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Posts posted by Sniper014

  1. I am going to read joe's next and see how good he is. Followed your shoutout with him so let me see how it is. Might have another writer to follow after reading his. Take with you later. Just got back from the eye doctor with my wife. She busted a blood vessel in teh right eye and I was worried that it was going to effect the new len in her eye. Told her it reminded me of the red eye from Terminator movie. She just said that now when she gives me the evil eye it will be just like getting the real evil eye.

    I hide the paddles form her but she got really evil with me. She shorten my cane two nitches that I am using for the right leg while it heals for the wound and I fell flat on my face and she was laughing so hard she did not see me sneak up on her and grabbed her and gave her a grea big hug and played kissy face with her until she stopped laughing. Now am going to take her out for dinner.

  2. It is like DA stated that we men think we are 21 year old children. My wife told me when I got back from my last run with the company that involved two new marks on my body that I was not a spring chicken but a lovable old dart and I needed to start living for the rest of the family. She also said that I had a butt beating coming from her for the new wounds and she did not mean on my body but her and The family's hearts and souls. I told her I was looking forward to it. Again welcome back angeldust.

  3. Is it me or do the bruises hurt more now than actual wounds?

    Welcome back. The bruised and scars just more than the wounds because when they are healing the itch more then the initial shock of getting hit. All you want to do is scratch the scars and stiches until it drives you a little nuts and your love ones are laughing so hard because they see you in pain and know that there is nothing they can do to help you at the time except give you all the living that then can.

  4. Obviously not. Witness jumping out of perfectly good aircraft AND at his age !!

    I just did it again at 64. Wife wanted to kick me in the butt, but told her she would have to wait until the sticthes come out of the leg and the rear end and the swelling goes down. I think I am in trouble becase the sticthes came out today and the doc said that I should be normal in a few months. She told the doctor that would be a first for me as I have never been normal, but she still loves me and sticks around. I really hope that the company lets me retire for good and not by planting me in the ground. I have to much to live for now. Two daughters, seven grandchildren and three great grandchildren. One grandson just joined the army and another one wants to join the navy.

  5. Magus, DA is looking for you and also looking for the paddles. sEemßs that you want missing again with no notice. Hope that you are just walking in the woods and not on another mission. She said something about beating your butt. Go qfind her and give her the lovng that she deserves.

    In the mean time will be waiting for the next chapter. Keep hanging in there. Get the bandages off tomorrow when they remove the stiches from my leg and poszibly from my ass cheek. Hope that they take them all out. Wife was evil this time, she took pictures of the scar on the butt cheeK. Said that she was going to use them to keep me in line this time. I was laughing about it until I saw the pictures. Looked like had two holes there instead of the one the that was given to me the person up above. It was funny and madea me think again about staying healthy for her and the little ones that keep asking where I want to.

  6. Don't think I won't hunt you down and tan your cute little but Major...I've been itching to spank someone :P

    I keep telling him sniper, Magus needs to hug me like 50 times a day and he'll be just fine :D

    Oh don't worry, he will...or I'll dig oucct the ping pong paddle :shifty:

    But DA we might like getting out butts beat upon. My SO says that if I do not straighten up that she is going to hit me and I tell to go ahead because it will be love taps from the person who loves me every day and then I grab her and give her the biggest hug and kiss that I can at that time.

  7. And a good night light. If you can't get a movie then turn the tv onto. a music channel and use it to set the mood for some quite kissy face. Worked for me when she got kissed at me for just recently coming home with two more scars on the body. Keep taking the recovery road one day at a time. Give your girlfriend a big hug and kiss from all of us.

  8. like i sad, men!

    She is finally talking to me again. she said that she should have kicked me in the butt, but then she would have opended the other new scar on my body. Seems that not only was I hit in the right leg but took a stray round in the butt. It is really fun to drive with a donut tube on the set to rest my butt in. Good thing I learned to drive left foot when I broke my ankle in 1994 before I retire the first time. And you are right and she said the same thing that I was not 21 anymore and that when I get shot or hurt now it takes longer for my old body to heal. So to please her I took her out to dinner and shopping, because she like to shop and she stated that it would not be the same if I was not there to shop with her. So I made a phone call with her standing in front of me and told the person on the other end of the line to lose my number for the rest of their and this countriys existance. Then I blocked all their numbers and changed my phone numbers. I will just have to see if them honor it and hopefully will not get anymore calls. I really love her to much to lose her because of the ABC people.

    Please keep Fangface safe because he needs to keep loving you and his family for now.

    Talk with you and Magus later. Also Major hope you enjoy your retirement and do not get stupid like me by letting them lead you into another fire fight.

  9. I know and if she really want me too be hurt she would sic the three great grandchildren on me. The two little ones would look at you with puppy dog eyes while they nking of ways to run over your feet with their power wheel hummers and pink cadalic Bambie car. Then tell you that it was an accident while my wife is laughing her head off and telling me that she would give them the plastic baseball bats to try batting practice with me being the ball. And believe me they would have fun doing that because they all love me to be with them every day and they say that the missed me when I was gone.

