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Everything posted by fallenangel2093

  1. Omg I racked my brain on this one because I knew I had just recently read it and I finally figured it out it fits most of your description so hopefully this is the one you are looking for. It’s called the weight of water by eriador117 here is the link https://archiveofourown.org/works/242037
  2. It’s called finally by amplify here is the link https://m.fanfiction.net/s/6760242/1/Finally
  3. I don’t know if on adult fanfiction but it’s on AO3 and you are thinking of abandoned it has a sequel called reclaimed here is the link to abandon https://archiveofourown.org/works/380762/chapters/622118
  4. In this story poppy with the help of the goblins moves Harry to forks Washington where he stays in a cabin his name changes but I can’t remember what it changes to and he is an elf of some kind that is attuned to nature he wants to be in constant contact with the grass he will take his shoes off and leave them where ever so Rosalie and Alice help him by making it look like he is wearing flip flops
  5. Bump
  6. fallenangel2093


  7. Bump
  8. This was the one thank you so much
  9. Looking for a fic where harry and severus are already in a commited relationship and they invite lucius to stay with them and lucius falls in love with both harry and severus when harry comes back to their room he sees severus and lucius together and runs, he comes back to hogwarts and he is really sick walking with a can and having convulsions it turns out lucius and severus are his mates and they all end up together
  10. Awe thats sad i heard alot of good things about the story
  11. This is one of my favorites it took me a minute to find it, its control issues on ao3 link below https://archiveofourown.org/works/660780/chapters/1205099
  12. Thicker than water
  13. I believe this is the story you’re looking for https://archiveofourown.org/works/235475
  14. Also Voldemort is the defense professor at hogwarts with an anagrammed name it was like Russian or German and in order for Harry to be around Sirius he polyjuices into snape
  15. I think this might be the story your looking for https://archiveofourown.org/works/10089914/chapters/22478147
  16. I don’t remember the title but basically what I remember is that Harry gets pulled into a closet and is brutally raped by hermione and Ginny polyjuiced as Sirius I believe the pairing is hp/lv
  17. Bump
  18. It's salvation by avenging angel I don't know if it's on aff but it's on AO3 here is the link http://archiveofourown.org/works/803122/chapters/1514042
  19. The first one is a series I'm puttin the link https://archiveofourown.org/series/59562
  20. Name is control issues if any one else is interested in reading it it's on archive of our own
  21. Looking for a story I recently read I can't remember the pairing but I know it was slash I believe it was Harry/Voldemort but Harry gets revenge on everybody he turns lupin into a cock whore and brutally kills Ron and hermione he if I remember correctly is some kind of creature and they wanted to breed him with tonks
  22. So I found a new interest and was wondering if anyone has any recs for slash age play w/mature content
  23. I read some that had an evil/bad Harry and I'm hooked anyone got some good Recs for that prefer slash
  24. https://m.fanfiction.net/s/7644894/1/ i do believe this is the fic you are looking for it's called blood quill consequences
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