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  1. @BronxWench thank you, you’ve been a big help as always
  2. I had to get to my profile from the forums before I could log in, the normal login function isn’t working as intended still.
  3. if he’s using yahoo that CAN happen...sometimes it happens with hotmail too.
  4. I was speaking in general, not for myself, but that answers the question XD
  5. for users with accounts only: I found I was able to log in when attempting to do so from my profile page on the main site. I do have to ask..what is WITH the website deeming freshly generated reset links as invalid/expired?
  6. knew I was forgetting a detail, thanks @BronxWench
  7. if you have difficulties, do what I did, go to your profile page, which you can get to from these forums, and log in there.
  8. ok...really bizarre...I was able to login from my profile page, but couldn’t login from the home page.
  9. its been so long since I last visited..I dont have my profile URL, but I do have my account email still, so if someone could pm me, I can fire that off. edit: didn’t realize the forums had that info.. https://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1296921428
  10. ping pong year so far...

  11. I've been making a habit of setting my forum themes to something that complements my windows desktop theme, same with my browsers, it just looks so much better that way, though the other skin I used as it was easier visibility wise for late nite use.
  12. ok, I'm using google chrome, latest version, only add-on I think could be responsible but hasnt been anywhere else is adblock plus. so..some images are missing that are forum specific, not user, but specific to the forums. attached please find a date and time stamped image. steps to reproduce.. visit any thread on the forums.
  13. seeing some broken images on the forums.
  14. the main page at adult-fanfiction.org is still kicking a warning in chrome, but not firefox.
  15. currently wondering as to the sanity of the members of congress

    1. BronxWench


      I find myself frequently wondering about this very thing.

    2. DemonGoddess


      why wonder? we all know they all lie, and that they're self centered, as well as more than a LITTLE crazy.

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