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  1. I need some help finding the story I've read a long time ago this is what I can remember of it Harry Potter was smart and hacked shield deleting all Jane Foster research to save her life and that one part of the story Harry Potter ripped a hole and through the Tesseract into the hole then waving his hand to close it and one other thing too Harry Potter took on the face of Coulson
  2. I've been trying to find the story for a long time and not had very much luck When I can remember is that Hermione Granger was the dark Lord voldemort's daughter I think she ended up having sex with Draco Malfoy in front of Harry Potter
  3. jojo

    Brother uzumakis

    Hey does anyone know where you can read paperfox story uzumaki Brothers
  4. Thank you I've been dying to see that story again
  5. jojo

    Raikage x Uzumaki Twin

    You can also use Naruto uses a seal to make his sexy jutsu permanent making him a fully function girl with her very own womb
  6. https://archiveofourown.org/works/45371530/chapters/114152233
  7. If anyone can help me find some good female Harry Potter smut I'd be very thankful
  8. jojo


    Harry Potter called on magic to punish umbridge but he said for all those that hurt him
  9. jojo


    Hey I'm trying to find a story that I read James and Lily Potter are alive and Harry Potter is Draco Malfoy twin brother Harry Potter uses a potion accident to turn himself female for a while and magic judges Lily and James and umbridge
  10. Hey does anyone know any stories for baby Harry Potter performing incredible magic in front of his parents and Sirius black
  11. Hey I don't know if there's any stores like this but I'm hoping to see one Purebloods coming to Harry Potter and expecting him to thank them for him saving their lives
  12. Hermione Granger was Lord Voldemort daughter and she was with Draco I think I remember she had sex with Draco infront of harry potter
  13. Finally found it if anyone wants to read it here's a link https://m.fanfiction.net/s/3718871/1/baby-yuna
  14. I'll be very grateful for any help finding this story
  15. I'm looking for a story where for Naruto story where during the tournament ramen chef daughter was holding Naruto's baby when sakura she's a baby making hand signs and see the sharingan eyes of the baby
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