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Not that I’m aware of. Ichasenin never got around to starting and it seems he’s moved away from AFF, so the request is up for grabs.
I think you posted this in the wrong thread as it has nothing to do with the challenge I outlined. Just to make sure, I even downloaded the .pdf and searched for any mention of Fleur. There were none.
The premise of this challenge is as follows: dimension-jumping duo of a grown up Harry Potter and Ron Weasley decide to get revenge on the Malfoys and a few other Slytherins, who were the cause of their misfortunes in their own original (AU) world. They do this by any means possible, which includes the mind-breaking of both wizards and witches involved with them, sexual exploitation and humiliation. Now in more detail: in their AU, Voldemort won for the most part, driving those fighting against him deep underground. This would lead to a lot of gritty and dirty fighting, loosening of morals and inhibitions when it comes to just about anything. So when Ron Weasley and Harry Potter, well into their late 30s or early 40s, decide they want to change things, they attempt a dangerous ritual for time-travel, except it doesn’t work and it lands them in yet an even more different world, in a different timeline altogether, roughly in the equivalent of their 3rd or 4th year of Hogwarts schooling. In this world, there is no Voldemort, there was never any sort of war to begin with, and even though there are still Potters and Weasleys around, they’re not the people that either Harry or Ron would recognize. But even though there is no Voldemort, that doesn’t mean everything is hunky dory either. Malfoys and other pureblood families are still kicking around, stirring up shit whenever and however they can. What with their previous experiences, Harry and Ron have little to no compunction of setting themselves to task to ruin all those families trying to wreck a somewhat decent wizarding world. So how do they do this? By going after the next generation of purebloods, of course. Best way for this to be handled is by both of them getting teaching posts at Hogwarts. Harry could be easily inserted into the DaDA slot, whereas Ron could be put in as the Quidditch teacher instead of Rolanda Hooch. Using their positions they would get close to all the purebloods and dominate them in every way possible. To best start them off, have Harry and Ron go after the witches of Slytherin: Pansy Parkinson, Daphne and later Astoria Greengrass, Hestia and Flora Carrow. No Bulstrode, because she’s not exactly smut-worthy material, and no Tracey Davis because there’s no to pair her off to. Because Daphne, Astoria, Hestia, Flora, and Tracey are pretty much blank slates, write them however you want, so long as they’re reasonably attractive in appearance. Here’s my suggestion how you could write the above mentioned if you don’t want to think up something yourself: Daphne and Astoria can be the bumbling, ditzy blonde witches with barely anything in their heads beyond crushing on the two new mysterious and attractive professors at Hogwarts, who should be more than eager to use their crushes to turn the young eager witches into cum-guzzling receptacles; primary focus should be on Ron breaking in the Greengrass sisters, starting with the youngest through Quidditch/flying lessons and teaching her how to handle a broom (pun intended) Flora and Hestia can be arrogant, staunch blood supremacists who eventually get turned into complete gutter sluts by Harry and Ron respectively, showing their devotion by sucking and taking in the cocks of muggles, muggleborns and half-bloods, magical beasts and beings alike (centaurs, merfolk, goblins, Fang, Buckbeak, thestrals and so on); both Harry and Ron should come at them, at the same time, turning them, degrading their morals bit by bit, until the aforementioned happens As always, use of magic in the form of spells or potions or charmed jewelry is highly encouraged in facilitating their seduction and corruption. I didn’t bring up Pansy above because she’s not as much of a blank slate as the others. You can use the template of her being Draco Malfoy’s girlfriend with Harry giving her detentions for excusable, but ultimately pointless reasons, then using said detentions to exert his influence on her and cause her to start crushing on him, which should eventually lead into her cheating on her boyfriend with her teacher. Please, remember, small steps. No need to go all the way at once. Start off with Pansy kissing her teacher at first, then some guilt and shame on her part, then remorse, then her doing it again, with Harry pressing the issue. Point is, don’t make her gag on Harry’s cock after meeting once or twice with him in private. When it does eventually happen, it should be a special occasion. After all, it’s not every day that a pureblood witch cheats on her boyfriend and future husband with a dimension-traveler-turned-Hogwarts-teacher. Make her reluctant in the beginning: worrying over the mere fact that she kissed her adult teacher and that she finds herself wanting more. When she’s finally turned, Pansy should be quite depraved: choking on Harry’s cock while Draco is serving detention and kissing her boyfriend right after without him being the wiser, wearing slutty lingerie and micro bikinis under her school robes or not wearing anything at all, going through her day with cum leaking between her legs and getting Draco to eat her out, unknowingly feeding him her professor’s creampies, and so on. Point is, plenty of cheating and high risk situations. When the reveal does come about and Draco finds out about Harry and Pansy (letting themselves get caught on purpose and then forcing him to watch as Harry stretches out Pansy's holes and leaves them gaping and leaking), he should be intimidated and forced to participate by way of now openly licking Pansy’s pussy and knowingly swallowing his DaDA’s seed. From then on, it’s important that he’s a participant in every encounter that Pansy and Harry have in the future. Be it him just watching, be it him jacking off his teacher, sucking him off or licking his balls, doesn’t matter, Draco has to be included. If you find yourself so inclined and willing, feel free to write Harry turning Draco into a somewhat feminized sissy, with Pansy cheering on the change and encouraging her boyfriend to become a full-blown cuckold sissy, so that he can too get fucked by his professor. Note, Harry shouldn’t be really attracted to Draco, not even in his sissy shape, it’s more about power and general domination that gets him off. And Draco should never actually get into the spirit of things, he’s just going