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Everything posted by KhaosKyuubi

  1. Cool. Thank’s for that man. I had given up hope of ever having someone write this.
  2. Closest thing I have is this, it’s part of an interactive Story that anyone can add to. http://www.bearchive.com/~addventure/game1/docs/1200/1200832.html
  3. I am totally a fan of the Porno Idea.
  4. Actually, I have an offer by someone called Red Ghost to write this and a few other of my challenges. That being said, I am not opposed to more than one person responding to them. So if anyone at all wants to write this, go ahead.
  5. Naruko and Satsuki (or whatever you want to call them) have always been very close, and when they hit puberty and the hormones started flowing, they both realized that they liked sex very much, and wanted as much of it as possible. Years later and they realized that wanton sluttery is the best way to accomplish that goal Sometimes they work together to bring whole groups of guys home for a gangbang, and sometimes they both aggressively slut it up in the hopes of trying to get fucked more and harder than the other. Just as long as the two of them are as slutty as possible is all I want.
  6. Honestly, I like some of the ideas in here, but the ages kind of squick me out. Moreover they don't really make sense. While I think training Hinata with Genjutsu is awesome, and I absolutely LOVE the idea of Hinata training her daughters to be loyal Kumo broodewhores, I don't really see the rest of it panning out. Even though it might be possible for her to get pregnant, the pregnancy would be almost impossible without serous medical intervention, and may actually have a negative impact on her ability to have children in the future. Plus, who would the Raikage rather have sex with, a scrawny little girl, or a milky-breasted, wide-hipped, totally-in-heat 16-18 year old? I am not tre OP or the writer, so feel free to ignore me completely, but I just wanted to say that. Also, if Hinata is capturing girls from Konoha, I vote Naruko. The Raikage gets some Uzimaki AND Namikaze stock AND gets back at Minato at the same time.
  7. As far as training Hinata gors, it should start early. She gets kidnapped at 3 and then spends the rest of her childhood being educated on the superiority of Kunonand exactly what her role will be. Then once she is in the 16-18 year old range they begin her sexual training, the mechanics, techniques, they even condition her to be turned on by the thought of pregnancy. Then when she is ready, they take her off of her birth control and five her to the Raikage so he can be the first one to knock her up. Jus my opinion anyway.
  8. Unless you mean like Traps and Fembois/Slutbois Those are totally okay.
  9. Sorry, not really my thing.
  10. Forgot to mention, you can genderbend any male character to a female if you wish.
  11. So for this challenge I want to see the Konoha Girls being total sluts. Wearing slutty, immodest outfits, they hop into bed with anyone, everyone and even each other on occasion, are happy to let any random guy or girl feel them up, have sex to get stuff, the whole slutty, nine yards. I fyou want to go the extra mile and have them eventually turn into straight-up prostitutes that is also cool. All the girls are friends and enjoy hanging out with each other to talk and have sex and talk about the sex they had and how they can be even sluttier.
  12. I would be interested in reading this.
  13. You keep saying "Naruko" but you keep refering to Naruko as a 'him" which is it? Is it Naruko (femNaruto) or is it male Naruto?
  14. That's fine. I'm totally cool with that.
  15. So the person who agreed to write this has gone MIA. Anyone else interested?
  16. Also exists as a story here http://www.hentai-foundry.com/stories/user/KhaosKyuubi/13612/Sauskes-Harem-working-title And here: http://naruto.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600105465
  17. It now also exists as a pert of a Writing . com interactive started by EvilFuzzy9 called "Sasuke Uchiha Hypno Harem." Here is where this part starts, the author hopes to get people do add to it. http://www.writing.com/main/interact/cid/1794601
  18. A Cuckquean (for those who don't know) is a woman who gets turned on by her lover having affairs. This challenge is inspired by the Harry is a Bull for the cuckolds of the Weasley Family that caught fire a while ago. The fic should start during the wedding of Harry and Ginny, and on the way to their Honeymoon, Ginny tells Harry that she wants him to cheat on her, right out of the gate. At the Hineymoon destination (where this is is up to the writer) Harry finds a woman (it can be any girl from the HP universe, preferably Tonks or Narcissa) and seduces them. All Weasleys are Cuckolds/queans in this fic and whether Arthur is a Cuckold or Molly is a Quean is up to whoever takes this challenge If Arthur is a Cuckold, Harry will fuck Molly but if Molly is a Quean, then what (if anything) happens between Harry, Molly and Arthur is up to you. Although Harry should have sex with Hermoine at one point. Pretty much any woman in the HP universe is okay, but I would like a scene where Harry is having sex with Ginny while telling her about the other women he has slept with, and a scene where Ginny watches (either in person or through some other, magical means) while Harry has sex with another woman. Ginny may or may not be submissive to Harry, but if she is, Harry locks her in a chastity belt (or uses a chastity spell) and only allows her to cum when he says she can. Also, whether or not ginny is submissive, she acts as a fluff girl to Harry and whoever he is having sex with, provided she is physically present at the moment, and will also suck Harry's cum out of another woman's freshly fucked hole. Harry takes this all in stride. He routinely seduces other women and at any given point is dating, sleeping with several women at once, in addition to being married to Ginny. Important thing to remember is that Harry does NOT need to ask Ginny's permission for any of this. If he sees a woman, and wants to sleep with her, he can just go right ahead and do it. The women Harry is sleeping with know about Ginny. My only hard rules for this fic are NO M/M, No scat/piss/vomit, no gore and no vore, pretty much everything else is okay.
