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DobbyDobs last won the day on February 26 2020

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  1. Are you still in contact with WW btw?

    1. MilesGerulphus


      I should also say you and WW are absoute legends for your contributions to the HP community.

  2. New Challenge Tiem. BADUM TISH. Seeing as the wonderful WerewolfWarrior accepted my previous challenge on these very forums and churned out those wonderful fics, "One Big Happy Weasley Family" (You should read, if you haven't yet. Its some awesome smut.) and the plot based "Dragon Lily" (What do ya know? He's good at writing both plot and smut)... I'm gonna keep trying my luck here on these forums with new challenges. Disclaimer: From this point on each and every pun, no matter how silly, is fully intentional Title: Sex(y)-Wizard Harry Potter or The Magical Sex Doctor. Timeframe: Anytime, no constraints apart from Harry being over 14 years old. Can be canon-complaint or not, your choice. Category: Humor/Erotica Basic Premise and Plot: A Harry Potter who has an ability to cast spells with his dick. Yes, you read that right, an ability to cast canon spells with his todger, his cock, his other wand. You've probably already guessed the ridiculous number of obvious puns with this plotline. One way of going about the fic maybe: A het Creature-Harry fic I've seen plenty of slash creature fics. But slash isn't my cup of tea. So, you can make it so that Harry has a creature inheritance (Your Choice of creature) or that he is a magical animagus or any number of creature influenced plot lines. But the thing is that the only gift he recieves due to his Creature Influence is an ability to cast spells using his dick. OR Another way of going about it: The Power the Dark Lord Knows Not Dumbledore said Love was the "power the dark lord knows not". He didn't specify what kind of love. So it is natural that the instrument of that power is the instrument of Harry's love and the instrument with which Harry spreads his love. OR Another way of going about it: Its just the way Harry's Wandless (Or is it?) Magic works. Its a a unique talent that Harry comes to realize later on in his life. Hence the alternative title: The Magical Sex Doctor. He cures Non-satisfaction among women, with his dick. Common things that must and should be present in any plotline you use: Large dicks while rare in the wizarding world, are the same as dildos when attached to a man without the skill to use it. ->While Harry is way above average in size department, he is the only man able to work magic through his dick. Literally. ->Some Humor must be present in the fic. A few Obvious examples: Harry using pelvic thrusts in duels to cast spells when he loses his phoenix feather wand. Women in his life trying out wand-movements with his dick. Several women testing if it is indeed "The wand that chooses the wizard or witch" Some women testing whether the Harry's semen works as a wand core. People trying to disarm Harry with expelliarmus aimed at his dick. (optional) Harry casting the Aquamenti/Wine producing charm through his dick. (Optional since it becomes borderline squick) And the plethora of obvious puns and "other wand" jokes. ->Creative Erotica/Smut is a must. I've seen fics with the normal size enhancing magic, the vibrating wands, the orgasm spells,etc,etc. By all means use these. But... I would love to see you get creative with the spells. Like Harry casting the Patronus Charm through his Dick while inside a woman. Instant Euphoria. Or Harry ordering his Dick to find a woman's G-spot using parseltongue and the ensuing extending/slythering Cock. Or Harry animating his dick so that it softly slaps a woman's clit every few minutes. etc,etc. Make it creative, his dick is Magic. ->Must be Harry/Multi or Harem. If he settles down with one woman, then she should be okay-with/encourage Harry's exploits. -> At least One scene with the following each: Harry/Narcissa, Harry/Tonks. The way Harry's Magic dick interacts with Nymphadora's Metamorphmagus magic would be most intersting. ->No Slash Please. Not my thing. ->No Angst Please. Humorous, light hearted, erotica is what I'm thinking of. Optional Stuff: -Harry/Molly. And in general Harry/MILFs. Yeah. Its still there. Bonus internet cookies if you include this. Pwetty Pwease. -Harry/Veela Colony exploits as a series of interludes. -Harry being the go-to guy for all the neighbourhood ladies of Privet Drive. -A Harry/Voldemort duel at the end of Fourth Year where Harry uses, ahem, both his wands. While the Phoenix feather wands lock into Priori Incantatum, Harry uses a timely pelvic thrust to get in a surprise hit. Voldemort makes a stupid mistake from the shock and Humiliation of being cursed by a dick and Harry slips in an Avada Kedavara. -Harry finding a partner in a lady (Maybe Tonks or some Veela) who has the same power, but can cast spells through her large breasts.
