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Everything posted by MorningSnow

  1. lemonade- That is so incredibly weird! Cicadas are so creepy looking and I hate the noise they make, until I get used to it, lol. Eris- Both replies in one! Could you imagine, sex slave Hermione. Goodness that would be hilarious. Beware the Spoilers, you don't want to go messing with paradoxes lol! Victoria- Aw, thanks! I like it so much too! sheedy- It sure did start off strange, didn't it? I actually fell in love with it from the start, since I had been writing little drabs here n there of late before starting this story. I had writer's block before, but now, none. Thanks for reading and giving it a chance! Trelweny- You were the only person to have caught that little tidbit (and told me about it, haha). It came up in Ch.6, as I'm sure you read. I had already written that chapter and was working on Ch. 7, when I got the e-mail with your review. I honestly was a little crestfallen that someone had figured it out (I LOVE it when a writer catches me by surprise) or maybe you are just super sleuth-y! I like the second option! lemonade- The answers are in... Ch.6, I think. Hopefully you have read it already! Good word, I had to look up Twitterpated because I had no idea what it meant. You taught me a new word! Thanks! No cicadas, I hope!
  2. Ok. Seriously bad news everyone. I will not have internet until the 29th. I was supposed to have my install but some problems came up with the apartment I'm moving to so they could not install when they were supposed to. When I get my internet up, I will post 2 chapters. 2 nice and smutty chapters. I'm typing on my phone and I'm going to try really hard to get to somewhere with internet to post a chapter in the meantime, but if I cannot, that is the reason for it. Also, review replies are near impossible right now (I have to be able to go back n forth to reply adequately) so please be patient!
  3. Eris- I'm glad the Anthony thing didn't put you off liking him. Haha, I gave you more of a description to make up for it! And some flirtin with Draco too! The money thing with Draco is a little bit different, Draco just explained it simply. He'll have a conversation later with.... someone (It's a secret who!) about it more in depth. But yes, sarcastic Draco is one we all want, I think. He's trying to get along with her and she keeps accusing him of saying things he didn't intend. It happens again in Ch.4 which you'll see on Wednesday, hopefully. Ok, but an answer to your question (in jest) is something you will just have to wait for little lady That's a spoiler! I can't tell you what happens!! Muahahahahah!!!!
  4. HG4eva, Some of your comments lead me to spoilers! Ch. 3 will answer some of your questions! I will tell you that canon Draco (post-Hogwarts) is out the window. Primrose mentions in Ch. 1 that he turned to the light, 'everyone knows that'. But Hermione didn't, since she stayed away from the papers as much as possible. She was dealing with some avoidance issues. Is she in danger? Well, how much fun would the story be if I told you that? You mention Draco playing of the 'tragically misunderstood' persona and I'm not quite sure that's what he's doing yet. I do want to point out that even Hermione says to herself that she has only heard Primrose's opinion of him. In Ch. 3, Hermione will be talking to him for a few minutes for the first time- and alone- so his personality is going to be analyzed by our beloved heroine. Thanks for your reviews! I like your comments! Anin- I do know that Lincoln wasn't the first US president. Hermione got her wars mixed up and she was corrected. Civil war was the war Lincoln had to deal with, I've double checked. Thanks for pointing it out though! Eris!! - Oh, you have such a surprise coming when it comes to Anthony hehehe Just gonna have to wait for Ch. 3! Rose is becoming a very fun character in my mind, and Luis is a lot of fun. Yep, I like my OC's quite a lot in the short time I've known them lol. I wish this place existed too, You've told me you have never been to Texas, so let me tell you, that random building in the middle of nowhere from before the War for Independence between the Mexican and Texan armies is common. They're all historical landmarks and owned by the state. But they are so weird to see! Imagine the Alamo (Which is all anyone really knows about Texas) in the middle of a field, but with white paint instead of bare limestone and you get the picture for what I imagine the school to look like. Yes in the story I have both Lucius and Narcissa sentenced to the Dementor's Kiss. She will probably not come up, but in my head she did so much other stuff before she saved Harry in the forest that she deserved no less. But, maybe I'll have Draco explain it for you... in a set of Healers robes lmao!
  5. Alrighty then. Daylight is getting some awesome replies and reviews, and first of all, I would like to say thank you sooooo much for reading. Seriously. I was so worried that the premise of this story would get the WORST responses. But everyone is telling me they like it, and of course I like it haha! So thanks! Ok, so the summary is: Nearly ten years after the final battle, Hermione wakes to find herself in a strange country with little information on how she arrived, Draco’s Deputy Headmaster of the school nearby, can she trust in his help? I will be addressing the questions people post in the reviews and on occasion addressing issues people bring up, too. You can totally write in here too! I do prefer reviews to each chapter to be on AFF itself, but if you have something to add to a reply, please feel free to do it here!