  19. First off... That is not a misspelling in the title. A Cuckquean (for those who don't know) is a woman who enjoys seeing her partner have sexual/extramarital affairs for various reasons. Here is the premise: Liara and Shepard (Male, Female or Futa) are in a committed relationship, but Liara can't help but be aroused by the way that all the other women they meet seem to want to get into bed with Shepard. So one day, she tells Shepard that she wants them to find a girl, any girl, and have sex with them. Who the girl is is up to you, but Shepard does so and Liara likes it. From then on, Shepard goes on to have increasingly kinky sex with other girls while Liara either watches, listens in, or is told about it in graphic detail by Shepard after the fact. Liara can be written in three ways: Submissive: Liara gets off on the humiliation caused by the affairs and is often dominated and humiliated by not only Shepard, but also whoever Shepard is sleeping with. Orgasm denial/edging/ruined orgasms optional. THei is the one I would prefer you to write of you do decide to take up the challenge. Equal: Liara gets an ego boost from the knowledge that Shepard can sleep with anyone but still always comes back to her in the end. Liara sometimes joins in of she is present, and if not will masturbate to what she does get. Dominant: Liara treats Shepard like her own personal porn star and is the one in charge of who Shepard is sleeping with. She is always present when Shepard is having sex with another woman and if she joins in, she will always be the dominant one. Any girl can be included in Shepard and Liara's exploits: even any OC's you want to make up, or just a random party girl they found in a club. But I want to see Shepard sleep with at least: Miranda, Aria, and Ahteyta (Liara's "Father"). If anyone who takes this challenge has any questions, feel free to message me with them and I will answer them to the best of my abilities.
  20. Also, could you have the Sadistic twin have a thing for Absinthe? If you don't know what that it, Absinthe is an alcoholic beverage that is so strong that it is illegal in most parts of the world, and us usually mixed with sugar and water (or some other sugary drink, like orange juice) to make it consumable. It has a distinctive green color. That or some other high-class liquor, like brandy or cognac.
  21. No. But I kind of wanted to have the sadistic sister have a name that starts with 'S' and the masochistic Shepard to have a name that starts with 'M'.
  22. Also, the title is totally up to you. Post here with any questions or when you have the first chapter up.
  23. Okay. Any questions you may have going into this? Ask away.
  24. The idea for this fic is that there are twin Shepard sisters, Sara and Mary, who are both quite kinky and sexually voracious. The sisters grew up together on Mindoir, and were sexually involved with each other even before the Batarians invaded, once it happened they joined the alliance, and set out to save the galaxy while fucking anything with a pair of tits and a cunt. The fic can be set anywhere in any of the games, but a Mass Effect 1 setting is preferable. If it is Mass Effect 2, both sisters died in the Normandy crash and were both revived by Cerberus. Sara is super sadistic and loves to abuse her sister, who is hyper masochistic and is all to happy to take the physical, verbal and especially sexual abuse of her sister. They pair eventually bring other women into their fold, some of them falling in with Sara and dominate the other girls, while most fall in with Mary and become the slaves of the few. Who is a mistress and who is a slave is up to you. Sara and Mary are always assigned together due to the fact that if they are assigned separately Mary experiences nervous breakdowns and Sara exhibits fits of uncontrollable rage. Futanari content is optional but highly requested. Don't limit yourself to just the Normandy Crew in choices of girls, maybe have them take Al-Jilani or Emiy Wong, or Councillor Tevos. If you have any questions, let me know. -Khaos
  25. http://naruto.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600105329 You mean like this one?
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