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Everything posted by Sniper014

  1. Welcome back.  Nice to know that Steve and everyone is doing ok.  Missed talking to all of you on a daily or weekly basis.  Happy belated birthdays for all of you and also for little Angie who is not so little anymore.  Will be looking for more stories to read.  Again welcome back.

  2. DA said it on SEP 29th on the main talk line. I just saw the statement when lonewolf commented on it. I have not heard from them for a long time. I come back to his page every once in a while to see if he is still around. Nice to hear from her.
  3. Great to see you and the family back. Nice to know that Steve is better and is back to working and writing. Hope that you and Liz and Little Angie happy that his health is improving. Love to all of you.
  4. Welcome back. Missed you all. Glad to see he is doing well. Will be looking Gor your stories. Happy belated birthdays and holidays to all of you.
  5. Did I just see that Steve was back and writing again. Glad to see that he is doing well. Shout out to all his family. Hi Liz DA and little Angie.
  6. Hope that DA and little Angie has a great birthday this month. Am still hoping that we hear from them again sometime. Just to know that everything is fine with them and their family.
  7. I am assuming that they have left this realm for good. No one can get any answers from them. It was nice chatting with them and reading their stories. Maybe if we wish hard enough they might give us a poke by the end of the year. Sorry to see them go.
  8. Happy belated birthday DA.
  9. Steve, Liz, Carrie, little Angie hope that you all are having a very Merry Christmas. Would be nice to know how all of you are doing.
  10. It looks like Steve and family really went off the grid. Just hope that they are doing well. Will be waiting for their return. They are not even repling to my emails.
  11. Been gone for awhile. Has anyone heard from DA or Steve and his family. I miss their stories. Hope everything is ok with them.
  12. Happy Birthday DA. Hoped that you and your family had a great Christmas and New Year. Best wishes for a great year.
  13. Hello everyone. Been awhile since I have been here. Just got back home to celebrate my 37th wedding anniversry. Also hope everyone has a great fourth of July. And yes please let everyone know what Steve's condition is and did he really go out on another mission. I stated I was not and the next thing I know I was on two. So much for retirement. Now have to get the wife kind to me again. Wish me luck. Ha ha. Will talk later.
  14. Hi Kari and family. Sorry to hear about your accident. Hope the child does get help. Have a speedy recovery. Your daughters, Liz and Steve needs your loving smiling self back home so that they can shower you with hugs and kisses. Also I am sure that the children in your class are waiting for your return. Get lots of rest and let Liz and Steve give you lot of loving.
  15. Have fun being a classic. I must e a fossil. I turned 66 three days after Christmas. But I refuse to let my age get to me. I still like to do fun things with and to my SO. It keeps us young at heart. Just let Steve, Liz and the girls give you all the loving that they want and you return it to them ten times over and it will keep you young at heart for a long time.
  16. You are not old. You are only as old as you feel.  Me I am in my third childhood.  My daughters and grand and great grand children tell me and my wife that we need to act our ages.  I tell them that we are sorry but we love doing fun things to each other and making us laugh all the time.  

    If you think that you are a classic than go with it.  I turned 66 three days after christmas and I still like to go out and do fun things.

    You just keep Steve, Liz and the girls happy and they will rub off their love to you everyday.


  17. Happy New year's to you and your fabulous family. And Kari, happy upcoming birthday.
  18. Wishing your the same for you and your family Angeldust.
  19. Kari. Nice to see another chapter from you on your story. Can't wait to see what is done to Lucas. All of you have a happy holiday.
  20. Children's are done. Now has the wife's to do. List is done I have two stores to go to get it. Kind of hard to think of something when we give gifts to each other through out the year. I want to take her to Dollywood but with the fires in the areas I do not want to be in the way of the clean up crews. Maybe take her to New Orleans over the Christmas break from work. It will a great surprise to her.
  21. Your health and recovery is really more important to us then the story. Good to see that your health is getting better.
  22. Kari, That is great news. I know that all of you are happy with the news. Hugs to all of you. Steve, take it easy and give all the lovely ladies in your household lots of hugs and kisses. Give Mouse and Monkey lots of loving because I know that they had to be really worried about you. Like I said, take it easy and best of luck on your recovery. Lets hope that it stays away for a long time and that you can be in everyone's life for a long long time.
  23. Have fun at lunch today. Me I am taking my lovely wife to the malls and stores for shopping bargains. She looked at me and said please and since I was off I said ok. Later will finish the christmas village in the Florida room. Only have two more tables to put up. The RV park in remeberence to my dad. The last trip my wife and I took with him was a year before he passed away from cancer. Kari, it is nice that she apologized to you for her behavior. I did not talk to my parents for over ten years when they made me mad at them. Did not apologzied to my mom or dad unitl my mother was dying of cancer in 1997. Dad passed away in 2012. I miss them both. Like I said have fun at lunch. It could be the new grandchild that has made her soften up to you and Steve and Lizzie. New ones in the family do that to people. Here is wishing Steve a good day on the 10th of December when the Army tries to beat the Navy in football. HA HA. As I tell my sister who is ex army, better luck next year. Yes I am retired Navy. So was my dad. Well go to run. She has more stores to go to. Talk with you all later. Have a great day and weekend.
  24. Happy Thansgiving to you and your family Steve. Give all your girls a great big hug and kisses from all of us.
  25. Oh come on Steve, Kari and the girls would love you for it. It should take about 5 years to get the plans approved. You know that the government moves slow. Than after that about 10 years to build it. Good luck with it. And yes it is a good weekend DIY project. Hee Hee.
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