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Heavy Mist

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  1. Dear readers, Sorry it is not an up-date! In fact there won’t be an update, any time soon if at all. My Mother passed away, and I am unable to focus on writing anything, having a severe case of writer’s block. The lack of reviews and votes did not make things any better. It actually made things worse for me. I had my Epilogue’s synopsis done, but alas life sent me a very bad surprise and the muses refuse to cooperate. I think the least I can do is to inform you of this sad state of affairs, out of respect to you all. Still, I did not want to put the story on hiatus, considering the stats and reviews, I am inclined to think it outlived its interest. The story could be considered complete as it is now, given that what was coming next was some additional details, i.e. the Felix Ligatio potion and Master/slave collaring ceremony, and some smut, nothing major. Nevertheless, the story stands completed as it is now, without the Epilogue. Hence, the tag will be changed from WIP to Complete. Dear readers, You know we the amateurs who write and post our stories on this wonderful AFF site, (I am sure most if not all writers would back me up on this one) have a real life, we take time, effort, concentration, thoughts, sweat and sometimes tears and frustration to put forth a good story. Sometimes we spend almost an entire night typing away chapters, because we love to write, to share our imagination and fiction with those who appreciate the fruit of our labor, and we do not make money out of these stories. Our only rewards are the reviews and the votes we get! That is it. NOTHING else! Just imagine yourselves in a room, alone talking to a wall for an hour, and not receiving any comment or answer, then you talk again and getting same resounding silent answer. Yes, it is bound to drive you nuts or depressed. The same thing happens to us. Please whenever you read stories remember, a pat on the back is always good. If you do not want to review at least vote, the writers will appreciate it! Those small gestures give the authors the fuel and motivation to continue, and help them when they are down and out, in doubt, lacking inspiration, writing themselves into a corner. I have read, re-read and re-re-read many times all of the wonderful reviews I got to keep me going. Hence I want to thank all of who read my story, those who voted, those who thought of reviewing but haven’t got to it, and especially who reviewed, naming: Ummm, Mark's Pet, Draco's Fan, Morsmordre, Empress, BelvaRoze, Kara, perfecthought, Burnedx2, Nathoca M, His4Ever, Jewels, KarenLioncourt, Tundeboszi, Lily, lysana, Aisa, selene, Pooh, LadyCandi, IceEmpress, lollotjoff, Nyxling, Gamma, Iceprincess, notlori925, Tika, mkv, Haydron, Nathoca Malfoy, Holly, slytherinish. Special thank you to : IceEmpress, Tundeboszi for being there from start to end :] your reviews were my fuel and muse, my daily bread. You are every writer’s dream reviewer! Mark’sPet : For always putting a smile on my face. Hope you are doing all right; I missed your reviews as of late, and worried about you. Please be safe :] His4Ever : Ah! What can I say, your reviews pulled me through, and simply made me HIGH! They were Addictive! Your wit and humour cracked me up and pulled me up when I was at my lowest. You need to have your own Late Night Show, I swear Kara, Burnedx2, Selene, Jewels: for always taking the time to review ! Until we meet again, maybe with outtakes from this story, or in a new one, thank you all dear readers, for without you there won’t be any authors. Take care, Peace and blessings to you all.
  2. Ice Empress: No need to apologize at all. The lack of reviews sometimes kills the inspiration. I spend my time thinking "they did not like it, the chapter was a bunch of trash...etc..." you know the usual obsessive compulsive worrying LOL Hope this new chapter answered some of your requests I am saddened myself, the story ended so soon! There's an epilogue left, then who knows...I might write some outtakes. I've got some ideas, but nothing consistent as of yet. Thank you for being such a wonderful reviewer Tundeboszi : that is so sweet of you to say thank you.