to be bewitches and intimidated into everything, so that even if you do write about Harry gaping out Draco’s once-tight ass, he’s not going to go full blown bitch in heat about it. He might enjoy the physical pleasure side of things, but he should always hate himself for it and always try to resist, only to fail at every turn. No “Master/slave” nonsense please, just “Draco” or “Malfoy” will suffice from Harry, whereas Draco can use “Sir” or “Professor”. Now, you saw me mention wizards (plural) in the first paragraph, them getting mind-breaks, dominated and sexually humiliated. You might ask yourself how does that work out when only one of these witches has a boyfriend/future husband. The answer is simple: in order to control the pureblood heirs, Harry and Ron should reel them in with their freshly-turned (and fucked) loyal group of witches. Pansy should already have Draco hooked, so all we have left is Theodore Nott, Blaise Zabini, Crabbe and Goyle. You can pair each off them as you like, but my suggestion is to use the Carrow twins for Crabbe and Goyle, Daphne Greengrass for Blaise Zabini and Astoria Greengrass for Theodore Nott. By the time any of these witches get involved with them, they should have been turned by Harry and Ron and doing their bidding, fully in agreement with cheating on their boyfriend and cuckolding their future husbands. It can follow the same formula, more or less, as the one with Pansy and Draco, except that these four shouldn’t be feminized or turned into sissies, just regular cuckolds will do. The most important thing however is that none of them are willing, they should all be forced into it, intimidated by the older wizards into accepting their future roles. Harry and Ron regularly fucking their girlfriends in front of them, groping and feeling them up where they can see, forcing them to clean up the mess they leave behind – all of these should be the norm in what you write. They should be humiliated at every chance in private, demeaned and mocked for their small members (which is kind of understandable, given that they’re still young at that point), while barely allowed any affection from their girlfriends after the reveal. Before the reveal however, I expect to see the Slytherin witches glorying in cheating on their boyfriends, loving how clueless they are and secretly humiliating them by bringing them a never-ending supply of sloppy seconds and their teachers’ creampies. After the reveal? Make it an open secret in Slytherin that all of these witches are cheating on their boyfriends, just not with whom. Let them strut into the common room with a freshly fucked look on their faces, let them still have some cum in their mouths when they kiss their boyfriends – the whole shebang. If you do decide to write about events after Hogwarts, make sure to include scenes where on their wedding nights, none of the Slytherins get to have sex with their wives, instead it’s Ron and Harry (together or solo, either’s fine with me) that’s pounding them into the mattress. And as far as children are concerned, well, none of them should actually get pregnant from their husbands’ seed, instead only Harry and Ron are the ones allowed to impregnate them and they do it over a course of months, maybe even timing it on purpose when their husbands are there, so that they have to witness everything.
Thanks for the compliments. I really wish I had the time to write some of the challenges I’ve posted here, but I honestly don’t. If I ever did do something, it might be in collaboration.
As the title tells you, the central figure for this challenge is Fleur Delacour. Time-set of this challenge is the Tri-Wizard Tournament, except this time completely absent of Voldemort and his schemes. The idea behind this is that Fleur Delacour is exactly what witches expect (and fear) to see from those with Veela heritage: completely amoral and sex crazy, libido to the roof. To her it doesn’t matter if someone she fancies has a girlfriend or not, she does what she wants to get whatever or whoever she wants. By the time of TWT, she’s already established her dominance and superiority over the other witches and wizards at Beauxbatons. Think of Fleur as queen of the coop, lording over all of her age-peers, taking their boyfriends (or girlfriends) for a one-night stand whenever, wherever she likes, even going so far as to indulge in humiliating the other witches and wizards by making them watch Fleur in action. Her arrival to Hogwarts should just be a wonderful new opportunity to enlarge her already well-established stable of boys and girls. But to make this a bit above the average, in Hogwarts Fleur should focus solely on those who slight her in some way, and in return she’d take whoever they liked the best right from under the noses and then flaunt it (in private or public, depending on the circumstances). Wizards and witches who’d earn her ire: Draco Malfoy Hermione Granger Ginny Weasley Obviously, the people she then targets for seduction and corruption are Pansy Parkinson, Ron Weasley and Harry Potter. Given Fleur’s lack of morals, anything goes in her quest to turn these three from those closest to them. Drugs, potions, spells, curses and of course, Fleur’s innate charms as a Veela (nothing too crazy, mind you). For the Pansy part, you can write up a Fleur that uses some form of spell or potion to give herself a functioning set of cock and balls. However you choose to write Pansy being seduced by Fleur, the end result should be a Pansy who’s a complete slut, addicted to cocks and cheating on Draco with literally anyone, be they pureblood, muggleborn or even some kind of magical beast, like a hippogriff. An absolute must is the final reveal where Fleur is pounding the living daylights out of Pansy and Draco walks in on them, before being rendered helpless and forced to watch his girlfriend worship a much larger cock than his. Ron Weasley should be easier to handle. He’s already drooling after Fleur, even without her going after him directly, so the approach with him should be one where she constantly edges him, for a month or two, before she finally lets him loose. All of her teasing should be in sight of Hermione. The absolute must for this is the final scene where Ron is completely obedient to Fleur and fucks Pansy in the Gryffindor girls’ dormitory, right on Hermione’s bed, while she’s sleeping in it and only vaguely aware of what’s going on thanks to a curse Fleur applied earlier. Harry’s the trickiest part of this. I’m not exactly sure how you’d get around this. You’re probably gonna have to start using aforementioned drugs and spells from before. Probably best to save him for last, as you can then use both