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  1. http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/62497-fate-gamer-night-shota-edition/ Ichasennin just created a new topic you might find interesting. He's asking for help for ideas and such with it.
  2. Matthew do you still come here?

  3. You could try to PM him if you have a account.
  4. By the way how long is your guest staying with you? If you don't want to answer its fine I was just curious as its been a while.
  5. My condolences, hang in there and do your best!
  6. Yup, been there before and can relate. Hope he/she isn't being to difficult and good luck.
  7. It's okay, things things happen. Just hope you will be able to respond to pm some time in future. By the way were you able to check out Highschool DxD at all yet?
  8. Well glad to see you are feeling better now Wish you would have responded to my PM though well still glad you are feeling better and its nice to see others offer words of encouragement as well
  9. Sorry to hear about that, sucks when people don't respond to your work. Wish you best luck with new project and hope people will review for next one.
  10. Those all sound great but what really catches my attention is one on last bit with Akeno That gives off really nice image, and I can see her about halfway through entire thing end up enjoying herself. Not to mention reaction of club members when they see it. Also it would be really lol if they somewhat glare at Issei and try to confront him about it (granted they can't do anything due to deal) only to find out Issei saying "Don't look at me, leaving her like that for you to find was HER idea." or something along those lines:) Though yeah eventually when Rias falls for him or is corrupted I can see her and Akeno competing for number 1 spot:) Actually idea of Issei inventing something like sex Olympics comes to mind with girls competing in various events and getting score from it. Probably punishment for lowest score and reward for winners.
  11. Yeah that is true, need to find a good balance between the two lest Issei invite his own destruction with reasons you mentioned above. Then he could slowly corrupt girls until they themselves fall into depravity and become his women by their own choice:) Honestly speaking I see Akeno as the first one to make this jump due to her tastes and honestly she would probably enjoy entire thing for most part once she finds Issei to be not so bad. I can see her REALLY getting into masochist position of S&M and her loving getting tied up in bondage as well as being humiliated. Another girl that comes to mind that Issei would instantly take up upon her offer besides Xenovia is Koneko's sister Kuroka:) That would be quite a log of fun don't you think:) Also by the way, I don't mind if people propose some sort of crossover lemon with this series. Pretty much open to nearly anything to potentially try and increase the lemon fanfiction for Highschool DxD.
  12. Well that is a interesting take on things and well if you want to use Issei to avoid OC then that is fine with me. As far as legendary weaponry goes, most of them kinda have some sort of special requirement they need from user of trick. I think technically Gae Buidhe and Gae Bolg would be the easiest to use from your examples as they pretty much acquire to simply be hit by it to take effect. As for skill, yeah you raise a point there most likely best one suited to use it would be Kiba among everyone I mean grated he or rather she in this case is more used to dealing swords and I know there are quite a bit of differences but even so is the fastest in group, most technically skilled, and could probably pick up basics in about a week. Riser would be such a arrogant sod about it all, he probably wouldn't even dodge attack just to show off his immortality trait and that would be his mistake. lol image of him being staked through the heart and suffering terribly as he spasms in pain from wound unable to do anything yet not dying because of his Phenex ability trying to regenerate comes to mind Anyway loved what you did with the peerage ideas and giving Issei Access to Raiser's peerage as well. I kinda lol at thought that by end of it they would all be NTR by Issei Now what sort of lovely things can Issei do to indulge in his reward, I don't know whether it would be amusing if he would pretty much go the sweet route with him treating girls quite nicely and taking them all in dates and stuff thus winning them over that way. You know basically entire "Sure he's perverted but he's much better guy than I thought" type of thing. Thus have them fall for him. That or perhaps go dark and heavy letting his desires have free reign eventually mind breaking them and them becoming sex slaves
  13. Geez man, what's your problem no need to be so angry lets keep things civil all right.
  14. Okay, my bad I'm still kinda new around here still sorry. Granted even though this is a mistake I still probably do have a higher chance of getting views and responses here considering that Naruto is no doubt one of the most active areas.
  15. As quite a few of us surely know Highschool DxD is a nicely drawn anime featuring lots of fanservice with gorgeous girls, interesting weapons like sacred gears, and a pretty decent plot. There are so many twists and turns you could tweak this story to that it's amazing that there isn't a ocean of hentai fanfiction for this series instead of the 4 or 5 on this site and I think I saw 3 others on another making it simply 7-8 in all. So, it has come to my attention that I must try to do something about this Thus the creation of this new forum where we can spout whatever lemon ideas whether it be vanilla, chikan, netorare, or whatever. Hopefully this will fuel some much needed creativity for this series and inspire a wave of stories for it or at very least we can all have fun talking about this and that scenarios. Okay with that said, let me get started. Essentially my idea to get things started off is this. As was said in series Rias was originally engaged to Raiser Phoenix who is kinda something of a narcissistic asshole. She accepted a rating game to determine her fate despite the fact that Raiser had a complete peerage, experience in playing rating games (did 10 games), phoenix tears (not to be confused with Phoenix down lol, anyway think of them as red potions that fully heal health), and of course Phenex clan ability of them pretty much being immortal with only way to take them out is to either wear them out mentally (easier said than done) or use a almighty hit to extinguish them (again easier said than done). Rias does not have a complete peerage her team consists of only 1 rook, 1 queen, 2 bishops (but only 1 is available as other is sealed away), and 1 knight. (taking out Issei to make it more of a longshot but if you want you can add Issei) Rias thought she could close the gap between her and Raiser despite the fact that they are outnumbered more than 3 to 1 with just some simple planning and week worth of training (yeah... naive much). Anyway Rias gets some news that Raiser isn't sitting on his ass like she thought he would and is actually training for this match as well as assembling his resources. Thus she is forced to admit to herself that what she is doing in preparation is not nearly enough. She can't go to her family to break off engagement as they are all for it supporting it and is thus pretty much left on her with her peerage to get her way out of it. Anyway she needs to look for a way to get a decisive advantage over her fight with Raiser so she won't be stuck married to him for 10,000 years. Still things go on, and she is called for a contract which she accepts to take her mind off of current state of affairs. It is there however she finds that magician that contracted her (can be young or old up to you) has exactly what she needs to negate advantages of both phenex tears and phenex regeneration. Basically a legendary weapon that causes injuries to be unhealable unless sprinkled with a very specific remedy which is part of weapon (it can be anything you guys want) itself. She tries to negotiate for it but fails. It is a priceless treasure after all, its not like it would be that easy. Still guy makes her a offer to give him spear if she would be his slave for a year and do whatever he said. As you can imagine Rias would of course object to it and leave but he would say some words to make her think. Devils live for a abnormally long time around 10,000 years, would it be better to be miserable for 10,000 years with man she hates or simply be forced to deal with similar situation for year. Thus she ends up agreeing to conditions signing magically binding contract saying she will do all he says, and won't seek payback or retribution when its all over she signs it albeit extremely reluctantly and because of it she was barely able to win rating game and thus cancel her agreement. Still there is another agreement that Rias has to fulfill. Also thought of Akeno finding out about this and offering herself to take Rias place and things get worked out in which she ends up joining Rias but time frame was chanced from year to 6 months. Thus you can have OC do whatever you want to these lovely voluptuous devils Okay, lets hope you guys have thoughts of your own and take interest in this:)
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