    Keep your boots dry and your arms opened to wrap around your love ones and their family.

    Will talk with you later. Time to take the pressure off the leg and get some sleep.

  10. I told them that this was the last mission (phone call) from them. Hate being patched up in my sixties because I move slower now. Also even though I have newer lens in my eyes, my sighting onto the bad ones is getting harder to keep the scope on them. She know that I want where I should have gone to because of the two new scars on my body and newer limp in the right leg where I took one hit. She told me she could make it a set match by. Kicking me in the left leg and as mad as she was I beiieved that she would have done it and would have had pleasure doing it.

    Bth ofv you keep safe and keep your love ones safe also. Will be awaiting newer chapters. Have a nice evening.

  11. Awwww, gonna make me blush :)

    Da keep fangface in line for the rest bof us. Be sure he really means that he has retired. The reason that I have been gone. For awhile is that I took a call from certain people and when I got back I caught hell from my better half for doing another job for them after I was out of that business for over twenty years, but told her that I could not let my friends and their families down. Hate sleeping alone at night. If he tries to go on another job tie him to a tree by the cabin. My better half told me she would put a weight around my feet and see if I could walk on water after that. The lake in my back yard is deep and cold as iut bius spring feed.

    Keep him happy and keep after him for his writing.

    I read in the shoutoiut that you are writing also. When are you planning to release anything. It will be nice to read other stories from the Magus family members.

    Keep it going and have a nice time building your new cabin. Tell Magus that we are waiting for more of his great stories.

  12. I hate cell phones. Like I stated above just got back and like you in a spot that had no signal also. Started reading the chapters that I missed and sorry about the people who died (only the good ones) (hottie bad ones). Was nice to see legion getupsetat the death of his girlriend and advenge her death with the bad guys on the beach, the sub and the room with the hostages in it. Hope that the children were knocked out by legion before he took out the two bad guys. They Have been through hell and do not need to see anymore. Will be waiting for the next chapter. If you tell us it will be awhile we are all sure that S.A. will let us know as we believe that she is the spy on your world for us. Ha ha.

    Have a nice day.

  13. Ok first let me apologize for the silence, the cable company finally got tired of my whining and decided to lay a new line out to me, I live just outside of town, almost a mile actually, and it is taking forever to get to me.

    I got sick of my internet going out whenever the wind blew a little and talked with everyone who lived on my road and found out I wasn't alone.

    So I wrote a letter and had everyone sign it, yep I'm a pain when I wanna be :)

    So good news is they are laying fiber optic out to us :D bad news is it's taking a while :(

    Tried dial up but I have wireless home phone and you need an actual line evidently.

    So, as to my overly long silence, been camping since last Friday, with about a dozen of the girls friends, god help me :o, and there's no signal at the camp ground (I snuck away to use a real bathroom ;) ) but I'll be back Monday and the good news is I have two chapters done and most of a third :)

    Well again sorry about the prolonged silence and I'll have lots for you to read when I'm finally up and running again.

    Oh, just so you know, the surgery aaas a complete success and I'm feeling better than I have in years - making the wifey a little nervous too; I think she's afraid I'll go back into the field :P gonna milk that a bit, but I think I'm truly retired....don't tell her though ;)

    This was written 13 days ago and still we have not heard from the master. He stated that he would be back on Monday, that was over 10 days ago and I am sure that by now he would have gotten back into cell phone coverage to get in touch with us.

    Now we start to wonder if he is going to continue the story or if it is being dropped form this site and moved to another site without lettng us know just like when he got blacklisted from the other site and we found him on this site be accident last June.

    I am hoping that he has not left all of us hanging on this site for his story. Sure would hate to see that the story goes uncompleted. Did notice that he moved it from romance to the sience fiction site here.

    Come on Magus, if you are out there let us know. We are all waiting to hear from you and hope that you are in good health.

  14. 'Going Home' was posted on the 4th of July and magus had been writing for a while so I think we may have missed it :/

    This story was posted to this site last Julne. He has only written two chapters to this story and he stated more than once that he was going to finish his other two stories before he want back to this one. He will finish Northstar and SITG series first..

  15. "Make my day' Isn't that a quote from a famous person as he was thumbing back the hammer on a .357 ot was it a .44?


    It was a 44. The most powerful hand gun on earth and could blow your head clean off. Clint told the bad guy that he could not remember if he had fired five or six shots and asked the bad guy if he felt lucky.

    I carried a 44 on my hip with a 4 1/2 pound trigger pull to it. The shells was dum dum wadcutters. When I fired it at you if I did not hit you the sound of it going off would make you crap your pants and if I hit the engine of your car it would stop it because it tore the engine up.

    Go ahead make my day the first two chapters are up

    Could not find it either. What catagory is it under. Please send us a link.