Ron and Pansy as Fleur’s accomplices, so that she could pull in Harry in her web of corruption. Though I’m not usually fond of this kind of stuff, you might want to use the mindbreak approach, where Fleur does whatever she can to completely break in Harry, get him addicted to her 100%. No Amortentia or Imperio though, that’d be too easy. An absolute must for the final part is Fleur spending a whole day with Harry, draining his balls, and then squeezing out the creampies straight into a butter dish that Harry later offers to Ginny during one of the meals. Bonus scenes (if you feel like writing those): Pansy loaned to Hagrid and Fang or Firenze as a willing sex-toy that they can use as much as they want in exchange for telling Fleur about the First Task A threesome with Fleur, Pansy and Ron, with Pansy getting stuffed full of Fleur’s cock and cream, Ron sucking on her balls and later doing the clean-up Harry and Ron forcibly sissified by Fleur without having been broken in beforehand, mainly used as Fleur’s cumdumps and turned into anal sluts Fleur, Ron and Harry fucking and impregnating Pansy on her wedding night, while her husband (Draco) lies knocked out next to them Canon pairings scenario, except for Fleur who is the one in control all the Weasleys and Potters, dominating, fucking and breeding anyone she pleases Fleur drugging and knocking up Hermione, Ginny and a sissified Draco while they’re still at Hogwarts during the TWT
The ultimate goal of this challenge is for EDI to dominate Shepard. The idea is that EDI has a subroutine which can’t be removed from her basic design, which focuses on keeping Shepard away from harmful, and alien, influences. But said subroutine can and will get corrupted and that could be used as a springboard as to why an artificial intelligence construct would even want to use sexual domination as a way of control rather than literally anything else. The main prerequisite for the subroutine’s activation is Shepard’s past involvement with Liara T’Soni and him meeting her again on Illium. After that point, EDI should be free to either just requisition herself a synthetic infiltration unit, the same that she gets to use in Mass Effect 3. Off the ship, she should go with subterfuge and just wear the human skin, while on board the Normandy, she reverts to the obvious synthetic skin. No one should know about EDI’s presence or her possession of the synthetic body she acquired, and during her time off the ship, she would focus all her attention on Shepard. How you do this, have her become involved with Shepard, is all up to you, but keep in mind that Shepard wouldn’t know it’s EDI who’s meeting him all over the galaxy whenever he gets off of Normandy, so that when she’s hitting on him or trying to seduce him, he won’t know it’s the ship’s AI who’s behind it all, and of course he won’t have any idea that she’s doing this both because she’s programmed to and because she later starts to enjoy it. If I may make a suggestion, have her subtly drive a wedge between Shepard and Liara, which should be fairly easy given that they’re not together for the most of Mass Effect 2, and then place herself there as someone willing to provide comfort in any and every possible way, but also take firm control of him, both in his sex life and outside it, when need be. Mix up her approach with both charming and aggressive behaviors. Don’t go all dominatrix with EDI and bitch-boy with Shepard, that’s just no fun. Her synthetic form should be fully capable of letting her experience pleasure. It should also be susceptible to alteration if she wants to play around with Shepard and let him experience different body types, breast and butt sizes. At a certain point, EDI should reveal to the whole of Normandy’s crew her new synthetic body. This could make it easier for her to move around the ship and exert even more influence on Shepard. I want Shepard’s relationship with Liara to cool gradually, at least on his part, until he completely loses all interest in her and only uses her for whatever resources she can provide. This is a must-have in the challenge. As he becomes more involved with EDI, as she starts molding him to her own unique tastes (anything goes so long as it’s not too humiliating for Shepard), the simple lovey-dovey experience with Liara should become quite bland and unappealing to him. Shepard should keep Liara around for her resources as an information/Shadow broker and he could play with her heart by postponing their physical reunion, while all the while he’s got EDI on the side draining his balls dry just before he goes to pop in for a visit to Liara or screwing his synthetic lover until she’s warbling in binary all over Liara’s place. EDI should make it her priority to eventually turn Shepard’s head around about Liara, have him see her as an inferior partner, so while at first she wouldn’t disparage her, I expect to see such behavior later on when she has a firmer grasp on Shepard. Marking him in some way, a sign of ownership, would be also welcome as a way to taunt the Liara who’d be completely ignorant of whatever form said ownership takes. Let’s just say that EDI should not have a complimentary view of Liara and should go to great length to humiliate her. If you feel like throwing in EDI getting involved with Joker anyway, here’s one suggestion on how to do it: to keep the crew’s suspicions at bay, what with her being so much around Shepard, have EDI start a platonic, strictly non-physical romantic relationship with Joker and use that as her cover. Simply rationalize that cheating on Joker with Shepard is a necessity and part of her constantly evolving programming which helps her lessen the guilt until it’s completely gone and increases her thrill from the repeated and continuous cheating until the cheating itself is the second-most important part of her programming, because it makes her sessions with Shepard so much better. You can make situations where she gets to compare the two vastly different experiences with Joker and Shepard respectively, such as going on a date with Joker, while she’s still full of Shepard’s cum, or giving Joker just a brief peck on the lips whereas just an hour ago she sucked off Shepard to completion and swallowed his loads without hesitation. You can go further than just that, but I leave that to your discretion. Oh and there has to be at least one chapter that has several scenes from Shepard’s perspective. It would be for the best if you show his gradual transition from reluctant participant to full blown sex addict who can’t get off anymore without EDI and how he’s willing to do anything to please her and achieve whatever goals she might have for him.