  6. Aww, you're too sweet. (blush) I guess... You're welcome. Haha! Seriously the sweetest things anyone ever said about me online is all that you just said. Seriously, you are a good writer. Of course I would promote your story! It's a good one! Plus, the idea for me coming to the forum wasn't my idea, it was yours... I'm just giving you credit... No, wait that sounds like I'm belittling your praise... You are a good writer, and I don't consider myself to be a great one, personally. Damnit, still sounds belittling... &*%^#^(&*%$*))#* Sigh, I get so flustered with praise... Screw it. Thanks for the praise and you're welcome for the promoting of your story... that should work right? oh look you're on the chat thing... I prefer to not give out my real name on the interwebs, so forgive me for not responding in kind to your introduction. It's a privacy thing, you understand, I hope.
  7. Leave it to a fan of DW to leave a trail of spoilers. Are you channeling River Song? The madness of waiting has hit me hard today, Eris... I fear I may not be making sense..... Need.... Update..... Soon....
  8. Oh no! Story was missing a tag and they took it down!! Rest assured, I've fixed it as per the Admin's instructions and (HOPEFULLY) it will be back up soon. MARGIERE! You found your way over! Hooray! I'm a control freak too, well outside the bedroom. It's a very freeing experience to give up control during a scene, and that was what I was trying to convey most of the time during their scenes. Well, to me. I've known since I was a young girl (maybe 11 or 12) that BDSM was for me. I never knew what it was called until years later, it was just something I knew. But, not everyone is like that. Some people can only achieve release in the right setting (In their role for example or even through pain) but I can without a scene... It's just not fulfilling. I usually describe it to my vanilla friends like this: There are 3 things that need to be satisfied for a fully satisfying orgasm. 1. Your body- duh, right? That's what actually orgasms, and you don't need a person necessarily to achieve it. 2. Your heart- I mean like your emotions, obviously that comes from loving the person you're with, harder and rarer for people not in a relationship. 3. Your mind- this is where knowing yourself and what you want comes in. The communications of those desires must be openly shared with your partner. Some people role-play (Being pirates or playing out a specific fantasy... or writing fanfiction...) others bring in toys, (Interestingly, these things fall under the umbrella of BDSM, but a vanilla-ish side of it) and there are all kinds of things people do to satisfy their #3. For me, in order to be fulfilled it's through Dom/sub. This is all my theory. (Puffs out chest proudly) But I think it's accurate. http://www.reddit.com/r/bdsmfaq is a great way to begin larning a lot about the BDSM lifestyle. The mods of that site are amazing at handing out info and directing you to various places which help the understanding of the topic. I encourage you to check it out if you're still looking for new info. Hell, even if you're not. Still worth a look over And, no epilogue. My brain (read muse) has decided to let this one go and not give inspiration for a new one yet. Although, I was floating in the pool on the Fourth and daydreamed about Draco coming to save me... Might be a story coming about that. Never know... :-D
  9. Posted the last chapter. Not sad about it at all, just relieved. Such a weird feeling. I would expect to be saddened after working on something for a little over a month.
  10. Aw, *blush* thanks you guys. Ya'll are so sweet. Sorry, I just wanted to say thanks for being so nice... I don't have anything else to add...