  3. Da Bump Bump. Da Bump Bump. A new very simply and probably quite offensive challenge appears. (Yes, I'm aware I have a very messed up mind). So I was reading this: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4346148/2/A-Coven-of-Prefects-Harmony-Version A fic where in the wizarding world, Lesbians and Bisexual women are condemned and/or mind-fucked into believing they like men by Dumbledore, the Ministry of Magic etc, etc. The Society in this fic is of course sexist, patriarchical and generally very unfair to women (Kinda like our own society but far worse). End result: Women are breeding stock and any kind of Homosexuality (male or female) is treated with disgust. Then I remembered this fic: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8629685/1/Firebird-s-Son-Book-I-of-the-Firebird-Trilogy A complete reversal of the first situation. A matriarchal society where any kind of male homosexuality is forbidden. While female homosexuality doesn't matter that much, society still looks down upon women who bear no kids. Men are seen as assets, but only as far as reproduction is concerned. The Male to female ratio is also very much screwed in the women's favor in this fic. That being due to the system of magic used in the fic. End: Men are breeding stock and homosexuality of the male kind is treated with disgust. Now both of these fics are very serious fics. Which are meant to be self sustained AUs. Now my challenge is for a smut fic in an AU which is sort of a mix between these two universes. Consider a Universe where The male to female ratio in the Wizarding world is almost 10:1, i.e there is only 1 male for every 10 females. The society is, as a result matriarchal. You decide whether you want the canon magic system or the ones from one of the fics above. While there is absolutely none of the mind-fuckery involved in the above fics, there's still a distinct negativity towards Homosexuality. Of both kinds. So, first requirement: FemDom. Women are very much dominant in this fic. Both politically and socially. Sexually is of course implicit. Now the choice is yours on how the society works. Whether it is Erotophilic/Permissive Society, i.e. no set relations, no rules, just as long as consemt is present (And the concept of "consent" would also be an interesting avenue to expand on, in the context of the above mentioned scenario). Or whether the society is similar to the second fic where a single male is associated with several females with a single constant matriarch. But a strict NO to bonds. Of any kind (No soul bond, no slave bond, No marriage bond, etc. none of that cliche stuff). Or something else all together. But still no bonds. Also, as usual, a must third condition is Size Kink: Harry is more than well endowed. And finally, No Angst. I'm looking for a smut fic, not a serious story. What I'd like to really, really, see in this fic ( Mind you, you can still use these scenarios in one-shots or other fics if you want. *Wink, Wink. Nudge, Nudge*): The gay check: As a prized male, Harry is constantly checked if he is gay by Molly Weasley (Yes, Harry/Molly fan here, did you forget? XD) As in, every holiday almost. Keep in mind the condition of FemDom though. your choice on whether Arthur is gay, dead or if Molly is just horny for Harry. He's seems to also undergochecks constantly by most authority figures, what with him being the Boy-who-lived and his progeny being very valuable to the wizarding world. Proffesor Mcgonagall, Amelia bones, Narcissa Malfoy, etc.. all these older matriarchs seem to have a keen interest in Harry's development. Harry is almost spoiled rotten after he comes to the wizarding world as long as he is fit to breed. The Reverse Arena: As the most valuable breeding stock in the wizarding world, women fighting over Harry. Literally. Gladiators in the Colosseum style. A group of 7 women who are the topmost in the whole competition get to make babies with Harry. Your choice on whether it is a magical duel or a physical fight or mud wrestling (wink, wink) or a combination of all of them. the highest scorer/winner of course gets to be a future matriarch amongst women who bear potter children. The Ministry of Magic, controlled mostly by the major matriarchs organizes this of course. A scene where harry is watching the competition (women duking it out) in the top box while being fucked by one of the matriarchs and being fed grapes/ kissed by another of the matriarchs. Hermione (or Tonks or another younger woman) watching with burning ambition that it would be her up there someday. Mind you, I don't want any death here. Teacher's Pet: Most os the staff in Hogwarts are female of course (Except Flitwick. And maybe Dumbledore, but your choice really). Which means, no Snape. And all the female teachers insist on giving Harry extra attention. Both during classtime and after class specials. This would make for some interesting tease scenarios. I could probably go on and on on the scenarios, so I'm gonna stop here. >_>
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