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  1. the harrem of potter i've read before and is a fail on this request as while it's an enjoyable read it's not what i'd call realistic but i'll give the other one a read
  2. i had read one but thanks for the other good job itf you had been registered i'd have given you some points
  3. preferably harry/multi fem also well written with some plot to it
  4. oh yea that was a good one
  5. other than effects and side effects
  6. yea i mean realisticly ron/hermione is likly to end up an abusive relationship harry/hermione works much better
  7. preferably harry/multi fem also well written with some plot to it
  8. it would have to be better than simple blog tag style it should be something like this http://www.bdsmlibra...ries/search.php out of all story sites i've found they have the best story search mechanism how ever they don't have the best stories
  9. why do i have to sign up twice why can't you just have us sign up once for adult fanfiction dot net and have that be for both the archives and forum
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