Just a random idea that came to me the other day and now I feel like expanding on it and putting it out there for anyone as a challenge. What if the diary possession left Ginny shaken up in more than just the post-traumatic way? What if it loosened her inhibitions, rid her of the usual morals that normal people have, gave her some of the darker knowledge that a young Tom Riddle had? Even before the Chamber of Secrets she was crushing hard on Harry and after it, she probably wanted him badly, but never did anything. So here you have the chance to do something about it. Start it up in the summer before Harry’s 3rd year; Ginny doses Harry with lust potions when he comes to stay in the Burrow, makes his body react to (only) her presence, makes him get horny gradually, forcing him to sneak off from the others to regularly masturbate or just do it under his covers at night when everyone’s asleep, while shamefully thinking about Ginny; Wanting to go further, without officially escalating things between them, Ginny regularly slips into Harry’s room at the Burrow at night, putting him under a spell and doing whatever she likes to him, while slipping in subconscious suggestions on how he should think and how to act when near her; she should also use these opportunities to explore Harry’s body and pleasure him, whether it’s giving him a handjob or learning on how to handle his cock so that she could worship it all the better in the future, as well as ride his face and leaves it soaking in her own juices; During the day, Ginny does everything possible to make Harry go mad with lust, so as to tempt him to break past his own boundaries; Harry being Harry, he’s stubborn to a fault, and no matter what he may fantasize about Ginny he doesn’t actually go for the final push, so instead Ginny does that, catching him in the act one day with his pants down and helping him pleasure himself; Unwilling and ashamed of what happened, Harry rejects Ginny’s further advances only to wake up one night with a barely clothed Ginny in his bed; he’s tied up with spells and the area around his bed is soundproof so no one can hear him at all; Ginny uses that opportunity to cement in his head how much she wants him and she proceeds to giving him numerous blowjobs and handjobs until he admits that he wants it and that he loves all of it; scene should end with Ginny untying him and then the two kissing passionately; relationship stays secret, but they do pretty much everything during his stay in the Burrow, short of penetrative sex; Harry’s 3rd year at Hogwarts is mostly him trying to handle his new relationship with Ginny; she’s inserted herself into the group with Ron and Hermione, pretending she’s merely a friend, while doing everything on the sly to entice Harry further into initiating things; this should include Ginny kissing Harry whenever they have the chance, leaving hickeys and bite marks that he learns to hide from others, getting him randy before a class so that he sits there with a hard-on or sneaking into one of his classes (History of Magic) and leaving him with him a mess underneath his robes; include Ginny learning about magical toys and spells to enhance their experiences in the future; At the Quidditch World Cup, Ginny’s jealousy and possessiveness gets kicked up a notch by seeing Harry briefly enthralled by Bulgaria’s Veela mascots; this leads to Ginny becoming more aggressive, all but attacking him, even when they’re at risk at being caught by the others in their tent, such as riding his face while the others sleep; there should be at least one scene where Harry is going down on Ginny, in her bed, to make it up to her, with them only narrowly avoiding getting caught by Harry keeping still under the covers, while still pleasuring Ginny, who’s talking with Hermione about the Veela incident or anything else; When Harry gets chosen for TWT, Ginny decides it’s time to go all the way with Harry; this is kicked off by one of Harry’s competitors being Fleur Delacour, a witch who’s part-Veela; Harry would officially invite Ginny to the Yule Ball, but everyone would think it’s just them going as friends; meanwhile Ginny would make that the night they finally have sex with each other; once before the start of the Ball, so that when Ginny is dancing with Harry his cum is dripping down her thighs and onto the floor, and once after when they sneak out of Hogwarts and into Beauxbatons’ carriage, to Fleur Delacour’s room, where Ginny rides Harry as much as possible, making him creampie her a dozen times and thus stain Fleur’s bed a lot; Throughout the 4th year, Ginny becomes more dominant, a mix between a full dominant and a power bottom; exploring kinks and fetishes with Harry, which go on to include: light BDSM (no actual pain or humiliation), anal play (on both ends, but you don’t have to go further than Ginny licking and eating out Harry’s ass, or fingering him while giving him a blowjob, if you don’t want to), public sex (seriously underused, what with all those spells to hide people in plain sight), aging potions (to see what they’ll look like when they’re older and how they’ll develop in certain areas), eating each other’s cum with their food or drinking it in plain sight of others (who remain ignorant of what said beverages actually are) and so on; anything goes, so long as it’s not scat or likewise gross; Fifth and sixth year could be about the time when Ginny wants to go official, but still keeps it a secret because there’s a thrill from having to keep it hidden from others; because of this secrecy, other witches, like Romilda Vane (or anyone else that might fit the role), hit on Harry and try to start something with him, even when he refuses them; this should prompt Ginny into taking matters into her own hands, like kidnapping any witch that does this, tying her up and putting her in a wardrobe, forcing her to look at her and Harry as they have sex; during this, Ginny should talk dirty with Harry, who would then disparage the other witch, at Ginny’s urging, and compare them unfavorably to each other (in Ginny’s favor, of course); Seventh year (Ginny’s) is when they disclose their relationship to the world, but only at the end of it when Ginny strolls into the Great Hall, heavily pregnant (previously hidden her delicate state with magic), and kisses Harry in front of all the staff and students; preceding this, Harry has come to Hogwarts as a teacher on probation (Defense against the Dark Arts, what else?) and Ginny makes it her goal in her 7th year to get knocked up by him, and so she goes off whatever contraceptive potions/spells she was using all this time, while never letting Harry cum anywhere but inside her (pussy, mouth or ass); feel free to use any and all places in Hogwarts for them to have sex, including the teacher’s lounge, common rooms, Harry’s office and of course the DaDA classroom; one specific request I have is that during one of Harry’s lessons, he sits at his desk, teaching, while Ginny is hiding beneath it, waiting to surprise him with a sloppy blowjob, which lasts throughout the whole class, with no one the wiser; I know it’s a bit heavy on the details, but by now, folks should learn to expect that from me in challenges. By no means does it mean you have to follow what I wrote to the letter. Use it as guidelines, rather than commandments. Do your own thing, just stay within the constraints I have placed here. Don’t make Harry a wuss or spineless just because Ginny is the dominant one. Don’t make Ginny a bitch just because she likes to be in charge. Don’t bash Ron or Hermione or Dumbledore or the Weasleys. If you really feel the urge to bash someone, feel free to bash the usual suspects like Snape or Draco Malfoy. It’s not like they don’t deserve it. Have Harry and Ginny fuck in Snape’s classroom, always leaving a mess on his desk. Use some kind of special polyjuice to make themselves look like James Potter and Lily Evans and leave a ghostly afterimage of it, with sound, (be creative!) in his own bedchamber in Hogwarts, so that he can see his once former rival pounding his crush, who talks poorly of him and praises ‘James’ in return. Have them both fuck with Malfoy’s head by Ginny squeezing out Harry’s creampies into Malfoy’s drink or food, without him realizing what the strange taste is. Or maybe go for Pansy Parkinson and feed her Harry’s creampies that Ginny pushes out in the Slyherin witch’s food and beverage. That might work better. All in all, have fun!
