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Everything posted by Slayitalldown
Out of sheer boredome I decided to use the "I Write Like" online tool for a bit of fun and my result was 'Dan Brown'. *gross shame-filled sobbing* Stupid online tool.
Nothing like an 18 degree drop in the weather to shock one's system. Yikes. My fingers are so cold I can barely type!
They say the first 20,000 words are the hardest... well the scenes that make up 16,000-20,000 are excruciating. It would be less painful to pass a kidney-stone or have a lung removed.
So the heat has arrived at last... jokes on you, weather, I'll be in lock-down doing a free-writing frenzy. Burn away, mofo.
Happy New Year! Best of Luck with your writing in 2014!
Having a world-building name-related meltdown because my long-adored fantasy name has been procurred by some miserable little soul with delusions of significance and now I'm bitter.
If you're dictating, are you still allowed to say 'I am writing'???
Reviews are nice. Nice reviews are so nice. Perfect reviews are... look at that, I have no words... just sounds... EEK!!
Congrats on getting nice feed back. Now doesn't that shut the judgmental vopice in your head up really quickly? Chuckles. . .
It does! Then I have to deal with my over-inflated ego... one day I will find a healthy balance and it will FREAK ME OUT! ^.^
Chuckles. We all get there sooner or later. Feeling good is very nice, but recognizing that we can't please everyone makes it easier to find that balance between ego, and realistic self evaluation of improvements made to our writing style as we continue what we love.
Not sure if I'm getting better or worse... but I'm getting more words so that counts, right?
The ability to write well takes time and effort. More words means you are envisioning the tale. Although you may chop some to rephrase later, the raw draft needs to be written with all that flows through your mind. Let it flow onto the screen. Revision is what makes it shine with polish later.
I am neck deep in the revision phase. I find twice as many words - some of them I even like more than the ones I used to start with - but all this experimentation comes with a constant battle with my inner naysayer. I'm going to find the little cunt one day and drown it in a bucket... >.<
I have had a few episodes where nothing I use word wise can please my judgmental nothing is good enough side. I find asking for a second opinion helps to silence the judge portion because outside people do not need to demoralize me. I have a dear friend who reads the work, says it's good, or you have a couple awkward sentences, but all the rest rocks. Shuts the judge right up. Then I can revise and post.
That terrifying moment when you have an awesome idea... and you're too scared to show what you've written in case it's not awesome and you need sleep... EEP!
I recall a few of those moments over the years. You should sit on the rough for a few days and get calm before revising. After revision to make it even more awesome, post it. You will probably get good feedback.
^.^ I am mustering my bravery. In fact... today could be the day... (I work a few chapters in advance. My favourite method of coping is the 'book in the freezer' method adapted from Joey on Friends...)