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Everything posted by sentako

  1. So despite having never recieved an email stating that my account would be deleted (It might have gone to spam, unfortunatly), your saying that the stories I posted are lost than?
  2. In the arms of a stranger
  3. I previously had an account on Adultfanfiction.net It seems it was deleted because I signed-up before my 18th birthday, which I cannot deny since I do not remember the date I registered and if it was before or after my 18th... The probably is I never got a email about my account being deleted, and if I did it was sent to spam and I never got to see it. Because of this I did not have time to save the chapters of my stories I had posted before it was deleted. I am not sure what to do, since Adultfanfiction.net was the only place I had the story posted and after many computer problems I no longer had a saved version on my computer. This was a story I had put a lot of time into, and was greatly pleased with. Can someone perhaps restore the content of my deleted account, just so I can get my chapters back? I have a new account, so no problem there. I will repost it on my new account.
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