If I was to write this myself, then I'd probably avoid involving them directly, but you, or anyone else for that matter, can write as they like so long as they stay true to the gist of the challenge. The memory wipe thing seems alright at first, but also - kind of boring? If you want to involve them already, you can just have Harry dose them with some kind of potion to enforce subservience/submissiveness towards their wives who bring up cuckolding to them and how they'd want to do it with someone they can trust, i.e. Harry. From then on you could escalate those cuckolding relationships into being written more openly in the separate households, like if Harry was to drop in on one of the Dursley women while their husband was working, which they could keep at even when Vernon or Dudley made it home from their jobs, or if he was to take them out on dates and how the neighbors and family friends would comment on the situation, but never outright imply what's going on. And since it'd be so much out in the open, I'd like to see them refusing their husbands for sex, so they could make sure they'd get pregnant with Harry. In this scenario, it'd be obvious that both Dudley and Vernon would know their wives aren't carrying their children, but they'd stay with them nonetheless. Or you could write about them being threatened them by Harry, with magic, have Dudley's wife and Petunia play up to the act, maybe do a little scene before the whole family how they'd do anything to save their husbands from Harry's anger. Sort of like they're sacrificing themselves for their husbands' sakes and that them being forced to watch is nothing as serious as it is for them, since they're the ones getting fucked by the 'freak' nephew/cousin. Then repeat those kinds of scenes ad infinitum. Now, as far as participation is concerned, I'm iffy on that. I'd be alright with them being in the same room as their wives, holding their hands or spreading their legs so that Harry can get a better angle to fuck them. Maybe, and that's just a maybe, even prep their wives for Harry and then guide him by hand inside them? That's about the furthest I'd want to see that go.
Yeah, my bad, I should have been clearer on that. Sure, later on in their affairs Harry and Ron can start to fully enjoy themselves and look forward to meeting Fleur and Gabrielle. The unwillingness was only supposed to cover the starting stuff, with the potions and whatever blackmail Fleur and her sister used to force them to continue the affair.
Main characters for this challenge are as follows: Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Fleur and Gabrielle Delacour. All four of them should be married, but who their spouses are shouldn't really matter. Fleur and Gabrielle would be married to some OC French wizards, whereas Harry and Ron could be married to anyone, ranging from canon pairings to whomever you please, but I admit that canon pairings would probably suit them best here. This should be set years and years after Hogwarts, with Harry and Ron in their 30s, so that Gabrielle would be well of age. The affairs would be Fleur with Harry and Gabrielle with Ron. Both affairs should be initiated by Fleur and Gabrielle, with Harry and Ron unwilling, possibly even dosed with potions for the first few times to kickstart the whole thing and then later on blackmailed to keep it going. Their motivation for the affairs should be very simple: they want what they want and they'll do anything to get it, which in this case are Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. What I want to see: 1. Harry and Ron being unwilling to cheat on their wives, but still going along with it, first due to being dosed with potions and later due to blackmail; 2. They never talk poorly of their wives or disparage them, though Fleur and Gabrielle might, but they could still get aroused by the dirty talk, i.e. a guilty pleasure; 3. Despite the above, they will still enjoy, once they're no longer being drugged, having relations with the Delacour witches; 4. Fleur and Gabrielle using any opportunity to have relations with Harry and Ron, regardless whether in public or private; 5. Fleur and Gabrielle completely dominating their husbands, not hiding what they're doing from them, but making them keep their mouths shut. If they have sex with their husbands, Fleur and her sister force them to do very demeaning tasks, like have a go at them after Harry and Ron are done with them; 6. Both Fleur and Gabrielle should be aggressive with Harry and Ron, and possessive when they're somewhere together, regardless if their spouses are with them or not; 7. Sex in public places (under a spell/spells to prevent them from being found out), sex in risky locations where they might be caught by their wives and so on; 8. Experimentation with magical sex toys and sex spells of any sorts - feel free to go wild here, so long as it's within the realm of plausibility somewhat: Harry or Ron transfiguring their genitals (or their whole bodies) to that of some animal and then having sex with Fleur or Gabrielle; changing of ages, whether to make Gabrielle older and Ron younger, or Fleur younger and Harry older, or any other possible combination; chastity spells that prevent Harry or Ron from having sex with their wives, spells of lust to make them tether on the edge of insanity due to pent up arousal while in public with the Delacour sisters; and so on. Really, anything goes so long as it's not too far out there. What I don't want to see: 1. There is to be no cheating from Harry's or Ron's wife and they are not to be blamed for the affairs their husbands are having; 2. The affairs are to remain secret from everyone except for a few friends of Fleur and Gabrielle and their husbands; 3. No scat, snuff, gay or lesbian sexual acts 4. No Veela soul-bond/mate nonsense. What's happening here is pure obsession and lust on Fleur's and Gabrielle's parts and nothing more. 5. No small dicks men or premature ejaculations, not even for Fleur and Gabrielle's husbands, it's a tiresome cliche that has no place in HP smut; 6. No unrealistic sized cocks for Harry and Ron, it's as tiresome to read about 15 inch cocks (seriously, do you even know how big that is?) as it is about the small ones; for clarification's sake, their endowments shouldn't exceed nine inches in length and whatever is appropriate for girth. Feel free to model Fleur Delacour in accordance to the actress that played her in the Harry Potter films, with Gabrielle being a more voluptuous version of that with some other notable differences to differentiate between the two. Last, but not least, if you feel like it, include a bonus scene at the end where both Fleur and Gabrielle have decided to get pregnant with their lovers, then later on another scene of them having sex while visibly pregnant, and eventually even a scene where you have Harry and Ron meet their children somewhere in public, while others believe the children to be the products of Fleur and Gabrielle's marriages, when in truth they're the result of the extensive and long-term affairs that never ended. This kind of thing would be best if Harry and Ron were to have no children with their wives and only with their French lovers.
