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Everything posted by Snake_King

  1. Whose OC’s are you talking about?
  2. Okay then. Just thought I'd ask.
  3. What about you, RexFan12345? How would you do this scenario and with whom?
  4. Okay, that makes sense.
  5. I might’ve gone more with Gohan in that situation myself, but to each their own. I’m not sure how a Ben 10 version of the scenario would work, as all Ben has to do is either go Alien X or ask Professor Paradox for help, and he can go back in time to stop a machine from blowing the world up.
  6. Not a bad write up. Very plausible, though I guess you’re not a fan of Bulma being with Vegeta? I’m a bit surprised you threw Korra into that line up as well, but if there’s an in-universe explanation, I guess it’ll be fine.
  7. I was mainly thinking of a scenario where one of the heroes from the shows and whatnot that we’ve talked about ends up in a situation like this: The hero’s home/planet is doomed to be destroyed because of a madman, and they have to go somewhere else where he ends up with multiple mates. - I thought of something like that a while back where Spidey ended up on a planet with multiple Marvel ladies as his harem due to Dr. Doom having finally lost it and blew up the Earth. However, I’m open to trying this sort of thing with heroes in other franchises and the like.
  8. Lemon harem fic, yes. Nazis, Communists and Cold War era polices, not so much. I was merely thinking of taking a few aspects from it and putting them together in a fic for one of the cartoons/anime/comics/movies that we like talking about. First, the story of “Dr. Strangelove, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb”: The whole thing kicks off when Brigadier General Jack D. Ripper decides to launch an unprovoked attack against the Soviet Union by ordering a bomb wing of B-52 planes to attack select targets (missile complexes) inside Russian borders. He’s doing this because he wants America to go to war with the Soviets, as he believes Communists are trying to poison the U.S. by putting fluoride in our waters (which, BTW, is a long-since debunked conspiracy theory). Later, when asked how he came up with such a crazy idea, Ripper says that it came to him during sex; he felt himself lose his strength, and was unable to perform. Rather than attribute this to things like age or stress or any number of other things it could be, he concocted a tapestry of nonsense, lying to himself, and kick-starting events that would lead to World War 3. After the planes receive the go-code to bomb Russia, the President holds a meeting in the War Room at the Pentagon to try and see if they can recall the bomb wing before they reach their targets. Because of certain policies regarding the bomb plan, they’re unable to communicate with or recall any of the planes unless their transmissions are preceded by a certain 3-letter code prefix, which only General Ripper knows, and Ripper has his airbase locked down tight and cut off all communications. The President brings in the Russians to try and resolve the situation, and the Russian Ambassador informs them that Soviets had developed a Doomsday Machine that would wipe out all life on Earth, and that the bombs of the planes could set it off. The reason for the Doomsday Machine was that of a deterrent, because no one would dare start a war if such a device would go off. However, the Soviet Union neglected to actually tell anyone that they had built it, negating its purpose. Eventually, the U.S. army comes down on Ripper’s airbase and forces his troops to surrender, and realizing that he’d be tortured for the code by what he believes to be Communist infiltrators, Ripper commits suicide. Colonel Mandrake, who was on exchange from the RAF and held prisoner by Ripper, manages to figure out what the recall code for the planes is, and after being hassled by a dimwitted soldier by the name of Bat Guano (yes, that’s his name), he manages to get a call in to the President, and from there, the bomb wing is called back in before they reach their targets...all except one, which had been damaged by a Russian missile, and therefore didn’t receive the recall order. The plane bombs a missile complex, and it’s here that we get that scene with the guy riding the bomb down before it explodes. Realizing that the Doomsday Machine will go off because of this, the President and the joint chiefs are left wondering what to do. Just then, the head of R&D, Dr. Strangelove, a former Nazi, suggests that they get the American people to live down in mine shafts until the radiation clears away in 100 years, and that the ratio be that every man has 10 female mates in order to repopulate the Earth.
  9. I’ve got an idea forming, but I’m not entirely certain what I want just yet.
  10. Actually a bit of both.
  11. That’s one scene from it, but there’s a good deal more. The whole film is a satire of the Cold War and the policies surrounding Nuclear combat. You mind hearing spoilers, or would you rather wait and see the film for yourself?
  12. Anyone here ever seen or heard of a film called “Dr. Strangelove”?
  13. Ah, I see now. It could work if done right. Although, would you prefer it to be an episodic porn without plot story or one with an overarching plot that has an endgame in mind?
  14. I don't know who the Kain/Raziel your referring to is. Sorry.
  15. So, having the male leads from those anime you listed be gender-bent and part of the harem seems like a good compromise to me.
  16. For me, the gender bending tends to be my way of compromising crossover pairings. This is especially when I ship certain members of the pairing with other characters from their own world. For example, I ship Naruto and Hinata from “Naruto,” and the best way you’d get me to agree to pairing Hinata with someone else would be if Naruto was gender-bent into Naruko and in a slightly open bisexual relationship with Hinata.
  17. Sounds interesting. Would Ben be replacing the male protagonists of those shows, or would we see female versions of them?
  18. I’ve seen High School of the Dead (thought it was enjoyable but flawed, and didn’t like the fact that it was never continued after the OVA), but I haven’t seen Triage X.
  19. Pretty busy with college at the moment, though I’ve learned recently that I could theoretically graduate within a year.
  20. Well, it’s admittedly not a great one, but it’s mostly something that just came to me when I saw some clips of Tatsumi and Esdeath together and how she attempted to seduce him. Anything you like or dislike about it? Anything you would’ve done differently?
  21. Yeah, I from what I’ve read, the ending is very depressing. Although, I hear that they made it because the manga hadn’t reached it’s own ending yet, so they made up one for the anime show. Anyway, here’s the idea I had: Tatsumi and the Night Raid and the Jaegers are forced to team up against a supernatural entity that’s reeking havoc in the countryside. This entity turns out to be none other than Set (the ancient Egyptian god of chaos, whom you may’ve noticed is my avatar on this site), who is mostly just doing what he’s doing for shits and giggles because he got bored, and despite all their attempts, he just wipes the floor with them. After all, he IS a god. Anyway, Tatsumi gets a little desperate and asks what it would take to stop Set, and the chaos god in question, who was paying attention to the way everyone acted around each other, gets a cheeky idea and tells them that he’s pretty much done and ready to move on to somewhere else, but he’ll leave on one condition; Tatsumi and Esdeath do each other on the spot right in front of everyone, and Set uses a magical device (a crystal or something) to record the whole thing so he can enjoy it whenever he wants. Reluctantly, Tatsumi agrees much to Esdeath’s delight, and the two get naked and do the deed in front of all their comrades. He ends up doing such a good job that Esdeath declares herself his and leaves the Jaegers, much to their shock. Set, having gotten what he wanted, bids them farewell and leaves. From there, the girls of the Night Raid have to deal with the fact that Tatusmi not only has Esdeath as a willing sex slave in their midst, but also their own burgeoning feelings love and lustful desire for him. One by one, they give into temptation and form his harem. Anyway, that’s the idea.
  22. What did you think of it?
  23. I’ve got another harem story idea, although it’s one with a crazy start. Before I give it though, who here has seen Akame Ga Kill? I only got through it about 2/3 of the way, I think, and then stopped watching when I was spoiled on how it ended. Haven’t seen all of the dub, but I may give it a chance someday.
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