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Posts posted by brink182

  1. Email: laurie.wooster.girl@gmail.com

    Would you like me as a long term or short term beta: whichever you would prefer after reading the first chapter!

    What will I be betaing: semi-Jim Gordon/Harvey Bullock Gotham (tv series currently on Fox in the US) R/NC-17 the first chapter has a date-rape.

    Your writing schedule: don't have a fixed schedule

    What you expect from me: mostly would like tips/advice on the date-rapey scene. Anything else you want to do.

  2. I'm not overly satisfied with the sex scene I have at the start of my story and I would like another opinion/tips on improvement if need be.

    • Gotham tv series airing on FOX in the US.
    • It's a dub-con, maybe a bit more on the non-con side. One character unknowingly drinks a glass of wine containing ecstasy and roofies and a more sober character decides to take advantage of the fact that the first character is all over them and drugged out of his mind.
    • Example of prospective beta is encouraged, but not strictly required. :)
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