Here's the short and sweet of it: 1. Harry/Petunia is to be the main pairing of this challenge 1a. But that doesn't have to be the only one if you want more, see note #1 for more details. 2. Actual relationship between them should start no sooner than Harry's third year at Hogwarts and it should gradually grow over the next few years, while he's still at Hogwarts. If you want to do something more beyond that, feel free to do so. 3. Voldemort is gone. Kaput. Dead. He or any other substitute for him should not feature at all in the story. 3a. Harry's parents, and Sirius, are dead too. Sirius is removed from the story because otherwise he might take Harry into his custody. 4. No abuse whatsoever from the Dursleys. They don't love him, but they don't act like he's the Antichrist either. So that means no cupboard under the stairs, no locks on the door of his room or anything of the sort. 4a. Vernon should prefer to ignore him and minimize his interaction with Harry. Dudley could bully Harry once or twice when they're younger, but should stop when Petunia intervenes. Petunia herself should be split in half on the matter of her nephew: wanting to care for him and love him, because he's family and the last connection to her dead sister and wanting him out of her family's life because magic has brought nothing but misery to her family (i.e. her sister got killed by it). 5. Once fully grown/matured (17/18 years old), Harry should be very well endowed, above average in girth and length, but in his younger years feel free to have him use potions or magic to temporarily (or permanently, depending on your preference) make it bigger. Also, Harry should always have big loads of cum. 6. Harry isn't a sex-god right from that start. Don't do that. Have him learn along the way, rather than just read up one book, or have sex once, and then apply the same technique to anyone/everyone he has sex with. Right, that was the short version. Here's the longer. This is a complete AU, as you can see from the short version. I imagined that due to the emotional distance Petunia would put between herself and her nephew, it would allow for some potential smut, later on, but only with the proper background for it all. Given Vernon's obesity, I can't imagine she'd be all that willing to have sex with him often, or at all, and for her own satisfaction she'd look to herself. Maybe she'd use a toy? Maybe just her fingers and some adult entertainment on the telly? Whatever you please, basically, so long as Harry stumbles onto her in the act of masturbation. This should happen at a pre-Hogwarts age, mind you, him catching her with her fingers knuckle deep in her gushing opening. He'd just watch, at first, but after a few times, he'd make himself known and Petunia would, naturally, grow ashamed and disgusted with herself. However, no matter how much she tries to keep him away, Harry would always come to watch her, because ultimately he just wanted to see what made his aunt so happy and if he could perhaps learn to do it so he could make her happy too, so she could love him and show him affection that he craves. For Petunia, this would at one point start to present a problem, as she would start to find less and less satisfaction in the act unless watched by her nephew. Again, I want nothing sexual to happen between them before Harry's third year. Until then, this would be just their little secret and Harry would just wait for one specific day when he could go and openly join her in the act. However, this would only happen at Petunia's word, i.e. she would invite him in to watch openly, and not stand in the doorway or hide in the closet, as she pleasured herself. It would take a few times, at least, until Harry himself participates in some way. Make it as something as simple as inhaling the scent of her, from up close, when she's had at least one orgasm. From there on, it's a simple matter to move onto kissing, licking and properly eating his aunt out. Best time for Harry to start having sex with his aunt would be in his 4th year, when he goes back home on Christmas break. Their relationship should become more affectionate even outside the bedroom, maybe not overtly so that Vernon and Dudley don't think Petunia's acting too odd, but prolonged hugs, lingering kisses (on the cheek) and so on are something that I would want to see here. Their relationship, in general, should grow to be nothing but loving and caring. Though that doesn't mean that everything ought to be slow and gentle in the bedroom. Quickies in the bathroom when the bedroom or living room are otherwise occupied, hand-jobs in the hallway, blowjobs in the cupboard, fingerings underneath the dinner table... all's welcome here. Note #1: Targets of opportunity should range from Slytherin witches at Hogwarts and Dudley's girlfriend(s) back in Privet Drive. Below are further details. While at Hogwarts, say his 2nd year, he should get involved with an older (6th year Slytherin) witch, who should be the one to teach him the ropes of pleasuring a woman with his mouth and fingers. If you like, write it as a way of exchanging favors, she helps him with something, and in return he satisfies her that way whenever she asks, including during a class or two of hers, with him hiding underneath her robes while eating her out. The favor in question could be Harry looking up sex magic, because he's lusting after his aunt and wants to find ways to do something about it. Keep in mind, he won't say to the Slytherin witch on whom he would use anything from said book, just that he wants something like it. And said book's stuff shouldn't be used before his third year Christmas break. Later on, the other witches at Hogwarts he could have relations with either Pansy Parkinson (Malfoy's girlfriend), Daphne Greengrass (Zabini's girlfriend) or one of the Carrow twins (Nott's girlfriend). Except for the first witch, who doesn't have an ongoing relationship during her time while she teaches Harry, all the other witches at Hogwarts should be in one and thus cheating on their boyfriends with Harry Potter. Do NOT have Harry fuck Ron's or Dean's or Seamus' or Neville's girlfriend(s) behind their backs. He is not to have a sexual relationship with any of the non-Slytherin witches in his life at Hogwarts. His involvement with one of those three witches should start off by them hearing rumors in the years before from that older Slytherin witch who had her way with Harry. Each of the three could have a different approach to initiating a relationship with him behind their boyfriends' backs: - Pansy could attempt to blackmail him with the information of what he did as a young wizard, fail miserably, and Harry could simply take pity on her and give her a way to get the thing she wanted (extra money) by offering her generous pay so long as she comes to him whenever he bids