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Posts posted by BustedCraft

  1. As a kid I was a bit of a loner, and a nerd before the whole geek chic thing made it socially acceptable. I liked to read, and my head was always full of stories. I overcame childhood insomnia by constructing elaborate tales in my head until I fell asleep, and if they still sounded good in the morning (which they so seldom did), I would write them down. As a teen, I wrote scripts for my friends' independent, no-budget movies, usually in the style of Twilight Zone. Now I work in IT, which I enjoy, but there's not much room for creativity in what I do, so I write as an outlet for storyteller in me. There was never an author, or particular piece of fiction that drove me to write. I don't do it for money, recognition, or anything of that sort. I do it because I'm compelled to, and would continue writing even if I were the only person to ever read it.

  2. Hello all. I've read stories on AFF for awhile, but only recently joined and decided to be active. I've got two one off's and a bigger project that I'm hoping to roll out soon. My focus will mostly be on video games and (non-anime) cartoons. Fairly vanilla by some standards, but I've got to get my "sea legs," before I venture off into the harder stuff.

    My screen name comes from my long dead, crotchety old great grandfather. "Why is it that everything you see on television and in the movies has to be full of smut? Writing is a craft, but writing filth is a busted craft."

    He'd be so proud.

    Anyway, it's nice to meet everyone, and I look forward to having more to share with whomever is interested.

  3. I'm new here, so I'm not up on all the rules, but is it plausible that those two bands could exist in both categories? The characters which make up both Dethklok and Gorillaz are wholly different from the musicians which the "live" bands are composed of. Therefore, a groupie who goes to see Dethklok with the express purpose of seducing Brendon Small would easily belong in, "Celebrity," while one that engages with the named characters on the show would belong in, "Cartoons."

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