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    wolf.blossom got a reaction from BronxWench in Speak out against bullying!   
    *Speak Out against cyber-bullying*
    I would like to take this opportunity to write a message to everyone about cyber-bullying. In recent news, Amanda Todd, a beautiful British Columbia girl in Canada, committed suicide because she was the subject of heinous cyber-bullying. The question is: what did Amanda do except make a mistake when she was twelve years-old that brought her to the decision to end her life?
    All she needed was one friend. Not a good friend, or a best friend, but just a friend. If she had somebody to lean on and get support from, she would still be with us today. What they say is true, though boys bully physically, the worst kind of bullying is verbally. What's even more worse than that is to be in the comfort of your own home and still be targeted.
    What do the bullies gain from this? How can you actually wish death upon somebody? To be given life is the most wonderful damn thing in this whole WORLD and to wish somebody to take that way? Something that their parents strived so hard to achieve, to raise a beautiful and intelligent young woman, to pour their heart, soul, blood, tears into a person and to so easily wish death upon them?
    What disgusts me the most is that these bullies have the audacity to go to her memorial page on Facebook and continue to harass the poor girl. Not to be rude, but she's dead now. Let her rest in peace. All the bullies are doing now is targeting her mother and father.
    Do something productive, get an education, look for a job, bond with your family, fix broken bridges with friends but do not bully anybody. Bullying is what children, and even grown adults do to make themselves feel bigger than they really are. Bullying will not achieve anything in your life. Ever.
    I also recall the case of the young girl who committed suicide because a grown woman pretended to be a boy and befriended this girl on MySpace. All because this girl slighted her daughter. I mean come on. Children I can understand, they don't understand the consequence of their action but a grown woman? Whose daughter is the age of the girl she drove to suicide?! What has this world come to? We're all of the same race, we all have hearts, souls, minds, so why would you have to do that? Talk to people, tell them how you feel, and if you don't like somebody then leave them the eff alone. Why does anybody have to resort to bullying?
    I've been a target of bullying when I was younger, but back then the internet wasn't so prominent where I would be subject to cyber bullying (I'm dating myself. I was actually born in 1990). Why was I bullied? Because I was a teacher's pet, my mom came to parent-teacher interview nights, and I didn't want to break the rules. Little girls, especially those in middle school to high school, can be the most evil and conniving people ever. They band together in groups to hurt one person. Having several people back you up to break down a single person does not make you any better.
    I'm a firm believer in karma and I hope it comes back around to the people who drove Amanda Todd to kill herself. I would've been that friend she needed if I had the opportunity to meet her. I would've gone to the movies with her, get our nails done together, hold her when she cried. All she needed was one damn friend and nobody could give that to her. Her final plea for help was posted on the internet but still nobody got the hint.
    So she ended her life.
    I hope this serves as a lesson to those who partake in bullying. Don't be part of the problem, be part of the solution. End cyber-bullying so that your children, and your children's children don't have experience the horrors of it. Bullying does not make you cool and popularity only exists until you gradate high school. When it comes time for university/college/the work-force, there is no such thing as popularity and all those cool friends you had back in the day won't be there anymore.
    If there's anything I learned is that family will always back you up. Maybe not the most immediate form of family but grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, they will always be there for you in some way shape or form. And friends? I have two best friends who can write a biography on me. That's it. I have close friends, good friends, and acquaintances… but only two girls in this whole world I could call my soul sisters.
    Don't stand on the side-line and watch bullying happen. If you aren't part of the solution, you're very well part of the problem. If you can save a life – a beautiful sacred thing—you're an angel.
    Take a stand against bullying.
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    wolf.blossom got a reaction from kagome26isawsome in Speak out against bullying!   
    *Speak Out against cyber-bullying*
    I would like to take this opportunity to write a message to everyone about cyber-bullying. In recent news, Amanda Todd, a beautiful British Columbia girl in Canada, committed suicide because she was the subject of heinous cyber-bullying. The question is: what did Amanda do except make a mistake when she was twelve years-old that brought her to the decision to end her life?
    All she needed was one friend. Not a good friend, or a best friend, but just a friend. If she had somebody to lean on and get support from, she would still be with us today. What they say is true, though boys bully physically, the worst kind of bullying is verbally. What's even more worse than that is to be in the comfort of your own home and still be targeted.
    What do the bullies gain from this? How can you actually wish death upon somebody? To be given life is the most wonderful damn thing in this whole WORLD and to wish somebody to take that way? Something that their parents strived so hard to achieve, to raise a beautiful and intelligent young woman, to pour their heart, soul, blood, tears into a person and to so easily wish death upon them?
    What disgusts me the most is that these bullies have the audacity to go to her memorial page on Facebook and continue to harass the poor girl. Not to be rude, but she's dead now. Let her rest in peace. All the bullies are doing now is targeting her mother and father.
    Do something productive, get an education, look for a job, bond with your family, fix broken bridges with friends but do not bully anybody. Bullying is what children, and even grown adults do to make themselves feel bigger than they really are. Bullying will not achieve anything in your life. Ever.
    I also recall the case of the young girl who committed suicide because a grown woman pretended to be a boy and befriended this girl on MySpace. All because this girl slighted her daughter. I mean come on. Children I can understand, they don't understand the consequence of their action but a grown woman? Whose daughter is the age of the girl she drove to suicide?! What has this world come to? We're all of the same race, we all have hearts, souls, minds, so why would you have to do that? Talk to people, tell them how you feel, and if you don't like somebody then leave them the eff alone. Why does anybody have to resort to bullying?
    I've been a target of bullying when I was younger, but back then the internet wasn't so prominent where I would be subject to cyber bullying (I'm dating myself. I was actually born in 1990). Why was I bullied? Because I was a teacher's pet, my mom came to parent-teacher interview nights, and I didn't want to break the rules. Little girls, especially those in middle school to high school, can be the most evil and conniving people ever. They band together in groups to hurt one person. Having several people back you up to break down a single person does not make you any better.
    I'm a firm believer in karma and I hope it comes back around to the people who drove Amanda Todd to kill herself. I would've been that friend she needed if I had the opportunity to meet her. I would've gone to the movies with her, get our nails done together, hold her when she cried. All she needed was one damn friend and nobody could give that to her. Her final plea for help was posted on the internet but still nobody got the hint.
    So she ended her life.
    I hope this serves as a lesson to those who partake in bullying. Don't be part of the problem, be part of the solution. End cyber-bullying so that your children, and your children's children don't have experience the horrors of it. Bullying does not make you cool and popularity only exists until you gradate high school. When it comes time for university/college/the work-force, there is no such thing as popularity and all those cool friends you had back in the day won't be there anymore.
    If there's anything I learned is that family will always back you up. Maybe not the most immediate form of family but grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, they will always be there for you in some way shape or form. And friends? I have two best friends who can write a biography on me. That's it. I have close friends, good friends, and acquaintances… but only two girls in this whole world I could call my soul sisters.
    Don't stand on the side-line and watch bullying happen. If you aren't part of the solution, you're very well part of the problem. If you can save a life – a beautiful sacred thing—you're an angel.
    Take a stand against bullying.
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