her; - Daphne should simply have a go at him due to a lack of morals and scruples, wanting to compare her boyfriend with Harry's own rumored prowess, which would then go on to become a more intense affair than the one she originally planned for; - Carrow, either Hestia or Flora, would want someone who wouldn't just there lie there in bed and expect her to do all the work, while her twin sister would cover for her with her boyfriend, and since she can't really look to Slytherin, she'd find her way towards Harry, with the help of the older Slytherin witch. If whoever takes up this challenge feels like writing beyond Harry's years at Hogwarts, write him about having an ongoing affair with one of these three witches, who'd gone on and married their respective boyfriends from Hogwarts after they were done with their education. No children with them though. As for Dudley's girlfriend(s), the circumstances for that are quite simple: have one of them catch Petunia and Harry in the act, say when he's on his 5th year at Hogwarts, and since Harry can't just take out his wand and subdue her or wipe her memory clean, Petunia would suggest that he pay for her silence a different way, and from there on Harry would start to have sex with Dudley's girlfriend. Or girlfriends, if he has more than one over the years. I leave that to your discretion. Now, I realize that Petunia isn't exactly an attractive looking woman. She's described as a thin person with a long neck and natural blonde hair. Some folks that might want to take up this challenge might not necessarily want to write about Petunia as they don't find her attractive to start with. know that I am completely open to seeing Harry brew some potions which would alter Petunia's physical appearance. This would come about from Petunia feeling insecure about Harry fucking a much younger and more attractive girl (Dudley's girlfriend) than herself and then ask him to do this for her. Ultimately, she'd be the one who'd give the specifics about what she'd want to see changed about herself to Harry. He could give her a bigger bust, larger rear, widen her hips, narrow her waist, improve her face, plump up her lips, and so on, but he should also craft an artifact of sorts which would keep these changes negated completely from everyone around them unless Petunia decides to remove said artifact from her body. I'm thinking, something like a Goblin-silver chain that she has tied around her waist, worn beneath all clothes, with a small heart-shaped pendant, that has a cursive H inscribed on it, landing right atop her pussy mound. Just a suggestion on my part. You can make it a piercing or just a regular necklace or bracelet. Think of it this way: when she's wearing it, it's not just an illusion, she looks and feels like she's her old-self, but once it gets taken off, her figure becomes her new-self, voluptuous curves and all. If you do alter Petunia's appearance, have her and Harry go out on dates in parts of the muggle world, spend the night together in whatever way you want (a dinner or going to a club or the theater/cinema and son) which should always end up in extra passionate fucking back at Privet Drive. You could age up Harry's appearance with an ageing potion, just to make sure no one quite recognizes him either. Example of a dinner scenario: Harry and Petunia are in some muggle restaurant, just talking and eating their meal, when Vernon comes in with a business client of his. He could even look and admire Petunia's new looks without ever realizing it's his wife and nephew sitting at that table. Harry would then grow annoyed how distracted his aunt has become since Vernon came in and he'd take her to the bathroom, and just fuck her silly in one of the stalls. At one point, Vernon would come in to wash his hands, and hear someone getting pounded brutally in one of the stalls. Petunia would realize (somehow) who it was that came into the bathroom and would then shamelessly beg her nephew to finish inside her. When they do come out and return to their table, there should be some cum trickling down Petunia's thighs, which Vernon would notice and think about how vulgar and scandalous it was, while actually sporting a stiff one himself. Later that night, Petunia would proceed to gleefully give Vernon some sloppy seconds. Unlike my other challenge, with Ron and Malfoy's girlfriends/wife, the other people (Vernon, Dudley, Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini and Theo Nott) should not be aware of their partners cheating on them with Harry. That said, feel free to write plenty of scenes where there's a risk of getting caught or being found out; have them give their respective partners sloppy seconds, feed them Harry's creampies or kiss their boyfriends/husbands on the mouth soon after they gave a blowjob to Harry; have them go at it like rabbits right next to their knocked out/drugged partners, taunting them and disparaging them as they lie unconscious in the room; or have them do it right in front of them, made invisible by spell or Harry's invisibility cloak. Here's a setup for a scene for Harry with Dudley's girlfriend: it's Christmas Eve, Vernon is out and about on some business dinner, from which Petunia opted out, and Dudley has invited his girlfriend to come and properly meet his mother and cousin, never knowing that she's already way more intimate with Harry than he'd like to; during the dinner have them seated on opposite sides, with his girlfriend next to Harry, so she could stroke his cock without Dudley seeing a thing, or give him a blowjob when Dudley takes a short trip to the bathroom, or just push up her dress and straddle Harry's lap as he fucks her right there at the dinner table, pumping her full of his cum. Petunia would know all about it and encourage the lovers while she goes to distract her son from coming back. If you do write about Harry's post-Hogwarts years, and wrote beforehand about him fucking Dudley's girlfriend(s), please do write about him fucking Dudley's wife too and impregnating her. Any child that Dudley's wife has should be Harry's and Harry's alone. And speaking of impregnation, I wouldn't be opposed to Harry knocking up his aunt at her request, her having sex with Vernon once or twice to fool him into thinking it's his child and not her nephew's bastard she's carrying in her belly, with an extra sex scene with a heavily pregnant Petunia and Harry, right in the bed she shares with Vernon, while Vernon lies unconscious on the floor as Harry fucks her, sucks on her lactating breasts and so on. Make that a bonus scene at the end of it all, if you want. Like before, this is something that I'd like to probably have a go at it myself one day, but in the meantime I figured someone else might want to take a shot. Alright, that's all from me. Here's hoping someone takes up this challenge.
