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Posts posted by green-tea

  1. So when I see stories with very poor grammar and punctuation, bordering on chatspeak or textspeak or whatever these crazy kids call it these days... I question whether the author is telling the truth about being over the age of 18.

    Seriously. Think about it a moment. Most of us have figured out by age 18 how to write, if not 100% correct, at least close enough to get by pretty well. The few exceptions I've found have been the kind of people that don't enjoy writing and wouldn't do it in their free time, or didn't have English as their first language. I don't think grammar is a lost art though, in fact, I think we're seeing a renewed interest in it by the number of grammar snobs that are cropping up. It's like the technologically literate are starting to push back against the illiterate that are infiltrating their domain. We went from using 1337 to set ourselves apart to using perfect grammar while online to set ourselves apart from the people that don't type as well as we do...

    On websites other than this one, I just assume simple ignorance or not enough experience with typing, thereby making the person more likely to take shortcuts.

  2. Author: green-tea

    Title: The Queen's Ambassador

    Summary: Tilain is more than just an ambassador. She's the Queen's assassin, adviser... and childhood friend. When a stranger arrives in the city, arrogant and dangerous, Tilain is tasked with finding who he is what he wants. But there is more to this than just a simple outsider. As wolves begin to assault their border, driving out all humans from the forest, an ancient castle is found spotted deep within its hills that had never been seen there before. As the only person the Queen can trust, Tilain is sent to its halls, to a court where she is permitted no secrets and her own magic is useless to protect her from those that reside within.

    Feedback: I love feedback.

    Fandom: None

    Pairing: Yes

    Warnings: M/M (limited, more later), M/F, F/F (limited), Rape, Violence, Torture, Fingering, Minor2 (non-explicit), 3Plus, Anal

    Solo story or chaptered story: Expect lots of chapters.

    URL: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600107211

  3. No, I don't think so either.

    I think you mentioned that the plan for the revamp includes a one-click method of favoriting stories and authors. The number of faves might be a slightly more meaningful metric than the ratings, because people will mostly fave stories that they think they will want to read again. Will the number of faves appear somewhere?

    I would be interested in seeing this. I feel like there's three metrics to care about: page views, which counts how many people clicked on the story. Readers, or the people that not only clicked, but kept reading. And reviews, which are people that clicked, read, and then had an opinion they thought worth typing up. The last one is the hardest to get, I feel, as commentary takes a bit of an effort and some people may enjoy a story but feel they have nothing to contribute in the terms of a review. Having that in-between stat to tell if it's being read or not would be lovely.

    And does anyone feel that the codes are more important than the story description...? Because I sacrificed codes in favor of more text about the story and I don't think it's working.

  4. I keep a journal of all my dreams. After a few years of doing this, my dreams started getting more vivid and detailed (or I started filling in the gaps immediately upon waking up, use your best theory here), to the point where most of my writing is just ripping stories straight out of my diary. I have beautiful, terrible, complicated worlds in my head and I get to walk through them and play my role, and this is what gets written down.

    And the nightmares get written down just so I can get them somewhere OTHER than my head, because holy shit can they get bad sometimes.

  5. So I'm fairly new to writing adult fics (where have these been all my life, they're so much fun!) and am blundering my way through. And I've got a question regarding pacing of fics, especially longer ones, because I'm apparently incapable of keeping anything short now.

    My first attempt at a fic was to just dive straight in, lots of sex scenes right at the start, and as a result I feel that the plot and character development suffered horribly, to the point where I no longer want to work on it because I look at the characters and am like, 'I don't even know you people.'

    I'm attempting a second story now where I'm taking my sweet time getting around to all the sexy goodness, and this time, I've got characters that are getting thought out and developed from the start. I'm enjoying it a lot more, even if the only sex so far has been fairly short.

    What do you, as a reader, prefer?

    And what do you, as a writer, prefer?

    I know I personally prefer it when the story is paced a bit slower and more time is spent on developing the world and characters, both from the perspective as a reader and a writer.

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