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  1. Hello everyone, happy to be here! My pen name is Apple_Dragon, and I am very new to AFF. I'm glad I found this place, it's kind of tiring having a story taken down for too much violence or mature content. My first story is called In His Dark Embrace, and it follows the story of the Death Knight Veloce, her constant instinctual bloodlust and her hatred of humans. Please review, it's kind of aggravating to see a decent amount of hits but no reviews to see how I am doing. Thank you for your time! Author: Apple_Dragon Title: In His Dark Embrace Tags: AFFO, Violence, D/s, Racism, Bigotry, Voy Feedback: Yes please! Writing style and character description mostly. I'm very open to constructive criticism. Fandom: World of Warcraft Pairings: Original Characters One shot or chaptered: Chapter URL: http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600088613
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