I honestly forgot all about Narcissa. Probably because I was just looking at witches that would most likely be involved with Draco Malfoy by way of a 'romantic' relationship rather than actually related. If you feel like writing it up, go for it. Really, you don't even have to have Lucius as dead, you can keep him alive, so that Ron can cuckold both Malfoy Jr. and Malfoy Sr. at the same time, but keep Lucius completely ignorant (naturally, he should still get to taste some Weasley homemade creampies and get plenty of sloppy seconds) even though Draco should come to find out about it, but basically be forced to keep his mouth shut due to Astoria's influence over him. Feel free to write Draco performing his cuckold sissy duties even before his mother's eyes.
No worries, you don't have to try and rush it or anything of the sort. Just post here with a link to the story when you upload it to AFF, that's all. And thank you.
Does that mean you'll be undertaking this particular challenge?
They can keep having sex, if you want to write about it, but it shouldn't be anything more than the occasional romp. The big part of why they got together after all was to spite Malfoy. Once Pansy's relationship with him was over, the thrill of putting one over him is gone. The sex would still be good, mind you, for her and Ron, but it would be merely a pleasant past-time. Think of it more like the two of them happening to meet each other, on their own, and then indulging in some fantastic sex. They'd still have a good time, they just would get more pleasure out of it if Pansy was still cheating on Draco and giving him Ron's sloppy seconds (and thirds). Ah, Harry. See, one of the reasons why I had Pansy and the other two go for Ron was that he at least was a pureblood. For all that's happening, I never considered their prejudices would change much, they'd merely be overlooked in favor of the sex Ron was getting. But if you want to, I wouldn't be opposed to seeing a threesome scene with Ron and Harry plugging up Daphne from both ends before they send her packing back to her boyfriend, while she's still got their cum in all of her holes. Pansy could easily join up Ron and Daphne, given that she was the one to encourage Daphne to get together with him in the first place, so she'd be getting that thrill of cheating on Draco, even if it was only through a proxy. See, this is why I really thought it best to keep Hermione's presence to the minimum, because I wanted Ron to be a bachelor post-Hogwarts. His relationship with Hermione should only be as friends and nothing more. I admit, that's my own bias against the character playing into it, but it also helps get rid of complications. The whole point of this challenge was never for the 'good guys', if you pardon me for saying so, to get fucked over, so even if I don't like Hermione, I don't want her getting cheated on or her cheating on Ron (which wouldn't happen because they should be nothing more than friends here). Ron could have a casual, no strings attached, relationship with some witch before he starts up his affair with Astoria Malfoy, but when it does start, everything should shift focus to that and any previous casual relationship he might have had would simply be dropped in favor of the one with Astoria. However, if you really do want to write Hermione in relationship with Ron, after Hogwarts, have her be turned on by Ron's sexual adventures with other women (having found out about it before they got married by way of Ron telling her what he's done in the past), and when the affair with Astoria Malfoy starts up, make sure that Hermione approves it first and eventually joins them in their debasement, sissification and humiliation of Draco Malfoy by participating in it however she likes. She could keep quiet about it at first, but after the affair is revealed to Draco, she would throw digs at him in the Ministry, about what a fine cuckold he's become and how he's acquired a taste for creampies. Think of it as a way for Hermione to pay him back for all the things he said and did in Hogwarts. When the stuff in the last paragraph that I wrote happens, you could even have Hermione be the one fucking him in the ass with some form of magical strap-on. But, like I said before, it just makes things less complicated if she's not in the picture at all. As for Draco, I forgot to put this in earlier, don't make him too eager in his new role. Write him to still be bitter about what's happening (even somewhat resistant if grudgingly accepting) and resentful of the fact that the only attention he gets from his wife (once the affair is revealed to him and she's made him submit to her through previous training and influence) is her playing with his locked up cock or teasing out a prostate orgasm while disparaging him (telling him how this is the only way he could possibly even satisfy her) or when she makes him suck out her lover's cum straight from her freshly-fucked cunt and so on. He's still going to get turned on by all this, but he should hate it at first and the gradual change to a sissy cuckold shouldn't be omitted in favor of just getting the whole over quickly. Drag it out, if you feel like it, have him question his sexuality, his lack of masculinity, his acceptance of what Astoria's done to him and how Pansy and Daphne too have cheated on him in the past and given him countless creampies and sloppy seconds, courtesy of Ron Weasley, and how there's a small, but growing, part of him that is enjoying it a lot, no matter how humiliating it is. Now to the bit about his involvement. When he's turned into a sissy, I expect him to have a more feminine tone to his appearance. Nothing outrageous, but a bit of widening of the hips and thighs, slightly plumper lips, bigger ass and stuff like that. When he does look like that, Ron shouldn't be opposed to having Draco service him in a number of ways: a blowjob just before Astoria gets home so Ron is ready to fuck Draco's wife when she arrives, kissing and sucking on his balls while Ron has Astoria pressed against the wall with her legs wrapped around him, and if you want so you could have one (or more) scene where Astoria watches Ron completely dominate her husband, which should lead into full-blown sex where Draco admits in the heat of the moment what a slut he's become and how he loves it all. One last thing: the affair between Ron and Astoria should remain secret to the outside world and the changes done to Draco should be kept concealed with the aid of magic. Make Ron's and Astoria's children look like her or if you want them to have the typical Weasley look, make sure they get covered in some glamor magic before they go outside and are seen by others.