  3. His4Ever: Glad to read your wonderful, sharp and humorous reviews again. No I didn’t think you forgot, I gathered you were busy ;] (am smart like that! lol). Honestly, I myself do not want this story to end. I would be missing my reviewers above all :[ Alas I cannot stretch it beyond a reasonable length, or it would lose its “potency” lol. Do not worry about the Potion, it will be ready for a special occasion, not going to say anything more, no, nope, not gonna say…lol …and there will also be a couple of “scenes” in the dungeon ( time to invest in more Towels lol) Take care, and please let me read what you think of those once they are posted ;] IceImpress: My sweet wonderful Lady! So happy you liked the last chapter! As usual, your intelligent and sharp mind gets what I aimed for, and you dissect the subtle machinations of our resident hot and sexy Lord and Master as if almost in his own brain Ah yes LV do not do “marriage proposals” lol, he tells the bride to be to be ready and punctual, that’s LV for us mortal pining women.(sighs), Oh he doesn’t need her sassiness to come up with an alibi to punish her his way, lol, Let me know if this posted chapter met your expectations Tundeboszi : Thank you so much for your continuous support and reviews. The story isn’t over yet, though not much is left, maybe another chapter and an epilogue. I am thinking of some outtakes from the story, but I am not sure yet. They will be one-shots mostly. Thank you again and hope you enjoy the chapter
  4. Ice Empress : Thank you so very much for your amazing review. Yes I was always amused and amazed at how scientifically incorrect many stories were, concerning the virgin’s first time. As I am an insufferable, finicky person, with flagrant OCD tendencies for accurate details, I wrote the scene as I felt it should be written, I am glad you liked it. One thing, your mind is the right size of morally perfectly naturally true and honest. And I love you for it :] Ah yes, his “I love you” (Sigh) wish I could hear him say it for real. The lucky darn girl! Hope this chapter’s end answered your demand Tundeboszi : Thank you so much for your continuous support Glad I am not disappointing
  5. Thank you dear readers for your wonderful reviews. (Rates as well) You don’t know how much your words, and continuous support inspire me to put in writing all the ideas lurking in my head. But most of all to progress, improve and create a story that meets your approval. HM Ice Empress: You are fantastic Hermione is a logical witch, and a fast learner. Therefore, she kept her foot out of her big mouth, not giving his Lordship any reason to publicly punish her, knowing he won’t hesitate doing exactly that, oh, and have fun while doing it ;] (sighs) lol. Yes, the others noticed all right (what was going on), but as you said, no one is suicidal to trifle with LV!! Hope this new chapter would meet your expectations, more is coming of course notlori925 : I am glad you liked how I flipped the original plot. I absolutely agree with you about Dumbledore, IMHO, he had confusing traits, and his past was not that “spotless”. Hope the new chapter won’t disappoint slytherinish : Thank you so very much for your motivating and encouraging words :] I tried to build the relationship as realistically as possible. I am glad to hear I succeeded:] SS/HG are one of my favorite couples as well. Man, the potions’ Master is indeed a Master, without even trying! (Swoons). Hopefully the new chapter has enough smut, but no worries more is on the way ;]
  6. Thank you my dear readers/reviewers for your constant back up and support :] Nathoca Malfoy : Thank you for the lovely praise :] Indeed, you remember correctly, Hermione read a book she found in Hogwarts’ library about the magical core mates. I guess she is wanting the Master to explain what happened because she will most certainly ask about their “interlude” Ice Empress: You know, as much as you wait for the updates, I wait with baited breath for your reviews, your pertinent remarks and astute opinion! You are an amazing reviewer, and I bet every writer posting on AFF would love to read reviews like yours! I am glad to have brought happiness to you, when you needed it; this is the best compliment I could ever aspire to! It is like an award for doing a good job, THANK YOU! (Teary eyes). I already described Dumbledore et al, comeuppance in Chapter 16 : Azkaban’s Chamber of Secrets, as well some parts of Ginny and Ronald meeting with LV :] Maybe LV will show her the true colors of both through a pensieve, who knows ? As for the last requests, no worries, I am positive the upcoming chapters will certainly be to your liking Holly : Thank you for your review :] English is not my mother-language, I am doing my best. What can I say? Sorry you are finding my story difficult to read. notlori925: Thank you for your continuous encouragement. :] Glad you are liking the plot. I think Lavender needs someone like Severus to keep her in line. Hermione needs someone to understand her. I thought having a mature woman (Narcissa) to help would be beneficial. Hopefully you will also enjoy the new chapter :]