  16. Ok, relax everyone...I know the story is darker than before but it will lighten up some before it gets really dark...calm before the storm so to speak. As for dark, I did have Hans shoot the pope in the last story after all...you know me, get some really gory shit then its puppies and kittens for a while :) And I do appriciate those who have been there from day 1, hope I haven't scared you off completely.

    As for NC's getting hurt, it happens but I have resisted killing anyone, I'm kinda attatched to the characters as well :P

    Ok, now for the bad news, in about thirty minutes they are taking me to surgery, evidently that nasty backache I had was the slug lodged against my spine shifting and is now pressing against my spinal chord, musta happened when I jumped the other week...wife is super pissed I jumped out of a plane again, oh well...so chapter 3 will probably be delayed alittle, but will resume writing under high doses of painmeds and thats always fun :)

    Ok, will give you an update after I wake up...see you later :)

    Hope that you recover from your surgery ok. Do not know how you are going to fair with the wife and your daughters and the little monkey. You know that they are going to ride your butt for doing what you told them that you had retired from. Good thing that it did not kill you or put you in a wheelchair for life. Listen to te doctors and nurses while they are trying to get you to walk after the surgery.

    Wish you good luck in your recovery. Finish chapter 3 when you feel better.

    As for angeldust and any other person that says that they are leaving you and I know that they will be back. I have followed your story from chapter 1 of BITG and will continue to follow this part also.

    Lets see the girls took out three assult teams and Whitehead is going to bring on 12 to 32 more. He hasn't seen hell yet. Bring on fire and brimstone to the Alpha company. Time to release the hounds of hell from the sub basement.

  17. Subplots no problem. Last I saw Mika she was getting to know her guy, "the kitchen helper". Just worry about your surgery. I hope that she has some nanites in her just in case Legion needs to take care of her. The family is sometimes a bit too gullible. One question when you start writing again, can Max control the spiders remotely and at what distance? I hope that Alice and Legion is keeping an eye on Mika. Max did not do a "scan" on her like he did with Hans.

    If I remember, Legion ran a scan on her and that is when they found out that she was not Max's sister. And knowing Legion I am sure that he ran a very deep scan even if he did not tell anyone. As for Amy, it was never stated how bad she was shot and no where in the story did it state that she could not have any children. That wsas stated here on this forum so that we would have another twisted plot for the evil one use in his story.

  18. I agree with Groper's comment. Bad guys, including those two in the pod that haven't been questioned yet! The thing with this story is I love the characters so much that I really don't want any to die. The other thing with this fantasy is you wish that it could happen in real life, and of course it can't. Pity!

    Who says it can't. There is many things going on in this world that we either do not know about or can not tell anyone about without us getting into deep trouble. Like I stated before, release the hell demons on the alphabet company in DC and see if the handlers can handle the demons. I know that my couldn't. Some of them actully got sick on some of our walks in the jungles at what they saw and what we had to do to clean up the mess. I still have nightmares about some of it. That is one of the reasons that I enjoy this story because it allows me to relive some of it and cry about the hurt that is still going on to this day. Magus keep up the great work and let some of the R/L get nicer to take and hope that someday we will have a V/W that we can escape into for short periods of time to get our sanity back together.

    Will be looking forward to the next chapter.

  19. Just finished reading the chapter for the new book. Enjoyed the way that you started it off with Max stating that it was time to intergated the sg four and then leave us with the cliff hanger of Max zoning out. Never talked to the sg people and you probably never intended to, Nice way to get us to talk about the possiblity of Max and Nadi both dying and being lost in a buffer zone somewhere.

    I for one do not think that the SG people could have hacked into the chips in the girls minds because I do not believe that Max's dad had any chips made before his death. I believe that Max and Alice made them after his death. Remember that Max was very cagey about putting chips into people right away. He had to think about it for a while and then he talked it over with Alice and the girls b,efore he did it.

    Can not wait for the next chapter to see how your evil twisted mind is going to continue the story.

    Again, nice way to get everyone talking about what really happened to Max and Nadi, when the onlyl one who knows is you and you will let us know when you are good and ready to do so.

    Major, nice to see you out of the hospital. Ciimbing stairs on your butt is not that bad. When I borken my ankle on a jump I had a cast up my right thigh almost to the hip and no walker foot at the end of the cast. The doctor did not want me to put any pressure on thle foot and ankle. When I got tire of sleeping downstairs and wanted to get back into my soft bed on the second floor I found out that until I could master hopping on one foot up the stairs it was easier for me to sit down on the steps and use my butt and arms to lift me up step by step to the second floor and my bed. Really built up the arms. Also learnt how to drive left footed until the case came off. My wife and the Navy Corpsman said if I wanted to do something to put my mind and body into the problem and get it solved. I was able to finally walk up and down the stairs on my own and when I was finally retired medically after 26 years of service I went out with a cane. I told everyone that I would not walk out of the Navy on crutches and I made up my mind not to. So keep in there and you will get stronger everyday that you try to do things on your own.

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