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Everything posted by david15

  1. What if Cardin had a semblance to coues love and devotion in others allowing him to treat people like objects or toys and they love him for it? What if he had a reputation for sleeping with a new girl every night or helping his friends get the girls they wont? Things that I wont to see are Yang meeting him and not even getting to say anything before he looks at her breast and he tells her to meet him in his room that night. Optional abuse idea Cardin enjoys humiliating strong women and takes her as hard as he can before leading her to his friends. Ruby being woken up by a half dressed Yang and told that she wont's her to meet someone. Optional rape idea Yang to prove to Cardin she loves him helps him rape Ruby the first time he takes her. Pyrrha finding out about him threatening Jaune tells Jaune she will get him to stop after going to talk to Cardin she is seen hanging off his arm the next day by Jaune Optional whore idea Cardin Pyrrha is convinced that a womens place is to provide pleasure to men and starts accepting the advances of anyone that wont's her. Blake comes to consider herself his pet and wears a collar. Optional racist idea Blake to prove her devotion starts an canpaine to promote human superiority to faunus saying that her race barely deserve to be a humans pet let alone considered equol and actively encarges faunus slavery. Weiss he wast no time to convince that her familys company should place its self at his beck and call and from there it only makes since to introduces him to her sister. Jaune soon without Pyrrhas support drops out and several months later his sisters meet up with Jaune and tell him about this boy they are all dating. Optional mind break idea Cardin walks in with them and they are all pregnant.
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