  7. Thank you Ladies (and Gents) for all of your encouraging words and reviews. Burnedx2: Glad to hear you liked the nickname. I admit, Lavender as a character under JK Rowling’s quill, for me at least, is somewhat vague and one dimensional, as if she was only there to irritate Hermione, so I tried to see where her character could go in this storyline :] Ice Empress: Oh MY! I laughed so hard until I had tears in my eyes; reading your review, you are simply amazing. I am so enthralled that you are dissecting the characters’ traits and analyzing their actions/reactions. It boosts me up to read that my efforts to give more depth to each one of them are noticed. Thank you for being this kind of reader :] As for Hermione’s reaction to Lavender’s detailing her “training experiences”, it was not stemming from prudish inhibitions or sudditty. It is simply Lavender herself. Hermione was not keen on hearing Lavender’s experience, since she really does not like the girl and was never friends with her. Add Severus into the mix and you get the ‘Eww EWW’ factor lol. Nevertheless, if it was about Severus sans his pet, I swear, her reaction would have been absolutely the opposite lol Tundeboszi: Glad to hear from you again I know, Real Life is a bitch (sighs), but I hope you were busy with only nice and happy stuff. Thank you for taking the time to read and review. Please keep them coming, It really helps my muse :] Haydron: Aww! Thank you for taking the time to review I so appreciate it! Well, the story is more Hermione / Lord Voldemort than Tom Riddle. Hope you like this ship as well :] I love Dramione stories :] My favourite after Volmione. Draco in this plot is more or less tame. Concerning the punctuations and typos in the first 5 or 6 chapters, I know there are lots, because I did not have a beta then (thank you for pointing out the errors). Now my hubby is doing his job, lol. Once I finish the story, I shall go through all the chapters and fix the errors.
  8. Chapter 31/32 Tika: Thank you for your continuous encouragement. Please keep them coming, it helps me a great deal, to fight off this Writer's nightmarish block. Thank you :] Ice Empress: Oh my dear, thank you :] Missed your wonderful insight last time. But I am glad you liked both chapters. LV knows his witch and he is giving her what she needs. That’s what makes him so ahem…Hot?? Lol Do not worry about Hermione, she is not easily daunted. However, let’s not forget she was fighting her whole life against him, so it is not going to take only a week to change her preconceived ideas, though the new perspectives she is dealing with will help her see the “light” at the end of the tunnel I tried to keep Both Narcissa and Lavender in Character, as much as it was possible, still some tweaking was necessary for the plot. Hope you will like the second part of their “Girls/Pets talk”
  9. Chapter 30 notlori925 : Thank you for your encouraging review. I am so glad you are liking the story thus far :] Tika : Thank you very much for the review, I am trying to fight off a writer’s block, that is plaguing me, but I will not abandon the story :] Mkv: Thank you for your review and wonderful praise, I will try to up date ASAP, but as I already mentioned, a writer‘s block is nightmare to deal with, but again the story will be finished come hell or high water! :]
  10. Chapter 29 : Ice Empress : I am glad you liked the last chapter, hope this one did not disappoint, but some pieces of the mystery had to be unveiled. Our resident sexy Lord does not act without prior motive, for him Hermione is an uttermost priority He wants her to make her own discoveries about herself, he simply provides the push ( or thrust lol) and waits to reap the ripe juicy fruit Kara : ROTFL, sorry never meant it as a cliffhanger.(evil laugh) So I hope this chapter answered your question! Ah! Now that you’ve mentioned it by name, I got what you were talking about; and no, my story has nothing to do with 50 shades of gray. Actually, I read it on FF.net. like ages ago, then out of curiosity I downloaded the published trilogy, as you said no difference except the names. (And less money in my bank account) :{ Let’s be fair, the writer got one or two D/s things right, i.e. the Dom/sub contract, (snickers) however it has lots of stalker’ish elements in it, besides who needs a Dom with baggage? IMHO, I find it does not portray a genuine and healthy D/s relationship. But it is her story, and she’s bloody rich now, who am I to criticize? Darn!
