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Everything posted by WeepingWillow

  1. I don't know where to post this =[ I'm sorry. I read this story like a year or two ago, and I think it was on lulu. I only remember a bit of it, and it was like a preview of the first chapters, but you had to buy the book or subscribe to their website. I lost my internet for a while, and I just remembered about it and now that I have some cash it buy it I've been trying to find it.... but I was wondering if I could get some help. It was about this boy and for some reason he was going to a foreign country (it took place in a different world) and I think they had to ride a blimp like thing. The whole royal family was all boys I think and they each had a different hair color, and there was a pair of twins. And they believed i gods to make everything work. I wanna say it was kind of like ancient Egypt.. The oldest was married to a woman and the pharoh... It was slash, though i don't know anything else really... If I remember something I'll post more. Thanks for reading this and trying to help me ^^
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