encounter a mixed bag of reactions each time. Of course, the negative responses stick out more to me, and possibly, the rape fanatics, like myself, don’t even want to leave comments so i don’t even get to hear their opinion… But either way, when I read TCR’s original post, I was angry because how can you say that ALL sex scenes are written for shock value. You can’t make a sweeping statement like that!
  13. Responses!!! Lol Parasitic Love Why thank you Gslinger!!! And no way you figured it out! Are you reading my mind? Yay! Thanks Antiki! I’m glad we’re all on the same page, chapter wise now. lol. There’s quite a bit of reading to catch up to, I’m so gosh darned long winded! I think the characters are all going through a lot of changes as the plot progresses. Since it’s taking me so many months to write, it feels like years have passed in this story, when it’s actually just days Oh well, I keep thinking I want to wrap the story up soon, but more plot ideas pop up! Grrr! This story is torturing me.
  14. Hey everyone I figured it wouldn’t be the worst idea to create a review thread for my current story, Parasitic Love. I’ll probably use this for future stories too, so yay!!! Thanks in advance for the reviews guys! You’re all awesome Profile: http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1296850419 Parasitic Love: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600108633
  15. Lol shut up Ya got any tips for world building? I'll probably keep it as close to normal as possible cuz I'm lazy... But I could be convinced to do it the hard way if it's worth it... What do you keep track of?
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