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  1. Thanks, DG. That seemed to do the trick. I'd tried that before with no luck but it may have been while the archive was offline.
  2. I haven't been able to add a story for days. When I click on Add it takes me to http://anime.adult-fanfiction.org/userpanel.php?addbut there are no functions. Any suggestions?
  3. Forgive me for piling on, but I've got to agree with Lynz's appraisal of those side buttons. What's worse is that there's no way to tell which chapter you're on and there's no "Next Chapter" button at the bottom. If you're not reading with a notepad and pencil, you've got to click around. "Wait, did I read that chapter already? Did I miss one?" I'm guessing the issue is being addressed, but I figure I'd mention it just in case it isn't. And, of course, let me not forget the disclaimer: This is a great site. You guys do awesome work. etc...
  4. Your half hour was not wasted. You made a lot of valid points. It's better to err on the side of caution.
  5. Sorry, K. I missed this reply since it was embedded in a quote. Like some of my forum postes, my tales tend to be humorous and often silly - but I still wouldn't want a 10 year old reading them. I just don't see the blue page as any sort of deterrent, even for kids with a short attention span. There seems to be a trade-off. I can remember back in the old days of the Net when all these sites had this "Adult Check" system. As I remember, although it cost pennies to get past it, you still had to sign up with a credit card. And although I'm sure it was a very effective way of screening out underaged viewers, it also presented too great of a barrier to those of age. My guess is that's part of the reason it got phased out. Plus, of course, everyone values their anonymity. So it comes down to a matter of degree. And you know what, I'm starting to see your point. I could see where a fan fiction site like this could draw in a larger percentage of underage viewers than your average porn site. You know what? I just changed my mind. Let's keep the stupid PITA blue screen page! I'm totally serious. You've convinced me, K. I rescind my previous complaints and objections.
  6. Your reasoning is flawed, dear Kurahleiritr. Because I wish to see some small aspect of this site improved, it does not then follow that I should chuck the whole thing if I don't get my way. I'm merely making a suggestion and offering support for why its implementation would be beneficial. I'm not a baby. I think this site is great! But I can see where you'd get the opposite impression. And yeah, the comparison to the liquor store is absurd in a way. But it's a funny way to make a point. Some readers of the comparison might even chuckle when they plop their next six pack down on the counter and see those magazines. And seriously, do you really believe AFF readers find reading the stories here so much more gratifying because of the hoops they have to jump through to get to those stories? You're as bad as me!
  7. Thanks for checking Rogue. What is your search string? Although none of the results link back to the story, I've never even been able to get that far.
  8. It is amusing because it's overkill and nobody takes it seriously. And lets not pull out that straw man. Nobody is talking about getting rid of the age requirement, just bringing it in line with what the rest of the world is doing. A less aggravating page will be just as effective at keeping you out of jailhouse orange as the current PITA page is. Another consequence of the "blue page of major annoyance" is that none of the stories get indexed on the search engines. Some might consider that a disservice to the authors. It's far more common for someone to say or write "Check out my story, Al. Just google BronxWench (one word) fiction." than to pass on a URL that doesn't even bring up the story you're referencing. I can remember several times when I've read and forgotten the location of a good story. But thanks to Google and the recollection of some applicable search values, I was able to find it. No such luck possible if the story is on A-FF.org. It's like walking into a liquor store. You see the adult magazines in a rack behind the counter, often wrapped and covered. Fine. You, on the other hand, keep all those magazines stored in a separate shed behind the store. A shed fortified with iron bars that requires two keys and the combination to a lock whose codes change hourly. Plus you have to leave your driver's license and a $50 deposit at the front desk. Okay, maybe that's exaggerating. But considering the short attention span of many Internet surfers, I may not be that far off.
  9. Okay, so you're selling it? Or retasking it as a funnel into some ad site like AFF.com? Since you're changing the ugly blue screen anyways, couldn't you simply hide hard-coded values in the HTML and change the text a little? You just gotta feel bad for all those people perjuring themselves persuant to Title 28 every single day. The prisons are over-crowded as it is. But I guess I'll wait if I have to.
  10. Hi DG, As you know, you're adding new members all the time who have no idea why you made this change. So what happened? Let's be honest. AFF.net is cool. A-FF.org is, well, not nearly as cool. Did you get heat from FF or is this some sort of preemptive move? And since you're making changes, is there a chance you'll get rid of that annoying enter-your-age page? The most extreme adult sites on the net aren't that annoying. They just have a warning page. I know you've got to cover your bases, but that seems very unnecessarily annoying and I'm sure it's killing alotta traffic. Just a big-assed button next to the words "I SWEAR ON MY MOTHER'S GRAVE, I'M 18! FOR REAL I AM!" should do the trick. Nothing like non-stop bitching for a first post, huh? Anyways, AFF (or A-FF) is an awesome site. Keep up the great work!
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