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Samara last won the day on August 5 2017

Samara had the most liked content!


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  1. Hello everyone. Been away for a while. Now as I have returned I noticed some new upgrades.. which are really cool. How are you guys? Truth be told, I used to be online in here all the time but now I don't get the time for that. Which is really sad. I miss talking to people in here. I miss being here and witnessing my fellow members wit and wisdom and gaining knowledge from them. In a nutshell I miss those fun days. 

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Welcome back Samara, kick your feet up and make yourself at home!

    2. Samara
  2. would like to work on a story together with someone with similiar likes harry potter Mdom, Fsub d/s, pls email spankclaire@yahoo.com

  3. Happy birthday DA
  4. It's been 3 years since I'm here but no one cared to follow me. -_-

    Kidding.. :lol::tongue2:  I know I'm not a writer. ;p 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Samara


      Wow. I didn't know that someone could call me a monster with that much politeness. :tongue2::lol: hahahaha. 

      I appreciate your kindness Mr@Desiderius Price. But I'm totally fine with no followers "of my profile". Thank you. :)

    3. pippychick


      Happy new year… I am stalking you too now. :lol:

    4. Samara
  5. Happy new year guys and girls.
  6. Happy new year everyone. :party:

    1. BronxWench


      A wonderful and happy New Year to you, too! :beer:

    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Less than three months to spring (in the northern hemisphere), and just over two to Daylight Saving Time!  (US)

    3. Samara
  7. Merry Christmas everyone. Happy holydays
  8. Drums notations are too tough to make any sense. -_-:jaws:

    1. Desiderius Price
    2. Samara


      Lol, I wish it was something like that. :lol:

  9. When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies but the pack survives.:mornincoffee:

    1. CloverReef


      Well crap… I’m screwed. lol where’d this come from?

    2. Samara


      It's a game of throne quote @CloverReef:lol::lol:

    3. CloverReef


      @Samara I knew I recognised it from somewhere! 

  10. Few days ago I started watching f.r.i.e.n.d.s. now i can't get enough of it. :P

    1. JayDee


      I didn’t like Friends when it started, took until about 2002 and drunkenly watching episodes with some pals and suddenly it clicked. And I chuckled.

      Good times!

    2. CloverReef


      I was a lot like JayDee, except without the booze. I actually hated it on principle, because in my family we had an automatic dislike for anything too mainstream and I thought it was all just blah relationship drama. Then a few years after, while it was in its season… 5? Or 6? I dunno. Near its last season. I just suddenly started watching it and ended up bingewatching like crazy! Which was easy kuz like every single channel was playing reruns of it. 

      But then I got sick of it again lol. Mostly Ross. I got sick of Ross. 

    3. Samara


      Yeah ross is quite repeatative and not funny either. Phoebe is my favourite though. :lol:

  11. Can anyone tell me what the dragon print is? 

    1. pippychick


      Hi Samara,

      Dragon prints are the number of views a story has. :)

    2. Desiderius Price
    3. Samara
  12. Happy dasseshra everyone. May good always prosper over bad. May all our wishes come true. Wish:D:yahoo:

    1. JayDee


      I was ignorant, had to look it up – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vijayadashami

      Thanks! Have a good day yourself!

    2. Samara


      It's okay :D thank you :thankyou: @JayDee

  13. Today I highlighted few locks of my hair in golden blonde... the feeling is amazing. :wub::yahoo:

  14. We Missed you. It's good to hear that everything is alright. Welcome home.
  15. Recently I wrote something.. and it's really close to my heart. 

    How much more should I burn
       that even the fire would get
              scared of my face..!

    How much more should I break
       that even the Sands wouldn't
              mind if I tag along..!

    How much more should I harden
      my heart that it'd come across
            as a stone to the bea..!

    How much more should I soften
     myself that my thoughts would
       acquire a state of tranquillity..!


    1. CloverReef


      Beautiful poem! Good job <3

    2. Samara
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