  11. So, let me start off saying I like the story. I really really do. Your descriptions are so beautiful. When I read the description of Draco's front room, I was in awe at the imaginative approach at room design. This is my problem, and it's totally just a grammar thing, don't walk away (Or click the mouse away which is probably more accurate haha) from reading this thinking I'm attacking you. When you change speakers, it should start a new paragraph. It's such a stupid little thing but it's bothering me. Your chapters are already wonderfully long, and this will make them seem longer, but it also breaks the paragraph. It makes the conversations easier to follow. Last, you as the writer in a two person conversation, don't have to identify the speaker for each quote. I'm so worried you will think I'm being nit-picky, but don't. This is (I hope) constructive criticism... I'll give you an example of what I mean: Hermione almost had herself back under control with her mantra, but then that all went to hell when Malfoy nodded in Harry's direction and grinned. She almost had a coronary. Hermione had never seen anything remotely close to a smile from Malfoy, but damn how it was gorgeous! His cheek quirked upward revealing a dimple and his teeth were so white and straight she knew even her parents would be proud. “Don't you have a date with Weasley Potter? If you're late to this one I’m sure she might actually hex you. You've got less than a half hour to be there.” Hermione's breath caught in her throat, his voice no longer grating and sarcastic, but a deep timbre with the hint of sophistication and he wasn't even exuding any hostility toward her best friend! What was this? What was going on? Harry stood up abruptly at the reminder “Shit! Hermione I'm sorry to cut this short, I forgot about tonight when I told you to come over.” Malfoy turned and walked away but Hermione was still in a daze. She absent-mindedly waved affirmation in Harry's direction “Yeah that's okay”. Harry noticed his friend's far away expression. He went to her and placed his hands on her shoulders “Are you alright? I'm sorry if I went overboard with the tickling charm. I'll make it up to you promise” It was the oddest thing Harry noted, she seemed to be at a loss for words, but she quickly snapped out of it and smiled up to him. “Yea I’m perfectly fine, got lost in thought for a moment but yes we should make plans for later this week. I'll be with the Weasley's while I look for a place of my own. Come visit and don't think you'll make me forget. I'm going to get you back for that tickling charm and it won’t be pleasant Harry James Potter.” Then she was tidying her scarf and out the house with the roar of the fireplace before he could reply “weird.” Harry looked at the spot where his best friend had been and then looked toward the doorway where she had been staring. A bell went off in his head at the implication but he dismissed the thought as soon as it arose “no way.” Then he re-remembered that he was late for his date and rushed upstairs to get dressed. -From Ch. 1
  12. margiere, I know exactly what you mean. I have had one hell of a week also. Sorry yours was bad though! I hope your layover wasn't too droll. (I've always wanted to use that word in a sentence! Check that off the bucket list hahaha!) So on to questions- In the story, it won't come up, but there was a teeny tiny allusion to who Imperioed her. It was Bellatrix and the allusion was "She tittered as though she had learned the skill from her sister’s madness." She really did learn it from her sister. Draco killing his father won't come up but once more, mostly because this last chapter is in mostly Hermione POV (Duh, sex scene ha). The complex emotions- which I would need to describe- are not easily translated into English from their natural free-flowing state, so I (As a young-ish writer) am having a really hard time writing his side of the after-effects. Not really normal, don't worry you won't have to go through it because of the Dom/sub stuff. But as an aside, the feelings she is dealing with and the strength of them are very similar to sub-drop. I was so happy to hear you learned new terms because of me! What's going on in that scene- or what I intended to portray- was a complex mixture of Hermione feeling lonely for the first time in our story, which causes her insecurities to surface once more, which she deals with by asking for help from others. I mean, she's an 18 year old girl, dealing with her first separation from her lover, she's using the scientific facts of being in a Dom/sub relationship as a crutch for dealing with how powerful her love is. It's a very hard thing to deal with, being a mostly independent person who needs to have a Dom/Domme. I've had conversations with my husband about his dealings with being separated from me on the rare occasions it's happened, and as my only real base for how a Dom would deal with the separation, he's told me it's hard. Not nearly as hard as it is for a sub- remember the dependance which can sometimes result in any relationship is a major concern in BDSM. He told me that even though our dynamic is tied to the bedroom, he can no longer ... find his completion without a heavy dose of a feeling of power. But remember, this is one example in a question about generalities that I can't fully answer. So, yeah. Tomorrow I will post the last chapter, and there might be an epilogue if my brain refuses to let this story go.
  13. Anyway, Grace gave me a lovely review and I just wanted to say thanks to you for giving me the highest compliment I think any writer can get: ‘I couldn't stop reading’. Internet hugs for you!! That was seriously a good compliment from the other side of the wold, and it meant a lot to me. Thanks! A thanks to AtlanteanDiva for a couple of reviews also. Gave me the feeling like you were reading it and reviewing each chapter? Hopefully your opinion changed as you continued! If you stopped, Well, I'm sorry you didn't like it
  14. Ok, so my lovely reviewer margerie mentioned that there were some questions pertaining to this story, so I took the idea from ErisNight (Who is writing a good story called A Match Made in Convenience- I would reccomend.) to post in the forum for discussion about any questions anyone might have. http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600097195 is the link to the story, if you haven't read it yet (Shame on you! haha!). Uh, the FAQ recommends a brief summary of the story, so I guess... Here goes: Draco is given asylum in 12 Grimmuald Place and there is some boring buildup stuff that goes on there (Honestly, chapters 2-4 are my least favorite. You know, I have to set up the story and all that, give you the poetic ways of where we are in the cannon and how the story will change). Then, when Ron finds out that Hermione and Draco are kinda-sorta-maybe seeing each other, he disappears and does some very naughty things. There. I think thats a loose enough synopsis to not give anything away, right? Yep. It's at 15 Chapters, and I'm working on Ch. 17 and editing 16 when I get stuck on 17. It's just my way, not like I'm trying to get more reviews or ratings by posting a new chapter every 2-ish days, just the way I work best. Uh... so anyone want to talk about the story?
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