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Posts posted by AchillesTheGeek

  1. BAFan:

    Madame Dubois is behaving rather strangely. Why complain to a Ministry head about Banks when even her charges said his behavior was exemplary?

    Evidently Mme Dubois is not entirely rational when she sees red -- Banks was there, her charges were upset, it added up to an accusation in her mind.

    Bill knows that Smetana is Karkaroff?

    No, Bill knows that Karkaroff is the only other source of information about the ritual. He trusts the people he's told not to spread it. Of course, by the end of the chapter, he's going to have a pretty good idea; Karkaroff is risking that in order to make sure that Harry sees the map.

    the tension is building nicely once more and I eagerly await the next update.


  2. delia cerrano: Thanks! As for splitting Harry & Draco apart...I hadn't really planned on it ... perhaps I should ... <evil grin>

    BAFan: I did a scan throughout the text on AO3 (which is much easier than here as I don't have to do it in CBAC fashion) and found a 'Maxine' in chapter 11 as well so should be fixed now. And you'll find I am allowing my inner English geek out a lot in this story; my beta comments that she learns many new words / phrases from RtS; and she actually is English!

  3. Tony Halsaver: Thanks! It always amazes, and humbles, me that people like my story enough to read straight through! It present up to chapter 64 is written, so quite a bit to go yet! And there will be more, D.v..

    BAFan: Thanks for your reviews, all very welcome.

    1. Yaxley isn't going to get through two Aurors and the wards on GP by himself (he had Hermione's help in DH), so the traps aren't really needed. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
    2. Please let me know if you spot typos -- I will weed them out. I am somewhat fanatical about correct expression, as you have noticed. (I saw a story with '*baited breath' the other day. Always makes me think of a mouth with a mousetrap in it, and cheese on the tongue.)
    3. Ch30: there was something odd with the formatting. Should be fixed now.
    4. Ch31: Glad you enjoyed this. I had a lot of fun writing it.
    5. Ch32: And this one! And plotting so the resolve in ch33 didn't seem like a forced Deus ex machina moment. At least, I hope not!
    6. Ch35: Yeah, Dudders ends up fine.
  4. delia cerrano: Thanks for calling me clever! :)


    (Ch. 8): Thanks! The Debt is indeed a new twist on the Life Debt.

    (Ch. 10) The Aurors Draco is thinking of here are just the ones immediately present, on duty at the gravesite, which doesn't include Robin or Toby (a fact that does come out later).

    (Ch 11): Agreed.

    (Ch. 15) Not quite sure what "that" is; Draco not 'fraternizing' with Harry? No, Lucius is trying to evade the Debt; and as you will soon find, he is no more successful than he ought to be!

    (Ch. 20) Glad you're enjoying mature Weasleys. Yes, betrayal fics can be a bit tediously repetitive; but I enjoy them from time to time. As you say, typically Ron, Ginny and Molly are singled out as villains. I also wanted to present Ron a bit more grown up; that's why I gave him an unusual skill in spotting glamours. The reasoning is that, having grown up with the twins, he got used to being suspicious about everything and looking for pranks.

    And thank you for the comment about 'excellent writing'! Much appreciated.

  5. Thanks to delia cerrano for being my first reviewer on aff!

    A terrific epic of a story with a very original plot point ...the Debt.

    I'm glad you like it. I am currently writing chapter 64, so "epic" certainly describes the length! And as you say, the Debt of Magical Emancipation is mine, all mine, my precioussss... Oops, sorry, channelling my inner Gollum there!

  6. This is where I will post any replies to reviews to my story Returning to Sanity.

    You can find RtS at http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600097837&chapter=1

    Short Summary: It's just after the Battle of Hogwarts, and the insanity that was Voldemort is over. The clean-up is about to begin. How will the Wizarding World return to sanity? And will Harry manage to keep his?

    Notes: Drarry. EWE. This story was going to be short but seems to have turned into a saga chronicling the events after the Second Wizarding War. It somehow seems to manage to be slow-moving and action-packed at the same time. While there is some smut, it's more about the plot. I know. Don't blame me, I didn't plan it that way.

    Warnings: Some smut, possible MPREG but that still hasn't happened after 62 chapters.

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