  11. Thank you Ladies (and Gentlemen if there are any) for your reviews, Intention to review, and when you do review (winks), and if you do not want to review, please at least click the vote button?? Just to hint that I am doing at least an acceptable job? You really don’t know how important it is, for an amateur writer, to have a pat on the shoulder now and then! Please keep them coming, they really inspire me to write better and faster. :] I want to thank my loyal readers/reviewers, I won’t list names lest I forget a name, but all I can say THANK YOU for your encouragement, and wonderful feedback and words. HM. Kara : Oh My!!! I have nothing against Twilight, not a big fan of Mary Sue galore, but Jasper is cute, I saw the movies bcz of him lol, besides “No one should sparkle in a vampire epic except Lafayette” as per George Tekai. ;] Believe me I have done my homework concerning the D/s dynamics and I am consulting with a Dom who’s got 32 years of experience under his belt. (He’s 55 now). As for Lav-Lav , you will see, you almost hit the nail on the head lol the girl is in dire need of some discipline, a certain someone is dishing it out for her. (snickers) Ice Empress : Isn’t a cuddly VL cute ? I love me a cuddly LV, hush do not tell my hubby lol. That is LV for us, poor swooning melting women! (Sighs) Narcissa will be making an appearance soon, as for Lav-Lav, like I told Kara, she will have her dire needs met lol your encouraging words are inspiring me to improve my work every time! Pls keep them coming :] Marl’s Pet : THANK YOU! I am so glad you liked the last chapter, your words warmed my heart, especially that I am having recurrent writer’s block, due to lack of reviews and votes which lead to self-doubt, and discouragement. As I told Kara, I have done my homework concerning the D/s lifestyle, and consulting a Dom. Lavender is a special case, her character was a bit ambiguous, for me at least, in JK Rowling books, so I am trying to develop her the way I feel her character is taking form in my head. Thank you again for being a loyal reader :]
  12. Mark's Pet : I knew it was a long chapter, I wanted to split it in two, but doing so would have ruined the flow …and mood ;] Glad you remembered the towel, we don’t want to ruin your cushions now, do we? (Insert LV’s wicked chuckle) Oops sorry for the cold shower, from now on, you need to wait for him, before reading ;] Do not worry you are a tough cookie, you can handle similar chapters, I am sure ;] Lysana : Thank you, I am so glad you liked it :] Iceprincess : Thank you for your review, better late than never ;] I can relate, when it comes to his Lordship, the same inspiration struck me as well ;] Aisa: Thank you, hope future chapters won’t disappoint
  13. Ice Empress : Thank you so much for your review, I honestly try to stir away from cliché(s) and follow my own metaphors, weird most of the times, but I am glad you are still liking them :] Hermione will know, see and experience lots of things, the story gained momentum, from now on …it is a snowball ;] Tundeboszi : The best kind of readers are the greedy ones ;] and you are one of the best, love you too, so tell me, do you think she’s hurt much ? -Insert LV wicked laugh- Mark's Pet : As I already replied to Ice Impress, I have this weird weird and unorthodox way with metaphors, and don’t like standardized descriptions, honestly those scenes are my first lime and smut, thus I am so happy I am not making a mess of things Tell me about the dungeon, (big sigh) do you think Santa would provide that?? ;] LOL
  14. Tundeboszi : Thank you I hope this one won’t disappoint Mark’s Pet : ROTFL …Oh my! You crack me up girl! Love your reviews. Thank you Absolutely true what you said about Lucius telling her rather than Voldy ;] Hermione with her blackouts - bcz of those sexy Slytherins-(swoons) sseems to be indeed the “damsel in distress” lol I couldn’t but state the obvious about those Slytherins’ hunks, what woman worth her salt won’t need towels?? Merlin! Hope you I did not disappoint your anticipation? Here’s a sneak peek of next chapter “TWENTYYYYY... FUCKKK”A chuckle was heard and his saccharine velvety baritone answered “No pet, twenty strikes, but we will fuck…later..” ‘Oh you fucking bastard …’she thought furiously and couldn’t help scream “I HATE YOUUUU” Another snigger reached her ears and her Master replied merrily “ No you don’t. You’re just feeling a bit indisposed” “AAHHHHHH …” She couldn’t count anymore, her throat was so sore since she screamed her head off, and the numbers were getting harder to articulate… “What is that slave? Which strike is it? Want to start over?” “NOOOOO Pl…Twen…y one…” Oh Merlin she is going to die before reaching fourty. On both accounts, her present wallops’ tally and age.
  15. Excerpt from chapter 5 “I intend on doing many many many things to you, you never knew existed, sweet know-it-all witch. I will break you, reshape you, train you, and own you.” With every word he uttered, the red flecks spread, until his whole irises were blood red, he looked like a hellish fiend.
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