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Everything posted by Matthew

  1. Pretty much, Miyu would totally think Angelica is trying to steal her Onii-chan we've seen how much of a brocon she is as well as how much she wants Shirou to spoil her. Fact of Angelica's previous relationship between two of them plus her glamorous looks and figure yeah... she would become public enemy one in Miyu's eyes.
  2. Not much from what I can see unless she gets discarded and thrown away. Shirou would probably still take him with her despite what she did to him on account of his mindset in valuing others works. I mean it's not like he would take her with him for sole purpose of inflicting revenge or treat like some sort of sex slave. More likely they would eventually become closer and become some sort of incredibly awkward couple (considering how they first met). Miyu's reaction to the two of them dating would be hilarious though.
  3. Well considering how much Saber likes Shirou yeah Mordred would enjoy idea of violating him or netorare him. Then add to bit with his food, yeah... truth be told if Shirou and Mordred were to meet (without Saber being involved) they can probably get along rather well for most part however due to Saber yeah Mordred is going to be rather vindictive. If we go on bit on UBW where Rin becomes Saber's master, that is point where Mordred would get into breaking Rin and making her squeal and moan while Saber is helpless and merely forced to watch. Though considering Shirou's nature I wonder if he might try and play some sort of mediator too two of them. Well regardless I can see Mordred doing all of what you say.
  4. Well Merlin was able to do it and as Homunculi they might have some sort of spare parts or something. Well anyway I have no doubt Mordred would probably enjoy such activities well more in case of breaking Saber than Rin but I don't think she'd be averse to it. As far as pictures of Iylla go, I like the second one to tell you the truth:) Well honestly they are all good but yeah that is quite image.
  5. Yeah that is a rather tantalizing image of Angelica, a intense riding scene showing how she dominates over Shirou would be good as well. As for Rin and Saber with kissing scene, I think its a good touch though no doubt before they could do so they would be pull backed and further intensely violated of if Iylla is feeling nice she'll let them go through with it. Nice touch with throat bit as well, though perhaps also let Shirou be conscious but not in control of his actions as he violates them thus he can feel regretful and remorseful but literally can't help himself.
  6. Wow that sounds amazing and don't worry I'm up to date and familiar with series you mentioned. I really want someone to try and write those scenes you mentioned in particular ones about Sakura, Angelica, and doll Luvia and Rin would be quite something to see.
  7. Well that is a nice set up but your a bit off about Leysritt as it's really only her physical strength that's comparable to a Servant, she loses out in other stats and more importantly skill. At most she would be a step below Bazetts level or lower which is still pretty damn good considering that Bazzet's overall abilities basically put her on low tier servant scale despite her being human. That is a pretty amazing accomplishment actually. Anyway nice set up man:) So how do you think Iylla will toy with Saber and Rin then after she demonstrates how Shirou has become "hers" By the way, anyone ever wonder how things might have turned out differently if... lets say when Shirou and Iylla first met when she told him to summon a servant soon or he'll die in middle of night instead of Shirou just pausing in confusion and letting her walk away he stops her. Something like him being concerned for little girl who is out in middle of night away from home and thus treats her nicely and takes her home. Of course considering absurd difference he'll probably end up having to piggyback Iylla to residence (lol) which in turn puts him in her grasp from get go. Another idea is what if Shinji approached Shirou first before Rin did and manage to form a alliance with him (though of course that will require some finagling to manage).
  8. I remember it being mention in that spin off with Iylla as a magical girl, girls were in bath and Iylla looking at Luvia's breasts saying she was as big as Leysritt Anyway nice suggestion with both ideas, yeah I imagine Shirou would do a bit of mind break realizing what he has done not to mention feel horribly guilty as well. Still I like you earlier idea with Saber, Rin, and Shirou end up watching each other as they are being taken advantage of. Makes you wonder when they will simply break down and just enjoy it. Still among them all I might pity Rin the most having to deal with his violent and powerful thrusts, she is most delicate amongst three of them:)
  9. Well if you count Luvia then Leysritt is technically tied for first place personally wouldn't mind seeing Rin dealing with Berserker's mad induced thrusts:)
  10. Well, that is true and a good point. Anybody interested in going over Rin, Saber, and Shirou losing to Iylla and Berserker. Thus Shirou becomes Iylla's plaything and makes him watch while Berserker violates both Saber and Rin? I kinda like that idea especially bit with Sella and Leysritt attending to Shirou while this is going on and he is forced to watch and be pleasured. There was nice little doujinshi of this happening to Rin sadly while it is beautifully drawn its way to short. http://g.e-hentai.org/g/815858/88b3cef60d/
  11. Cheers that it's been picked up
  12. Good morning to you too!
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