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username-classified last won the day on March 7 2013

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  1. Armor of God...in my pants.
  2. Dear 10 year old self, It doesn't really matter what I write here; because if my memory serves me right, you won't have the attention span to get past the "dear 10 year old self". Sincerely, You in 20 years.
  3. Roses are red A deep crimson hue, Around mid October, Botticelli will be due.
  4. The good news is that I'm only completely and utterly unproductive on my first day off after a workday. The bad news is that my work schedule rarely ever gives me two days off in a row.

  5. so...aparently I'm older than 75% of the management in my store. That's 3 out of 4 managers that I'm older than...I'll let you click on my profile and check my age...don't worry I'll wait....yeah...I thought I would be older when I started working for someone who was younger than me.

    1. username-classified


      sorry...I got my math a little wrong...2 of the 3 managers (and I forgot to mention 2 supervisors whom I am also older than.)

  6. "...cause I've got one hand in my pocket, and the other is...scatterd in my backyard." ...man...the song just isn't the same since the firecracker accident.

    1. botticelliangel
    2. JayDee


      Don't think of it as a lost hand, think of it as a gained amputee porn opportunity.

  7. "They said I couldn't fire a man for being in a wheelchair. Did it anyway, ramps are expensive!" Cave Johnson
  8. Sometimes I feel bad for my wife...I've got that condition that makes it difficult to have sex...ya know....extreme ADHD... most of the time it goes down like this *thud* *thud* *thud* *thud* "hey...what's that over there."...........*buzzzzzzzzzzzzz*..."oh...I guess you don't need me right now...I guess I'll go play more videogames."

  9. Everyday is a good day for someone. Let's ensure today is ours.
  10. I rode the short bus to high school, there’s no way around it. I have both verbal and non-verbal language based learning disabilities as well as ADHD. It may come as a shock, but I have a very hard time writing. I mean very hard time writing, and I..am..a bad writer…there I said it. I have no qualms about it and it does not shame me to admit it. I, however, write well enough for myself. I enjoy getting my ideas out to share and I’m always improving. Think about why you started writing. If you believe your writing helped you achieve that goal, then you did well as a writer. With every piece of art, there will be critics and trolls. Stephen King gets trolled by family guy almost constantly. I started creative writing as a hobby about 13 years ago my senior year of high school. The work I have posted on this site has been reworked by my wife (her online alias is botticelliangel). She’s offered to be my beta (it’s part of how she convinced me to sign up for this website) so I assure you, when I write on my own, it’s not nearly as good as what I post on this website. She does a great job at polishing up my work to make it much better. You might be asking yourself, why is he telling me all this (then again you might not be asking yourself that) I want you to know that I’m someone who does struggle with writing, but I still enjoy writing. I admire anyone who has the courage to post their work and stand on that podium. Waiting for responses, and even risk having tomato thrown at them. I want to leave you with one bit of advice. I implore you to think about it...I mean really think about it...don't just read it at it's initial face value. I apply this philosophy to all of my hobbies, and it allows me to enjoy said hobbies regardless of how good I am at them. “if you can’t learn to do something well, learn to enjoy doing it poorly.” I came across this in a de-motivational poster, and it was a picture of a guy in the middle of crashing on skis. I thought to myself “this guy sucks at skiing, why does he keep doing it?” Then I thought to myself. “wow…that guy, loves to ski so much, that he does not let the fact that he’s not very good at skiing stop him from doing what he loves to do.” I decided to apply this to all of my hobbies. Since then; it’s not about how good I am at something, it’s about how much I enjoy doing it. I’m sharing this with you because I know that once you start thinking that you are a bad writer; the thought will make you second guess everything you write, and everything you have ever written. DON’T LET IT! Don’t give up. You can either torment yourself by trying to convince yourself that you are a “good”writer (trust me…this will involve a lot of angst and self doubt) or just keep doing what you love to do.
  11. Alejandro...in my pants ok...to be fair it was Helga that was listening to it....but hey...Lady Gaga is rather catchy....not like herpes catchy...like...nice to listen to catchy....anyway my croissants are almost done, then...movie time!
  12. My neighbor was yelling at me again. I’ve got no idea what he’s saying; but man, does he get mad when I spray him with the garden hose.

    1. JayDee


      If it's a nice neighbourhood he's probably just grateful you haven't hired garden hoes.

  13. it's strange that the moth infestiation in my pantry mysteriously vanishes the same week that my house guest moved out.

    1. botticelliangel


      thank goodness for that

    2. username-classified


      they must have followed their master.

  14. who the hell keeps eating the food in my refrigerator...and why does my key never work for the front door?...I don't remember buying that couch? Who's kids are these?

    1. RogueMudblood


      Santa Claus; because it's the one for the safety deposit box; Goodwill stole the one you bought and left this in it's place; they came with the couch. ;)

    2. username-classified
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